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[AnyLanguage] Volcano - ASCII Art


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2015 has been a very active year for volcanoes. It's a very active year for ascii art volcanos too

           \/\/\//<---------------- Peak of Eruption
            \   /
             \_/<------------------ Base of Eruption
             / \<------------------ Peak of volcano
            /   \
           /     \
          /       \
         /_________\<-------------- Base of Volcano


Create a code (via function, stdin, etc) that accepts 2 inputs

Input1 = Distance in lines between base and peak of volcano

Input2 = Distance in lines between base and peak of eruption

Based on these inputs, program should output to the console (stdout) the ASCII depiction of a volcano eruption


DrawEruption(Arg1 = VolcanoHeight, Arg2 = EruptionHeight)

INPUT: DrawEruption(9, 4)

            \     /
             \   /
              / \
             /   \
            /     \
           /       \
          /         \
         /           \
        /             \
       /               \

INPUT: DrawEruption(3, 14)


            \                         /
             \                       /
              \                     /
               \                   /
                \                 /
                 \               /
                  \             /
                   \           /
                    \         /
                     \       /
                      \     /
                       \   /
                        / \
                       /   \

INPUT: DrawEruption(1, 4)

            \     /
             \   /

How to post solution?

Language Name, Size of Program in Bytes - C#, 500 bytes, source code

How to size of program?

Compiled Languages - U can either count the size in bytes from the EP of the binary to the last instruction or the byte size of the ASCII code - whichever is shorter. C# can use byte size of ASCII code (as in .cs file) or the ASCII byte size of compiled ilasm instructions.

Interpreted Languages - Count the size in ASCII bytes of the source. print 'hello world' would be 19 bytes

Golfing Languages - CJam, Brainf$ck, golfscript, APL, Pyth, ><>, etc. will take a 250 byte penalty, so that other languages can have a chance.

These rules are designed so that all languages have an equal chance of winning & no certain language has any advantage.

Who wins?

The shortest code!

Bonus for drawing console animated eruptions or adding other ASCII effects!



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To set some baseline to compete against: C#, 0x103 bytes of IL code (VS2010, compiled in release mode). :)

        static void DrawEruption(int volcanoHeight, int eruptionHeight)
            string onespace = @" ";
            string twospace = @"  ";
            string forwardslash = @"/";

            // print eruption
            for (int eruption = 0; eruption < eruptionHeight; eruption++)
                string s = twospace;
                string ss = onespace;
                if (eruption == 0)
                    s = @"/\";
                    ss = forwardslash;
                if (eruption == eruptionHeight-1) ss = "_";

                // print spacing
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(0, volcanoHeight - eruptionHeight) + eruption; i++)

                // start of eruption

                // eruption itself
                for (int i = 0; i < eruptionHeight-eruption-1; i++)

                // end of eruption

            // print base
            for (int volcanobase = 0; volcanobase < volcanoHeight; volcanobase++)
                string s = onespace;
                if (volcanobase == volcanoHeight - 1)
                    s = @"_";
                // print spacing
                for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(0, eruptionHeight-volcanoHeight) + volcanoHeight - volcanobase - 1; i++)

                // volcano start

                // volcano itself
                for (int i = 0; i < 2*volcanobase +1; i++)

                // end of volcano 


@simple : I'm not sure I understood correctly how to count "ASCII byte size of compiled ilasm instructions." ;) Please correct me if I'm wrong - sample exe attached.


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I'm not sure I understood correctly how to count "ASCII byte size of compiled ilasm instructions."  Please correct me if I'm wrong - sample exe attached.

I'll change that, after looking at how you sized it's a better way.

Small code u wrote there kao!

Edited by simple
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ruby,305 Bytes

def drawEruption n,m
puts ((1..m-1).map{|x|(n>m ?' '*g :'')+' '*(m-x)+?\\+' '*(2*x-1)+?/}<<(((n>m ?' '*g :'')+'\/'*m+?/))).reverse*"\n\n"+?\n+' '*([n,m].max)+?-+?\n+((1..n).map{|x|(n<m ?' '*g :'')+' '*(x-1)+?/+' '*(2*(n-x)+1)+?\\}.reverse)*"\n\n"+?\n+(n<m ?' '*(g+1):' ')+'-'*(2*n-1)

Messy,I know.

Usage : drawEruption(volcanoHeight,eruptionHeight)  or drawEruption volcanoHeight,EruptionHeight

Small 32bit executable,just to test it,packaged with Ocra.



Edited by Redouane
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@Redouane: what am I missing here?


Enter volcanoHeight and eruptionHeight,two integers separated by any separator
Enter e to exit

C:/Temp/ocrF276.tmp/src/Volcano.rb:3:in `drawEruption': undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
        from C:/Temp/ocrF276.tmp/src/Volcano.rb:13:in `block in <main>'
        from C:/Temp/ocrF276.tmp/src/Volcano.rb:8:in `loop'
        from C:/Temp/ocrF276.tmp/src/Volcano.rb:8:in `<main>'


EDIT: nevermind, figured out how to use it. :) First press Enter, then enter 2 integers..

Edited by kao
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