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How to drag links from browser to app?


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Hi guys,

I have a new question I am trying to find a solution.I would like to drag a link from browser directly into my app to get the full link address without using any copy / paste functions manually via mouse.Now I see its not working and I can only just drag files from Windows / Explorer etc into my app window.So how can I enable the drag operations also from any browser to outside like into my app window etc?


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Hi kao,

thanks for this infos so far.I tried to test the example app "droptarget.exe" to check whether it gets something if I drag something into but it dosent get something if I drag anything into this window of this example app.Or how should this example app work?I dont chekc this yet how to make it work etc.Could you maybe tell some more about it?


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Sample app does work for me in 64bit Win7 on both Chrome and IE, otherwise I wouldn't suggest it. :) 

From Chrome you can drag/drop both address from address bar and hyperlinks from any webpage. From IE8 you can drag/drop address from address bar.
I don't use Firefox or Brave or Vivaldi or whatever other weird browsers, so I can't test those.


Edited by kao
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Hi kao,

thanks for this another info.Ok,I did some test with diffrent browsers and see also some diffrents.I am using x86 system.

1.) Using Chrome / Brave browser = Does work to drag links into this example app :)

2.) Using Chrome / Brave browser running in Sandboxie = Dosent work :(

3.) Using Firefox running in Sandboxie or also not = Dosent work :(

Good thing is that Chrome / Brave does work so far (just too see whether the example app also works) but bad thing is that its not working running it in Sandboxie.I always use SB to browse.Do you have maybe any clue how to get this working too to drag hyperlinks from Chrome running in SB into the app window which runs not in SB?Maybe some kind of workaround or maybe there is any setting in SB to allow this anyhow etc?


EDIT: One  more thing about this RegisterDragDrop function pDropTarget paramter.What to use there?In the example app I see its using one pointer address where are stored 7 addresses to routines.What is what and what have I to build by myself etc?Has anyone any understandable example how to create / setup pDropTarget stuff?

Edited by LCF-AT
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7 hours ago, LCF-AT said:


..and there's your problem. :) Sandboxie blocks such communication by design - because that's the only  way it can ensure that the sandboxed process doesn't break out of it. 

I'm not using Sandboxie, so I can't tell you if/how you can work around it. Google for possible configuration options. Maybe (just maybe!) this configuration option could work: https://www.sandboxie.com/OpenWinClass


7 hours ago, LCF-AT said:

function pDropTarget paramter

See IDropTarget link from my first answer. It's a COM interface. It's ugly. But that's how things in Windows sometimes work - no way around it.


Here's another sample program - http://web.archive.org/web/20050402152142/http://home.inreach.com/mdunn/code/ClipSpy/clipspy.html - there you can actually drag/drop any link from IE, not only from address bar. So, it might be even better example than the first one I gave. Or you can look at RAEdit sources, they have most of the structures defined (no comments, though): https://github.com/m417z/SimEd/blob/master/RAEdit/DragDrop.asm

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Hi kao,

thanks for the new links.I did check & copied the DragDrop.asm and adjust them.Now I tried using it in my source but the functions of IDropTarget (IDropTarget_QueryInterface,IDropTarget_AddRef,IDropTarget_Release etc) I used calling RegisterDragDrop will never accessed but the function does retun S_OK = 0.Hhmm.


	invoke  OleInitialize,NULL
	invoke	GetModuleHandle, NULL
	mov	hInstance, eax
	invoke  GetCommandLine
	mov CommandLine, eax
	invoke	InitCommonControls
	mov icc.dwSize, sizeof INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX
	invoke  InitCommonControlsEx, offset icc
	invoke  CreateFont,18,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,ADDR FontName
	mov hFont,eax
	invoke  WinMain, hInstance, NULL, CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
	invoke	ExitProcess, NULL

WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:DWORD

	mov		wc.cbSize, sizeof WNDCLASSEX
	mov		wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
	mov		wc.lpfnWndProc, offset WndProc
	mov		wc.cbClsExtra, NULL
	mov		wc.cbWndExtra, DLGWINDOWEXTRA
	push	hInst
	pop		wc.hInstance
	mov		wc.hbrBackground, COLOR_BTNFACE+1 ; COLOR_WINDOW+1
	mov		wc.lpszMenuName, NULL;IDM_MENU
	mov		wc.lpszClassName, offset ClassName
	Invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, ICO_MAIN ; resource icon for main application icon
	mov hIcoMain, eax ; main application icon
	Invoke LoadIcon, hInstance, IDI_APPLICATION
	mov		wc.hIcon, eax
	mov		wc.hIconSm, eax
	Invoke LoadCursor, NULL, IDC_ARROW
	mov		wc.hCursor,eax
	Invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc
	Invoke CreateDialogParam, hInstance, IDD_MAIN, NULL, addr WndProc, NULL
    mov hWnd, eax
    Invoke ShowWindow, hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL
    Invoke UpdateWindow, hWnd
        Invoke GetMessage, addr msg, NULL, 0, 0
        .BREAK .if !eax
        Invoke IsDialogMessage, hWnd,addr msg
        .IF eax == 0
            Invoke TranslateMessage, addr msg
            Invoke DispatchMessage,  addr msg
	mov eax, msg.wParam
WinMain endp

WndProc proc hWin:HWND,uMsg:UINT,wParam:WPARAM,lParam:LPARAM
	mov eax, uMsg

		invoke CoLockObjectExternal,offset pIDropTarget,1,0
		invoke RegisterDragDrop,hWin,offset pIDropTarget

Not sure whats wrong in this case yet.


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I took dragdrop.asm from raedit, commented out things that didn't immediately compile, added a simple window + initialization code and it sort of works. When something is dragged over window, you can see calls to IDropTarget_AddRef and IDropTarget_DragEnter. After that it messes up because most of the code in IDropTarget_DragEnter was commented out. But that was enough for my dumb test. :)

So, probably you did something wrong with pIDropTarget declaration or implementation.

Edited by kao
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Hi again kao,

ok thanks,so I tried it again and now the routines get called.Problem now is how to find out the important parts and remove the RaEdit extra stuff in this asm file to get at the end somewhere the draged data (link text) in my edit control.It dosent look easy. :( I need some kind of clean template.


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Hi kao,

so could manage something to get it work at the moment = I made a tiny app with edit and can drag something into to get the text now. :) Only issue in my app is that I can only drag something into when I come from below or right side = !?When I come from above or left side then its not working and mouse cursor dosent change too.No clue what that means.Are there any rule to allow comming from all 4 sides?

Now the Sandboxie issue.I tried to add this in my Sanboxie.ini for Sandbox Brave I am using here.If I read the link correctly then I should only add this into....


...just my small target name.I have test it but dosent work. :(

So I have this situation.I am using now 2 of my apps.First app 1 = main app and second app = this new drop app only to get links via drag.Now when I run Brave browser in my SB then I also run my drop app in same SB = working so far.When I drag a link into drop app then it should send this link text into my main app what not runs in SB = dosent work.Only working when I run all apps in same SB or without SB so thats the bad thing.My main app must run outside of SB but drop app cant send commands now to main app from SB.

Do you have some more ideas how to get this work?


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Hi again,

I still dont get it work to send something from Sandboxie to my app outside if Sandboxie.I tried to add this into Sandboxie.ini file under the Sandbox I am using.


My SomeDropTarget dosent have a class I could use.Also I see that the function FindWindow (I do use in my SomeDropTarget.exe to find the window title of my main app) does fail to find my main app (which runs outside).

    invoke FindWindow,NULL,chr$("My Main App 1.0")
    .if eax != FALSE
        mov edi, eax
        xor esi, esi
        .while eax != FALSE
               invoke FindWindowEx,edi,esi,chr$("Edit"),NULL
               .if eax != FALSE
                   mov esi, eax
                   invoke GetDlgCtrlID,esi
                   .if eax != FALSE
                       .if eax == 1003 ; IDC_EDITSEARCH ID of main app
                            invoke SendMessage,esi,WM_SETTEXT,0,_buffer

Thats really bad not finding a way to make it doable anyhow.Just wonder how the app IDM does it.This does also send infos from browser I run in Sandboxie to the IDM main app which runs outside!?


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Hi kao,

thanks again.Not sure about this trace mode yet.I tried to enable the class with CMD.exe example like describled here..


...but dont know how I could test it.

I tried to think about this Sandboxie issue and found out that its possible to use the Clipboard which is same in Sandboxie and outside if I copy something into Clipboard.In this case I could also use a other method (not so nice of course) using SetClipboardViewer function and WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD msg to catch the Clipboard on fly and checking for content like CF_TEXT.So this seems to work.Only disadvantage is that it will check everything what gets copied into Clipboard.

So my first goal was it to build another app showing it in HWND_TOPMOST style where I can drag links into and sending the link text into my main app via FindWindow (fails in SB) and SendMessage to send command to my main app.Question is whether it is possible to do this anyhow else or whether its just NOT possible to send commands from a app running in SB to my main app which runs outside.Lets say its really not possible then the only choice I have is using that Clipboard hook / monitoring but then it will send everything I do copy from any source and not only from my drag app when I do drag a link into you know.

I also still have some little problem with the dragging itself as I told before.I created a main window & a edit control with same paramters like the example droptarget.exe has but in my case it has some strange behavior to drag something into.When I do move the mouse fast into my drag app then I get the mouse pointer to see in the edit field = I can drop it now into but if I move it slowly then it dosent work.Not sure what the reason for this is so it works diffrent and not for 100 % like the droptarget.exe does.Below I did attach my SomeDropTarget.exe so maybe you can test it.Only issue it that it dosent get triggered for 100 % each time and I need to move mostly few times over my main window app etc.So this I would like to fix to get it work for 100 %.



EDIT: Short info,I did removed GetWindowLong from IDropTarget_DragEnter and now it works to move / drag for 100 %.Seems there was still some RaEdit handling.Need to remove all soon. :)

Edited by LCF-AT
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Hi again,

ok,now I made this...in both of my apps (main app & drag app).

		invoke SetClipboardViewer,hWin
		mov nextClipboardViewer, eax

	.elseif eax == WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD
	       invoke IsClipboardFormatAvailable,CF_TEXT
	       .if eax != 0h ; text there
	           invoke OpenClipboard, NULL
	           .if eax != 0h
	               invoke GetClipboardData, CF_TEXT
	               .if eax != 0h
	                   mov edi,eax ; data pointer
	                   invoke SetDlgItemText,hWin,IDC_EDIT,NULL
	                   invoke SetDlgItemText,hWin,IDC_EDIT,edi
	                   invoke CloseClipboard
	                   invoke CloseClipboard
	       invoke SendMessage,nextClipboardViewer,uMsg,wParam,lParam

	.elseif eax == WM_CHANGECBCHAIN
		mov eax,wParam
		.if eax == nextClipboardViewer
		    invoke SendMessage,nextClipboardViewer,uMsg,wParam,lParam

		invoke ChangeClipboardChain,hWin,nextClipboardViewer

Now I can run only my main app (outside) and get everything I do copy to clipboard from any source.Also I can run optional my drag app in Sandboxie which also get everything I do copy + using dragging mode I do prefer what does then the same = I get both clipboard content into both apps.Just had to disable it in my main app when it does use clipboard functions for itself etc.Found no way to check from which handle (any outside app and not my own app) used the copy / clipboard.Now its working so far with this method (not so nice but working if I work with SB and using dragging with mouse).


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Hi again,

found another problem using 2 apps with SetClipboardViewer & handle codes.When I first run my main app and copy something then it gets send also to my main app.When I now also run another app (using same code SetClipboardViewer & handle codes) in SB then only this will work to get something if I copy anything and my main app gets nothing anymore,also not when I do exit the app which runs in SB.Hhmm.Anyhow bad.


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thanks for this link so I found this one too already.The Drag&Drop asm file found by kao did helped already for me.Also working for Firefox browser now (not sure why it wasnt working before / I think my fault again).Now when I do drag any link or selected text into my tiny app then it copy the content of text in clipboard and this I can then catch in my main app without to do any manually handlings anymore (copy / paste etc).


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  • 2 months later...

Hi again,

so I have a new problem using my Drag / Drop target on Win 10 now.Its dosent seems to work correctly anymore as it did on Win7.

I also see that the text my app does send to other app has also some issues and it does just freeze and I cant exit / kill this process from taskmanger anymore and I get just the info about I have no access / denied to exit it etc.Also not when I start the taskmanager as Admin.Only way to exit this process was a restart of Windows whats really bad.So my question is how to force to exit my process when it hangs on Win 10 without to restart?Dont wanna restart each time if any process hangs etc.I also couldnt attach this process in Olly.


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Hi again,

still found no method to kill the process.I tried it with taskkill, tskill and pskill.exe too.All failed. :( In taskmanger I see this process has status inaktiv.So why can I not kill this process?

C:\Windows\system32>taskkill /F /T /PID 1240
FEHLER: Der Prozess mit PID 1240 (untergeordnetem Prozess von PID 1492) konnte nicht beendet werden.
Ursache: Von dieser Aufgabe wird momentan keine Instanz ausgeführt.

There is no PID 1492 running in my processlist.

C:\Windows\system32>taskkill /PID 1492
FEHLER: Der Prozess "1492" wurde nicht gefunden.

C:\Windows\system32>taskkill /PID 1240
ERFOLGREICH: Ein Beendigungssignal wurde an den Prozess mit der PID 1240 geschickt. <-- success but still present!
C:\Windows\system32>tskill 1240
Endprozess ist fehlgeschlagen für 1240:Zugriff verweigert  <--- access denied

C:\Windows\system32>pskill.exe -t 1240

PsKill v1.16 - Terminates processes on local or remote systems
Copyright (C) 1999-2016  Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

Unable to kill process 1240:
Zugriff verweigert  <--- access denied

The app window is also still to see on desktop but I cant do anything to get it away etc.Only thing I can do now is to restart what SUCKS!So how to handle this problem?Any infos how to kill the process successfully would be nice.Just hate to reboot for that issue.Thanks


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Hi Ted,

hmmm, not really yet.So I have my 2 apps only.Maybe I can adapt the specific code for clipboard into a example app to check out whether I get the same error and if yes then I can attach them here later.All in all I think it has something to do with the clipboard stuff we talked about last year to create a code to catch clipboard data and the code to enable the window back / bring in front, so maybe you do remember again.On Win 7 all was working at the end without getting any problems but now on Windows 10 it does just freeze my app anyhow after few tests.

I just remember this from yesterday, I did just load my app in OllyDBG and did run it.The second drag app I did run outside.Now just did copy some text / also large text to clipboard and then somehow I got this freeze problem but Olly still kept running without error.Now I did press pause in Olly to see where it hangs and in stack I just see the function of SendInput which was called before.This function I have only on my WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message...

		                            invoke SetWindowPos,hWin,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_SHOWWINDOW or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE
		                            invoke SetWindowPos,hWin,HWND_NOTOPMOST,0,0,0,0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_SHOWWINDOW or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE
		                            invoke Sleep,10
				                    mov INP.INPUT._type,INPUT_MOUSE
				                    mov INP.INPUT.mi.dwFlags, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN
				                    invoke SendInput,1,addr INP,sizeof INP
				                    mov INP.INPUT.mi.dwFlags, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP
				                    invoke SendInput,1,addr INP,sizeof INP
				                    invoke SetCursorPos,lp.x,lp.y

....so maybe there is any issue anyhow now.As I said,Olly keeps running my app but I can do nothing.Now I pressed the exit button in Olly to close my app but there I got a message (dont remember anymore what it was exatlly) I could answer with Yes or No.I choosed one and my target was unloaded from Olly BUT it was still running / present in taskmanger with inavtiv status.So thats strange.In the all the years I used Olly all apps was closed / terminated when I pressed the exit button in Olly but here it just keep anyhow alive (not in Olly).After this I tried all steps and infos I found on internet to get this process terminated but all failed but my app is still running anyhow also if I cant move the app window etc.After this I started by Injector 1.0 (x86 version) tool I made a while ago I always used on Win7.In my tool it also shows me the process and I can also choose it and get all modules listet (would not happen if the process would hang or inactive) but also with my tool I cant kill this process away.Just get access denied.This is really PITA not having full access anymore for all processes specially not my own processes I did started by myself you know.I also tried to sign out from Windows and did sign in back to prevent a restart but also in this case the process is still present in taskmanager but this time it has status is running and no more inactive.Also the app window is no more to see on desktop as it was before.But all in all process is still present and all tries to exit this one failed too after a sign in.Only solution was to restart Windows.

Ok, I will try to reproduce this problem with another app and upload then both so that you could check this out.


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Hi again,

I got error again and this time I did notice the infos.....look...

0040739D                              .  C705 C66D6100>MOV DWORD PTR DS:[616DC6],0
004073A7                              .  C705 D66D6100>MOV DWORD PTR DS:[616DD6],2
004073B1                              .  6A 1C         PUSH 1C                                  ; /InputSize = 1C (28.)
004073B3                              .  68 C66D6100   PUSH 00616DC6                            ; |pInputs = bones.00616DC6
004073B8                              .  6A 01         PUSH 1                                   ; |nInputs = 1
004073BA                              .  E8 FBC50000   CALL <JMP.&user32.SendInput>             ; \SendInput

76A83380 NtUserSendInput               B8 82100000     MOV EAX,1082
76A83385                               BA D07AA876     MOV EDX,76A87AD0
76A8338A                               FFD2            CALL EDX
76A8338C                               C2 0C00         RETN 0C   <----- Pause in Olly = here

EAX 774263B0 ntdll.774263B0
ECX 00000000
EDX 00000000
EBX 00000000
EBP 028DFF70
ESI 00340000
EDI 006D07F0
EIP 77443A4C ntdll.77443A4C
C 0  ES 002B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
P 1  CS 0023 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
A 0  SS 002B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
Z 0  DS 002B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
S 0  FS 0053 32bit 358000(FFF)
T 0  GS 002B 32bit 0(FFFFFFFF)
D 0
O 0  LastErr ERROR_SUCCESS (00000000)
EFL 00000206 (NO,NB,NE,A,NS,PE,GE,G)
ST0 empty 0.0
ST1 empty 0.0
ST2 empty 0.0
ST3 empty 0.0
ST4 empty 0.0
ST5 empty 0.0
ST6 empty 0.0
ST7 empty 0.0
               3 2 1 0      E S P U O Z D I
FST 0000  Cond 0 0 0 0  Err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  (GT)
FCW 027F  Prec NEAR,53  Mask    1 1 1 1 1 1

$ ==>    0019F708    004073BF  RETURN to bones.004073BF from <JMP.&user32.SendInput>
$+4      0019F70C    00000001
$+8      0019F710    00616DC6  bones.00616DC6
$+C      0019F714    0000001C

$ ==>    00616DC6  00000000
$+4      00616DCA  00000000
$+8      00616DCE  00000000
$+C      00616DD2  00000000
$+10     00616DD6  00000002
$+14     00616DDA  00000000
$+18     00616DDE  00000000
$+1C     00616DE2  00020B3E
$+20     00616DE6  00010BB8

Process still active
OllyDbg requested termination of debugged process but received no confirmation within 5 seconds. Do you want to wait for another 5 seconds? (If you answer No, the stability of OllyDbg is not guaranteed and you may want to restart it).
Ja   Nein   

...so it happens in SendInput function anyhow.Then it just does nothing anymore.Olly runs.Now if I press pause in Olly the eip stops at the return of NtUserSendInput.But also now I cant step forward or trace or something so it just stops there and thats it.Somehow like a ghost.Also no chance again to kill the process and Olly does also fail to kill it when I give it 5 more seconds.Now I have running this app 3 times and cant close them.Great!


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Me again,

maybe something wrong with my structs of Input?I have this in my file about the structs..


   _dx                    DWORD ?
   dy                     DWORD ?
   mouseData              DWORD ?
   dwFlags                DWORD ?
   time                   DWORD ?
   dwExtraInfo            DWORD ?

   wVk                    WORD ?
   wScan                  WORD ?
   dwFlags                DWORD ?
   time                   DWORD ?
   dwExtraInfo            DWORD ?

   uMsg                   DWORD ?
   wParamL                WORD ?
   wParamH                WORD ?

  _type    DWORD ?
    mi     MOUSEINPUT    <>
    ki     KEYBDINPUT    <>
    hi     HARDWAREINPUT <>

...should be right or?Not sure whether those structs was present in windows.inc file or whether I have added them.Could anyone verify this?


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It may be that your program has its thread input attached to a Windows core process and is currently locked.

You then may need to be at the same process level to kill your process.

If you lookup the structures documented in Windows Dev Center you can confirm if the Windows Data Types are correct.




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Hi Ted,

so I dont check yet what you exactly mean and what to check for now.

I just see that the problem just happens when I do call SendInput function in any case sometimes.Sometimes it works a while and then it hangs as I told before.I didnt got this problem in Win 7.So maybe you do remember that I just use this SendInput function to set the window of the app as active again.If I disable both SendInput functions then all is working fine and the app window pop ups in front but isnt active what means I have to press with the mouse on the app window manually.If I dont do this then this app window keeps in front.Thats really bad again, on Win 7 all was working and now I got again any issues on Win 10.


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