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Listbox control lags on XP


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Hi guys,

got a short question and looking for an answer.At the moment I code something in MASM and use a Listbox control to list informations etc.All fine so far but there is any issue with the scrolling of the Listbox so this just lags and scrolls slowly down / up!?!The question is "why?" and "how to fix this?".By the way,I have test the same file I made under Win7 VM and there it dosen't lag.Its strange so on my XP it lags.Hmmm.Is it maybe any bug in XP or any setting I need to change etc to prevent this lag stuff for Listboxes?Also its strange that the Listviews dosen't lag only Listboxes.Maybe you know the answer to help me to remove this lagging.

Thank you

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Try to disable Smooth-scroll list boxes options of Windows Xp. This should solve your problem because it is an animation bug.

- Select Control Panel
- System
- Advanced tab
- In Performance group select Settings

Then follow the pic and disable the setting:



Hope it helps you ;)

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