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MaxSpeedHighLevel in Visual Studio ???


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I use Visual Studio 2010 Enterprise!
In a Visual Studio project barswf_cpu.vcxproj I've saw this

Apparently this value is not valid,

I've replaced that (MaxSpeedHighLevel) with:

Now compiles, the problem is that speed is of 45 MHashes/second instead of 60 MHashes/seconds (in already compiled exe by someone else) - so the speed is 25% slower.

Anyone know what is with MaxSpeedHighLevel ???
And more important how to improve speed?

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Intel C++ Compiler v11.xx supports Visual Studio 2008 and not latter VS like 2010
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 - Intel(R) C++ Composer XE 2013 SP1
includes Intel C++ Compiler and supports Visual Studio 2010.

You should include the lib folder (in Library Directories):
C:\Program Files\Intel\Composer XE 2013 SP1\compiler\lib\ia32
C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler\11.1\067\lib\ia32

Anyway after compiling with /O3 optimizations the speed is slower then with Visual C++ /O2 optimizations!

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