Challenge of Reverse Engineering
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NOPFuscator UnPackme - 0xNOP
by 0xNOP- 11 replies
Difficulty : 4.5 Language : .NET Platform : Windows IA-32, IA x86-x64 OS Version : All Windows (Must have at least .NET Framework 4.5+ to run!) Packer / Protector : NOPFuscator v2.0 Description : Nothing much from my end, just sitting here and waiting til someone can break into this new entry :"D - Just Unpack, if you feel adventurous enough to Crack it, Go ahead Hope Ya'll have fun with it since I posted this in the UnPackme's Area, an entry will be taken as solution when the program is completely deobfuscated, as the cracking part is only optional. Screenshot : crackmetonki.exe
Brute-Force Polynomial for Coefficients.
by Benten- 0 replies
View File Brute-Force Polynomial for Coefficients. Here is a keygen challenge I got recently. This one requires to find the coefficients of a 26th degree polynomial that sums up to a specific value. A valid serial is also provided. The challenge is to code a keygen with least / reasonable time complexity without patching anything. Updated author's solution, working sample code that needs improvements. Submitter Benten Submitted 11/14/2022 Category KeygenMe Vali…
by DarkShadow- 12 replies
View File NiggaEX Unpack and provide a overview of how you did it and what tools were used. Submitter DarkShadow Submitted 02/13/2022 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
[C#] Phoenix + Beds + ILprotector + Enigma
by RockStar- 11 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : x64 Packer / Protector : Phoenix + Beds + ILprotector + Enigma (ILprotector + Enigma + Beds = Paid + Newest Versions) Description : Let us know how it was done! Sorry Mods For File Size (Enigma Seems To Increase The File Size No Matter What As Well As IlProtector I can Show Proof And Protect In front If Need Be) Screenshot : Download File: Download Unpack_Me.rar
Olivia Guard v1.3
by Athena- 2 replies
View File Olivia Guard v1.3 The file is protected with Olivia Guard v1.3. The protection in currently in beta, it's not completed yet. Goal : Unpack the file and provide details of the methods you used to bypass the protection. Submitter Athena Submitted 06/19/2022 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
[Unpackme] Safengine Shielden v2.3.7.0
by Reasen- 14 replies
Simple Unpackme maded by Safengine Shielden v2.3.7.0 Options: Default Target file: Delphi 7 Good luck. UnpackMe_Safengine.rar
Experimental JIT
by BataBo- 3 replies
View File Experimental JIT I've been playing with jit recently and have created this crack me, try to find the correct key or unpack. Submitter BataBo Submitted 09/10/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
Oceans Winlicense v3.1.2
by whoknows- 1 reply
View File Oceans Winlicense v3.1.2 File protected by Winlicense, asking for registration code, when valid inserted a small game appears. Purpose is to dump the .net code of this game, Submitter whoknows Submitted 09/06/2022 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
EazFuscator 2019.1 1 2
by Prab- 26 replies
Language : C# Platforms : Windows Packer/obfuscator : EazFuscator 2019.1 Description : Hi everyone, hope one of you friends can unpack the target and teach us how to unpack it Screenshot : Virustotal : Download : Crackme.exe
RDG Crackme 2022
by RDGMax- 0 replies
View File RDG Crackme 2022 Hello my friends. here a new crackme! RDG Crackme 2022 vb6 Level 7 / 10 Compiled: Microsoft Visual Basic v6.0 Anti Tracing: Yes Anti Debugger: Yes (Of Course) Anti Newby: yes Obfuscated: Yes (RDG vb6 Obfuscator) Anti Virtual Machine: Yes Anti SandBox: Yes Malicious payload: NO! Internet Validation: Yes CRC On Disk: Yes CRC On Memory: NO Admin Required: Yes Support Windows XP to Windows 11 Goal: Get Activation Code x 2 thanks a lot! …
[ CyberLock ] License System CrackMe Challenge
by Shade Of Vengeance- 2 replies
View File [ CyberLock ] License System CrackMe Challenge Hi, This is a simple crack me challenge protected by my own crafted packer, I don't know how hard is to break it but I assure you it's a good challenge. Challenges Pro Mode : Break the license checking system and find the key, activate the program, It will give you a quote of a famous philosopher, post a screenshot from it here, Share your solution if possible. God Mode : Crack the license checking system and patch it to accept any key as a valid key, Share the cracked file. Share your solution if possible. If you need hint and more details about protector v…
by BataBo- 0 replies
View File Plain This is a little past time project I have been working on, here I put an interesting spin to conventional c# obfuscation. Try to unpack this file or at least keygen it. Submitter BataBo Submitted 08/05/2022 Category KeygenMe
Eazfuscator.NET + Themida
by Fatulatti- 4 replies
Difficulty : 5 (Unsure) Language : . NET Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 10 Packer / Protector : Eazfuscator.NET 2018.4 + Themida + Custom (somewhat) "Anti Debug" Description : Unpack the file and upload the unpacked file + a tutorial on how to unpack it, if possible. Screenshot :  CrackMe.exe
Eazfuscator v2021.2
by whoknows- 5 replies
View File Eazfuscator v2021.2 +virtualization +control flow obfuscation +resource encryption +module initializer +symbol names Unpack and / or provide a valid serial. Submitter whoknows Submitted 07/29/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
[CrackMe] .NET Reactor
by ParanoiaR- 12 replies
Hi..just take a look to the crackme and try to solve it.. if you success with it..,upload and if possible , make a documentation for it.. Protector : .NET Reactor [Demo Version] Protection Preset : Application Strongest NecroBit Native EXE File Pre-JIT Methods Anti ILDASM Obfuscation Anti Tampering String Encryption Compress & Encrypt Resources Control Flow Obfuscation Level 9
ArmDot 2022.6.0
by nova789- 3 replies
View File ArmDot 2022.6.0 Unpack the exe to find the key! If you would give a brief explanation on how you unpacked it. The exe has max protections and will pop up a messagebox once you enter the correct password. Protections added to this: Hide String, Control Flow, Obfuscate Name, Obfuscate NameSpaces, Virtualize code. Submitter nova789 Submitted 06/22/2022 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
Simple C++/CLI Crackme x64bit
by SuperJackAbcd- 2 replies
View File Simple C++/CLI Crackme x64bit Your goal is to crack the file and make a tutorial and/ or write instructions about the steps done by you. What is C++/CLI? C++/CLI is C++ support .NET framework to make managed application run on .NET framework. Feel free to post your solutions. Submitter SuperJackAbcd Submitted 01/26/2022 Category CrackMe
My first easy CrackMe
by m0rfl1ng- 4 replies
View File My first easy CrackMe Hi guys , i write a very simple crack me , i really do not know how i should secure my code just write a very basic one . anyway i know it's very easy but still wanted to know other peoples opinion. if it did not run please let me know , i did not use any packer , or protector , just my own code , and it's written in C++ with visual studio 2019 on windows 10. Submitter: m0rfl1ng Category: CrackMe Virus Total Scan Submitter m0rfl1ng Submitted 11/28/2020 Category …
SmartAssembly 7
by vietnguyen09- 6 replies
View File SmartAssembly 7 SmartAssembly 7 full encryption options with a few tricky class inside source code. When you enter license key correctly, a messenger with the Success!!! will show. Good luck. Submitter vietnguyen09 Submitted 04/14/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
- (
by MulaB- 11 replies
Difficulty : 8 Language : VB.NET (.NET) Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Packer / Protector : ( Full Version with Virtualization ) Description : if u click on the "try" button the tool will check if the entered text in the textbox is correct. What u need to do is unpack the tool and get the password. Screenshot : Secured.rar Secured.rar
by Modify- 12 replies
Difficulty : 3+ Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7 and up Packer / Protector : Agile.Net Description : Protect with 90% feature, Good Luck Screenshot : DotNetV0.1.7z
Unpack Challenge (Agile.NET) 1 2
by Fr4x- 43 replies
Language : C# .Net Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Agile.Net v6.6 Description : Hi everyone, hope one of you friends can unpack the target and teach us how to unpack it Screenshot : Secured.rar
Custom Protector CrackMe
by Twaoperder- 1 reply
View File Custom Protector CrackMe It is written in FASM, anti-debugging methods are used. You need to get the keys that were used to encrypt the hash being checked (Enter the necessary values in the input field to get "Success", and throw these values here) Submitter Twaoperder Submitted 08/21/2021 Category CrackMe
Python Patchme (Custom VM)
by svenskithesource- 5 replies
View File Python Patchme (Custom VM) Hello, Since the use of vm's is quite popular in .net obfuscation I thought it would be interesting to make one in Python. Hereby I release my first crackme using my VM. It's a very simple VM so it shouldn't be that hard to reverse with the right knowledge. This is purely experimental to see if it would be useful somehow. I also used my own protector that adds cflow, so expect to see a lot of jumps. Goal: Patch it (ultimately devirtualize it, but that's not necessary) Submitter svenskithesource Submitted …
- 6 replies
View File Crypto Obfuscator + IntelliLock (Hard) 1- Crypto obfuscator Fake Name Method Hide Calls Encrypt Strings Code Masking 2- IntelliLock Max Settings If you unpack this tell us how you did it and what programs you used. Submitter 2Face Submitted 09/11/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)