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how to convert Java method in to C#


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Hello Friends,

          I'm trying to implement one key generation logic developed in java in to c#. So can anyone tell me how to convert it in c# so that both the java and C# programs will work in similar manner. My java method which will implement the key is as below.

public static String calculateOTP(byte[] seedValue, String userPIN, String challenge) {
        try {
            SHA1 sha1 = new SHA1();
            byte[] hashedChallenge = sha1.digest(challenge.getBytes());
            byte[] otp0byte = sha1.digest();
            int otp0 = 0;
            for (int i = 17; i < otp0byte.length; i++) {
                otp0 = (otp0 << 8) | (otp0byte[i] & SecretKeyPacket.USAGE_CHECKSUM);
            String num = Integer.toString((otp0 + Integer.parseInt(userPIN)) & ViewCompat.MEASURED_SIZE_MASK, 16);
            while (num.length() < 6) {
                num = "0" + num;
            return num;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

If you know how to effectively do this than please help me.

Edited by kate
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9 minutes ago, kate said:

otp0 = (otp0 << 8) | (otp0byte & SecretKeyPacket.USAGE_CHECKSUM);

This code makes no sense to me. otp0byte is an array, SecretKeyPacket.USAGE_CHECKSUM seems to be integer constant. Maybe Java allows you to do that, but I have no idea what the result would be.

Apart from that, C# code will look almost the same.

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9 minutes ago, kao said:

This code makes no sense to me. otp0byte is an array, SecretKeyPacket.USAGE_CHECKSUM seems to be integer constant. Maybe Java allows you to do that, but I have no idea what the result would be.

Apart from that, C# code will look almost the same.

Probable will not even compile! probable the good code is this:
otp0 = (otp0 << 8) | (otp0byte [ i ] & SecretKeyPacket.USAGE_CHECKSUM);
Crap it is board problem: can't enter " [ i ] "  without spaces " " !

Edited by CodeCracker
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Please don't PM me. I will respond in public threads if and when I have something to say.

You can use SHA1Managed class for hash calculation: TransformBlock function replaces sha1.update, TransformFinalBlock replaces sha1.finish.

int.Parse replaces Integer.parseInt and String.Format will format the final result. That's it.

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