Challenge of Reverse Engineering
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[KeyGenMe] beBoss - KeyGenMe #1
by beBoss™- 4 replies
This is my first KeygenMe. It's very old project, but I never posted on the internet. So this is the moment Description: Not packed, no cryptos, no hashes, just a little math Language: Delphi Rules: 1. Keygenning is the ultimate goal 2. Self-Keygenning and Phishing are more than welcome 3. Tutorials and tips are welcome 4. No patching. yeah I think is not really for noobs, but it is really easy !!! I hope to see keygens, source codes (ofcourse if you are not stingy - "close-fisted") and tutorials. Download: Mediafire: Multiupload: Attachment: beBoss - KeyGenMe #1.rar
[KeygenMe] Simple and easy
by golfinhu- 1 reply
my first keygen-me here's it: thanks keygen-me.rar
[unpackme] HSN.C3r protector 1.00 UnpackMe 1 2
by HSN.C3r- 30 replies
New features: + CRC is added + some improvement in obfuscation + some anti debug is added level: --- please vote unpackme.rar
[unpackme] Shell has updated
by weahnn- 1 reply
Hello everybody ~ Forget the multinational, and different foreign country, the first two stickers were removed, but there are good people to answer the question ...... Shell will also update the shelling technology updates, take a look at these new edition of the shell will not make people uncomfortable it ? 桌面.7z
- 10 replies
Notepad with strong anti-debugger protection. StongOD does not work. How to debug it? thanks notepad_se.rar
[UnPackMe] Net Reactor 4.0
by CodeExplorer- 3 replies
Net Reactor 4.0 unpackme + solution: /> />
- 26 replies
Solve The Official Team IREC keygen me, if this one is cracked Team will develop new keygen me. This is requested because Team wants to Make harder Keygen Me. Thanks Every One The Blue Indian Administrator Team IREC [ Indian Reverse Engineering Club ] />
[keygenme] NH KeyGenMe#7
by NewHitman- 3 replies
It is time to reverse ,time to use your programming and reversing skills and to code a keygen for my seventh keygenme well I can't tell you if it is difficult or not since that depends to you Even if I didn't use any kind of encryptions or hashing.I was about to add some Anti-Debugging Tricks but I found that the KM will be come so boring. every solution is accepted Okay Do your best in order to solve it and make me proud of you. Best Regards NewHitman NHKM7.rar
[UnPackMe] Eziriz .NET Reactor (Unregistered)
by Guest unpackfan- 0 replies
Hi guys, Seeing as there is not much resource regarding .NET Reactor lets see if you can unpack this. De-Obfuscation is not necessary. Enjoy netrbinary1.rar
[keygenme] Simple KGM 2 by V3SA
by VESA- 5 replies
Hy guys, Here is another simple keygen me! Valid solutions: 1. Keygen 2. SelfKeygen 3. Serial Good luck! Simple KGM 2.rar
[unpackme] Shielden unpackme
by wgz0001- 0 replies
Shielden unpackme . only game. free virsion . For details, please visit official website ( (not AD) good luck. wgz0001.rar
[keygenme] ESET Crackme...
by Teddy Rogers- 3 replies
Your task is to retrieve data from a special application. Answer has to be sent to Prize and glory awaits so test your self and collect the prize! ESET Crackme Contest Rules: Contest Participants All participants of CONFidence conference held November 29 – 30, 2010 in Prague can enter the contest. No ESET employees will be admitted to participate. Contest Organizers ESET, spol. s r.o. has the right to organize the contest as part of CONFidence conference, held November 29. – 30, 2010 in Prague based on agreement between the foundation Fundacja Wspierania Edukacji Informatycznej PROIDEA and ESET, spol. s r.o.. Contest Objective “ESET crackme” is a program …
[crackme] .NET crackme
by JesusSpork- 4 replies
PM me your cracked copy and the congratulations message. Requirements: Crack this to show the congratulations message and still run afterwards. No delay signing note: Downloads as a simple web-auth... ___Crackme 2.1.rar
[UnPackMe]NoobyProtect 1.70
by thisistest- 5 replies
test it! try patch hwid,unpacked it! test2.rar
[unpackme] ElCrabe's VM
by r0ket- 8 replies
Im currently developing my protector, here is an unpackme that is using vm. Consists in EP and Payload virtualization. Edit: Easiest task was completed - VM code at EP was solved by copying initialization code from other Delphi app (HSN.C3r). The hardest one solved - our hero is (LCF-AT)
[UnPackMe]Safengine Licensor v1.7.2.0
by davis7- 19 replies
Safengine Licensor v1.7.2.0 Maximum protection + no SDK used The first run it may be wrong. please run again once. Local Download or /> UnpackME_SL.rar
by thisistest- 9 replies
update VMProtect test! welcome test it! test1.vmp.rar notepad.vmp.rar test2.vmp.rar
[UnPackMe]enigma sdk
by thisistest- 8 replies
welcome to test it! enigma sdk.rar ASProtect 2.5 sdk.rar ASProtect .rar
[unpackme] PC-Guard 5.0 UnpackMe
by burdoz- 12 replies
PC-Guard 5.0 UnpackMe Calc.rar
[KeygenMe] Help me create formula for this keygen
by ScriptKiddy- 0 replies
- 3.3k views There are solutions but none of them really explained how they mathematically did it. It is suppose to satisfy the following condition: serial=username+10*7 But why? Can someone explain it in more detail using the hashes formulas? Sorry for being nub Also, why is 7 used? I am doing a level 1 or 2 keygen on that has already been solved. However, I do not want to look at the solution because I will be cheating myself and I would not have learned anything. Here is what the keygen basically does: Create hash of username: int v = 0; do { v = ( i ^ username[i] % 10 ) + 2; if( (_BYTE)v &g…
- 9 replies
Now I am enough to solve it... Thanks all
[keygenme] KeygenMe-3 by s3rh47
by s3rh47- 11 replies
Hi all this is my 3. KeygenMe I will a Keygen No Criypto and not Packed. coded in RadASM If your intelligence is good ! Simple for Serial find ! If you follow if is little difficult ! I Lock to Your ! (Sorry Bad English !) Download KeygenMe 3 by
[unpackme]Themida - UnpackME 1 2 3
by Sp1d3rZ- 65 replies
Themida v2.0.3.0 - UnpackMe Protection Level = V.HARD I give u Protection Details for making ur unpack easy ==Protection Options== Anti-Debugger Detection = Ultra Advanced API-Wrapping = Level2 Anti Dumpers = Enable Anti- Patching = File Patch (Sign Support) Entry Point Obfuscation = Enable Metamorph Security = Enable Resource Encryption = Enable Memory Guard = Enable VMWare/Virtual PC = Compatible Compression = App/Res/Secure Monitor Blockers = File Monitors/Registry Monitors Delphi/BCB Form = Enable When Debugger Found = Exit Silently Code Replace = Enable ==Advanced Option== Encrypt App = Enable .NET ASM = Enable Hide from PE = Type2 When U DID I…
[crackme]Magic Mirror
by vptrlx- 7 replies
Not an easy crackme, the code is made of the 5-year-old-part, 2-year-old-part and a recently-added-part, i hope you'll like it. The best solution would be the name/key pair, but i can set no restrictions, as it is in real life. (Simply redirecting the wrong key proc to the right key proc is like writing your own code, so it is disallowed:)) And, this one wants a lot of your resources, so you better don't try to solve it while running something else /*I guess, that with everything closed it must be ok everywhere - it worked correct even on the old 633Mhz Celeron. Algorithm can be understood anyway*/ So, as it is said, close all other programs and crack it! Good luck…
[CrackMe]Admin 1[/medium]
by MIB- 12 replies
Find the password for the user admin .Have fun. Crackme1t1.rar