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[Help] asm code to inline asm in cpp need repair


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I have a realy stupid question but i spent on it 3 hours and  I surrender:(

Im trying to write keygen to :"LaFarge CrackMe #2".

So the code in asm is: (EAX=631698A, its when you enter "baruch" as name to this crackme,and the address(406549) at 401261 is empty area)


After the loop,the address 406549 look like:


Now,because i dont know how to code assembly DIV in c++ i did "inline assembly":

3.PNG //equivalent to address 406549


In visual studio i put break point to see what happend after that code:


6.PNG//table6 address

And here my problem.

Its not the same as in olly's dump!

Instead of : 22 27 1f 23 20 etc

should be: 34 39 31 35 etc.



Please,how to fix it??

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"add dl, 30" is the cause of the problem. Olly uses hexadecimal by default. Visual Studio by default uses decimal.

Change it to  "add dl, 30h" or "add dl, 0x30" and you shall be happy.


Edited by kao
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9 div 4 = 2 ( C/C++: 9 / 4 ) 9 mod 4 = 1 ( C/C++: 9 % 4 )
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using std::hex;

int main()
    int sum, sum2, sum3;
    int a;
    int b;

    a = 0x71;
    b = 0xA;

    std:: cout << "71h / Ah = B" << endl;
    sum = a / b;

 std::cout << std::hex << std::uppercase << "Sum = " << sum << endl;



Edited by e0qs
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