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Debugging a Plugin


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You can try to analyze it in static, IDA for example, or start this application that uses the plug-in in the debugger (or just attach to the running process) and in the window "Executable modules" (OllyDbg) you will see all the libraries (plugins) that the application uses and you can debug as you like.

Edited by CyberGod
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13 minutes ago, CyberGod said:

You can try to analyze it in static, IDA for example, or start this application that uses the plug-in in the debugger (or just attach to the running process) and in the window "Executable modules" (OllyDbg) you will see all the libraries (plugins) that the application uses and you can debug as you like.

Thanks. I need to debug my own plugin, for x64dbg.

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For me when im debugging a plugin i use Debug3264 - Its a update from Donkey of the vKim like macros that allow me to print to a debug window some information

I can print contents of variables or registers, dump memory and print text strings all to help figure out the flow of the program - where it might be crashing and any values that i might require to know to figure stuff out

Of course im writing the x64dbg plugins using masm for x86 and jwasm/hjwasm for the x64 version of the plugins


Ive uploaded a copy of the Debug3264 lib and include file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/np5uj1ivbafz7cj/masm32_donkeys_vkimlike_debug.zip?dl=0

It has macros for masm/jwasm that wrap function calls to the library and output to the window of dbgwin.exe (included in the zip)


I also created an x86 and x64 version of the x64dbg plugin SDK to help create plugins using assembler. They can be found here for anyone that is interested:




For other languages, some Debug output functions would also probably help to figure out whats going on and where in your plugin.



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