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Site DNS Problems


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Seems the sites DNS is not properly propagating currently and is being marked as dead across the world in some locations. Tested on several machines I have access to in different parts of the USA and all of them fail to resolve the site properly. (West and East cost USA.)

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Same here. Non-working from one device, working just fine on other device (connected via different ISPs/DNS servers).

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Teddy Rogers

I noticed a few days ago there seemed to be an issue with Quad9 and Cloudflare. Thought this was all good now. My local DNS servers and OpenDNS seem to be working fine from here.

Can you let me know what DNS servers you are having difficulty resolving tuts4you.com. You might need to let me know your location/region as the lookup may use a regional server...


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Google DNS ( fails, Cloudflare ( fails, OpenDNS works.

C:\>nslookup forum.tuts4you.com
Server:  google-public-dns-a.google.com

*** google-public-dns-a.google.com can't find forum.tuts4you.com: Server failed

C:\>nslookup forum.tuts4you.com
Server:  1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com

*** 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com can't find forum.tuts4you.com: Server failed

C:\>nslookup forum.tuts4you.com
Server:  resolver1.opendns.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    forum.tuts4you.com


As an admin you can see my location but I prefer not to post it publicly.

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Hi guys,

I also have same bad trouble since 3 days now and cant access T4Y anymore. :( First I thought the problem is my router / PC etc because a ping to T4Y / tracert does also fail.

C:\Windows\system32>ping tuts4you.com
Ping-Anforderung konnte Host "tuts4you.com" nicht finden. Überprüfen Sie den Namen, und versuchen Sie es erneut.

C:\Windows\system32>ping tuts4you.com
Ping-Anforderung konnte Host "tuts4you.com" nicht finden. Überprüfen Sie den Namen, und versuchen Sie es erneut.

C:\Windows\system32>ping tuts4you.com
Ping-Anforderung konnte Host "tuts4you.com" nicht finden. Überprüfen Sie den Namen, und versuchen Sie es erneut.

C:\Windows\system32>nslookup tuts4you.com
Server:  UnKnown
Address:  2a02:908:2:a::1

*** tuts4you.com wurde von UnKnown nicht gefunden: Server failed.

C:\Windows\system32>nslookup tuts4you.com
Server:  google-public-dns-a.google.com

*** tuts4you.com wurde von google-public-dns-a.google.com nicht gefunden: Server failed.

C:\Windows\system32>nslookup tuts4you.com
Server:  1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com

*** tuts4you.com wurde von 1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com nicht gefunden: Server failed.

Also if I try to set DNS for IP4 for google ( it dosent work to get access on T4Y with any browser or CMD commands etc.On internet sites where I can let check sites I get also DNS Lookup errors....


...also my Windows Network check does show me error like this...


....seems that I cant fix this problem on my side.I did already reset the router etc without any change.So whats the problem now?My ISP maybe too?Why only just for T4Y?Strange.Maybe you can do something about that problems Teddy or so.

PS: At the moment I use Opera browser with enabled VPN to get access on T4Y to write this reply.Only way to get access now here.


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Teddy Rogers

Can you try accessing the site now as you normally would and let me know if you are still having issues please? Thank you.


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still not working for me also not with my local ISP DNS.Now I also need to use OpenDNS too to visit T4Y.Has anyone a idea what the problem could be that the others do fail?Is it it config error by Teddy (no idea of course) or anything else?


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Extreme Coders

I think the issue is due to failed DNSSEC validation. 



Google DNS (, Cloudflare ( & Quad9 (, all perform DNSSEC validation and wont return a response if validation fails.



However OpenDNS is forgiving and doesn't seem to support DNSSEC as evident here: 




Edited by Extreme Coders
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Based on whois info on the tuts4you domain:



DNSSEC support must be enabled with your current DNS provider. At this time, Our default name servers do not support the creation of the appropriate resource records to create a proper DNSSEC chain.  This means that the DS key will need to be generated separately so it can be applied to those domains using Enom's Nameservers.


Edited by atom0s
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Hi again,

still not working today.

Now I have a small question about how to change the DNS via command / batch to prevent the manually entering if I need it.On internet I found almost same infos how to do it and I tried the commands but it seems that it dosent work on my Win7 OS.I tried the commands directly in CMD window and also via batch file but if I check after the network settings manually then there has nothing changed and all is still set as before too.Why?Just can only change it manually.Has anyone same trouble?How to do it right?


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working for me now, though i changed my dns on my router from / (cloudflare i think) to the google one / and it now works... 

dont forget the good old

ipconfig /flushdns


as well

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@LCF-AT: To set one DNS server:

netsh interface ipv4 set dns "Local Area Connection" static

To add another DNS server:

netsh interface ipv4 add dns "Local Area Connection" 2

To see the results:

netsh interface ipv4 show dnsservers



1) All commands must be run from elevated command prompt!

2) You might have different name for the connection, not "Local Area Connection". For example, "Ethernet" or something. You can use "netsh interface ip show config" to show you connection names+config.

3) Google for more information on parameter values.

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Hi kao and thanks for your answer,

still dosent work for me.I get no error or anything but nothing has changed thats the problem.I also found a video I tried too....


...but also dont work for me.

netsh interface ipv4 set address name="LAN-Verbindung" static

netsh interface ipv4 set dns name="LAN-Verbindung" static

Above I have test to set a static IP / sub / gatewy (my).LAN-Verbindung is the name I have.If I enter that command then I get a error called element not found!=?If I enter the second command to change DNS then I get no error or anything but if I check my NC status then I see the DNS has not changed.Thats the problem.I only can change it manually so far. :( Do you have any clue why I have that issues?


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Hi again,

ok it seems to be a name issue of "LAN-Verbindung" that it dosent work and I get element not found.Now I did rename it and now its working. :) Now I created 2 simple batch files for default source=dhcp and one for OpenDNS.So the funny thing is that I dont need it anymore so my local DNS does also work now again!?Google works also now and all other too!?Was it just a random that they work now again or does it work because I changed my NC name?Hmm...whatever so now its working.


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Teddy Rogers

The server should be working fine now and you should all be able to use your normal DNS servers. There was a network card problem after a server update and yes, there was the problem with DNSSEC. If after flushing DNS you are still having problems please let me know which DNS server.

Good to see that DNSSEC has worked as designed, across multiple DNS servers. Annoying as it is when there is a problem.

If you want to change your DNS server I recommend doing it at router level and not in the OS...


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