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Invalid Variable Name?


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I'm still getting used to this scripting engine...

so far for all the other versions variable declarations where:

var x

and that was goo... however...

I do it and in the log window, I get "Invalid Variable Name" ?

should I declare it in a specific scope? or it can be under a label scope ?

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The var command is kind of deprecated. Just type x = 3 and it will create the variable when needed (var gives an error if you already declared x). If you want to be explicit that x is a variable, write $x = 3

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3 hours ago, Mr. eXoDia said:

The var command is kind of deprecated. Just type x = 3 and it will create the variable when needed (var gives an error if you already declared x). If you want to be explicit that x is a variable, write $x = 3

Awesome thanks for this Mr. eXoDia :D also now that I have you here, I've been trying to look in the script reference for the command EOB but haven't been able to find it... will it be included in a near future?

EOB label
Transfer execution to some label on next breakpoint.
(see BPGOTO command to assign a label to a breakpoint)



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At the moment I don't have plans for extending the script language. However contributions are always welcome :)

EDIT: main reason for this is that I don't have time. All the time I devote to x64dbg goes to stability and performance fixes.

Edited by Mr. eXoDia
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