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C# - get short name from type name ???


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C# - get short name from type name ???
"Boolean" -> "bool"
I remember of seeing something like this but don't remember where...


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AI said :

Type type = typeof(bool);
string shortName = type.Name; // shortName will be "Boolean"
string fullName = type.ToString(); // fullName will be "System.Boolean"

for the opposite gave this :

string fullName = "System.Boolean";
string shortName;
switch (fullName)
    case "System.Boolean":
        shortName = "bool";
    case "System.Int32":
        shortName = "int";
    case "System.String":
        shortName = "string";
        shortName = "Unknown type: " + fullName;


// OR //

Dictionary<string, string> typeNameMappings = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "System.Boolean", "bool" },
    { "System.Int32", "int" },
    { "System.String", "string" },
    // Add more mappings as needed

string fullName = "System.Boolean";
string shortName;
if (typeNameMappings.TryGetValue(fullName, out shortName))
    Console.WriteLine(shortName); // Outputs "bool"
    Console.WriteLine("Unknown type: " + fullName);


Edited by whoknows
adding // OR //
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Finded in:
namespace ICSharpCode.NRefactory.MonoCSharp
        private string FormatType(Type t)
            if (t == null)
                return "";
            string fullName = this.GetFullName(t);
            if (fullName == null)
                return t.ToString();
            if (!fullName.StartsWith("System."))
                if (t.Namespace == this.t.Namespace)
                    return t.Name;
                return fullName;
                if (t.HasElementType)
                    Type elementType = t.GetElementType();
                    if (t.IsArray)
                        return this.FormatType(elementType) + " []";
                    if (t.IsPointer)
                        return this.FormatType(elementType) + " *";
                    if (t.IsByRef)
                        return "ref " + this.FormatType(elementType);
                string key;
                switch (key = fullName)
                case "System.Byte":
                    return "byte";
                case "System.SByte":
                    return "sbyte";
                case "System.Int16":
                    return "short";
                case "System.Int32":
                    return "int";
                case "System.Int64":
                    return "long";
                case "System.UInt16":
                    return "ushort";
                case "System.UInt32":
                    return "uint";
                case "System.UInt64":
                    return "ulong";
                case "System.Single":
                    return "float";
                case "System.Double":
                    return "double";
                case "System.Decimal":
                    return "decimal";
                case "System.Boolean":
                    return "bool";
                case "System.Char":
                    return "char";
                case "System.String":
                    return "string";
                case "System.Object":
                    return "object";
                case "System.Void":
                    return "void";
                if (fullName.LastIndexOf(".") == 6)
                    return fullName.Substring(7);
                if (this.t.Namespace.StartsWith(t.Namespace + ".") || t.Namespace == this.t.Namespace)
                    return fullName.Substring(t.Namespace.Length + 1);
                return fullName;


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