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342 topics in this forum
A crackme with math problem
by wwh1004- 1 reply
View File A crackme with math problem Just run it. It is an interesting math problem. No vm, no obfuscation. You can debug it with dnSpy even Visual Studio. You should use public method inside this crackme to generate a valid hex string and make program output correct string. Submitter wwh1004 Submitted 08/07/2020 Category CrackMe
by Ninjego1- 2 replies
View File CrackMeBoi I made a custom obfuscator and I haven't made any progress cracking it so please crack the file with my custom .NET obfuscator. Do not use OllyDbg or any software of that kind, you can use Mega Dumper and other tools similar. Submitter Ninjego1 Submitted 06/03/2020 Category CrackMe
CrackMe 4
by 0X7C9- 0 replies
View File CrackMe 4 This file is protected by my custom C++ virtualizer and C# protector. The correct solution is to find the correct key and unpacked target. Enjoy it! Submitter 0X7C9 Submitted 07/01/2020 Category CrackMe
CrackMe Native - Next version.
by 0X7C9- 1 reply
Language : C++ Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7,8,8.1,10 Packer / Protector : Mixed VM & Packers, RSA, RC4 Description : Enter correct key and you willl see the flag, and this is result. Post flag to spoiler with wirite up how you decoded it. CrackMe.exe
My first crackme(KoiVM)
by lethalseconds- 7 replies
Language : C# Platform : Windows x64 | x86 OS Version : Windows Packer / Protector : Modded Beds obfuscator + KoiVM Description: Simple Unpack the file to regular code and put in password make sure the application still runs after. Rules no grabbing password from memory at all. Do not forget to write the solution i want to know how you did it Screenshot: CrackmeBeds+KoiVM.exe
.NET CrackMe (First Attempt)
by Kris- 9 replies
Language : C# Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : Windows 10 Packer / Protector : Modded ConfuserEx + a packer. Description : Basically, just find the key to decode the string. All I will be (probably) using this for is for is to garbage-up some .INI files for my apps to read/write to, so that way there's no plain text. This isn't for hiding some sensitive information lol. Also, if you could, rate the difficulty from 1/10. Thanks! Screenshot : CrackMe.rar
CrackMe Native
by 0X7C9- 4 replies
Language : C++ Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7,8,8.1,10 Packer / Protector : Own Description : Enter correct key and you willl see the flag, and this is result. Post flag to spoiler with wirite up how you decoded it. CrackMe.exe
by Salin- 0 replies
Language : C/C++ Platform : Windows x32 OS Version : ( Windows 7,10) Packer / Protector : None Description : Goal : Find correct key. Enter key in textbox and click OK button then you see result . Screenshot : crackme_release.exe
My First Crack Me
by Glock40- 0 replies
Language : (C++) Platform : (Windows) OS Version : (Windows 7, 8, 10) Packer / Protector : (None) Description : Made my first crack me today. Does some stuff with math, will take a bit of thought. Goal: Find the correct flag. NO PATCHING. Screenshot : Download : FirstCrackMe!.exe
Simple Crackme (.c)
by Rainbow- 7 replies
Language : .C Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : Windows 7/8/10 Packer / Protector : None Description : Hey guys, I have built something very simple. It will take 1-2 minutes to crack it good luck; 1) Find the key. 2) Disable the key check. Screenshot : Download : Simple CrackMe by Rainbow.exe
Password Keeper
by ShockByte- 5 replies
Language: C++ Platform: Windows OS Version : Windows 7,8,8.1,10 Packer / Protector : None Virus Total :Scan result Enter correct password for getting flag Password
TDC Target Patch
by Bidasci- 2 replies
Language : TASM / MASM / FASM - assembler Platform : Windows x32 OS Version : All versions of windows. Packer / Protector : N/A Description : A very simple crackme. You have to bypass the registration and get rid of the NAG on the program to make the program think it's valid. If you cannot crack it and would like a hint, click HINTS or run the patcher which will make the program registered once you run the patch. Screenshot : To download, download the zip and run Target.exe. The patcher will show it's a virus but don't worry it's not. It shows it's a bad program because of it being a hacktool, so please disable your AV or add it in exclusi…
by Mr-TiGeR- 1 reply
Language : VB.NET Platform : Windows Packer/Obfuscator : DotNetPatcher (Modded By Me) Description : Unpack and crack the modded dotNet patcher and extract the username and serial. Show the success message. After unpacking and cracking the file should be able to run and execute. Thank you and best regards. Screenshot : Download : Be Patient With This File and Enjoy
Secret Storage
by ShockByte- 3 replies
Language: C++ Platform: Windows OS Version: Windows 7,8,8.1,10 Packer / Protector : None Virus Total: Scan result secret_storage.exe
My first crackme
by Tetris- 1 reply
Language : C++ Platform : Windows x64 OS Version : Windows 10 Packer / Protector : None Description : Find the password or call the verified function. Screenshot : CrackMe.exe
My first CrackMe (Very Hard)
by SuperKungsMan- 2 replies
Language : Delphi Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7,8,8.1,10 Packer / Protector : VM Description A Simple CrackMe Solve the missing key. The key is just a number. After you done it, post a simple write-up plz. I upload the file to my github because of the file size. Good Luck XD KungsCrackMe.exe (7.68MB)
First Crackme
by mattheig- 3 replies
Language: C/C++ Platform: Windows x86 OS Version: Windows Packer / Protector: None Description: Simple obfuscation. Change "input a number" text. Gold: add +1 to sum factorial Screenshot: OBFTest.exe
My First CrackMe
by Sayness- 2 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows Packer / Protector : Confuserex mod OS Version : (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10) Description : uncompress the file for to see the code and at the end the file works with the password Screenshot : CrackMe.exe
Obfuscated VM CrackMe
by Leila.Morar48- 2 replies
Language : C++ Platform : Windows x32 OS Version : (Windows 7-10) Packer / Protector : None Description : Find password Screenshot : VT VM_CrackMe.exe
Simple CrackMe #1 - Find The Missing Key
by mattheig- 6 replies
Language : C++ Platform : Windows x64 OS Version : Windows Packer / Protector : none Description A Simple CrackMe Solve the missing key. If u don't find key - Patch it. Screenshot CrackMe.exe
.NET CrackMe
by NightBaron- 5 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : All Windows (.NET Framework 4.6 or higher) Packer / Protector : The4Got10's Protector (Modded ConfuserEx) with VM and Native Shield Description : Crack (I don't care if this file is fully unpacked or not) this application and make a short tutorial for it. I want to know my app are strong or weak. Thank! Screenshot : Protected.7z if cant start this app try 2nd file Protected2nd.7z
First CrackMe
by leqici- 9 replies
Language : C# Platform : Windows x64 | x86 OS Version : Windows Packer / Protector : Modded ConfuserEX, Riddle, Enigma Protector (My own config) Description A Simple CrackMe Solve the missing key. Screenshot CrackMe.exe
Crackme Baby
by Igor- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Language : Assembly Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : Windows 7, 8, 10 Packer / Protector : None Description : Found this one while cleaning my box, can you find the key? Screenshot : Rule : Tell us how you cracked it. Baby Crackme #1.exe
.Net Crack Me - ConfuserEx Mod
by x0rz- 4 replies
Difficulty : 7/10 Language : C# Platform : Windows Packer / Protector : ConfuserEx mod + Extra antidebug and antiattach protection NetCrackMe.rar
CrackMe for nonskid v2 // AntiSkid
by banme- 6 replies
Difficulty : 3 Language : C# (.NET) Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : Windows 7/8/10 Packer / Protector : AntiSkid (own) Description : get the password. Screenshot : CrackMe-antiskid.exe