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Embedded exe into memory without extracting [Delphi]


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How to execute embedded exe into memory without extracting ?


I can extract file from resources but I want to execute without extracting.


I hope this is not duplicate posts. :unsure:

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no idea, but asked my friend google, on first result, point me :



send a friend request to Google, you can ask everything you want & knows everything!

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30 minutes ago, whoknows said:

no idea, but asked my friend google, on first result, point me :



send a friend request to Google, you can ask everything you want & knows everything!

Already tested that code but gives 0000000 for imagebase so it failed to launch embedded exe. But I'll figure it out soon. 

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The code linked above is a RunPE code, it inject an exe into a "new" process and not the same

imgbase:=DWORD(VirtualAllocEx(PInfo.hProcess,Ptr(INH^.OptionalHeader.ImageBase),INH^.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage,MEM_COMMIT or MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE));

the code above gave you 0 because you're trying to alloc on an already allocated memory or because some memory page stuff (which I don't know) (VirtuallAlloc/VirtualAllocEx are not very obedient when you specify the memory), to solve this problem you should call ZwUnmapViewOfSection before calling it

I googled "RunPe delphi" and this is one of the results

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