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How to debug a program made using Delphi + madExcept


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I am trying to debug/reverse engineer a program made in delphi, using x32dbg. This program use madExcept (which replace the default Delphi exception manager).


If i put a breakpoint somewhere in the debugger, when it ran over the breakpoint, it does not break in the code, instead madExcept kicks in and the application show an error message :




This is nice because the "bug report" can show me a stack trace and also a disassembly with full methods names  :prop:





It does not however , stop and break in the x32_dbg debugger (which i really want to), and thus does not allow me to run the program step by step.


In the disasm window (not show on the screenshot here), the code where it breaks is "INT 3" (which is debug interrupt). this is what cause madExcept to fire.


How can I fix this ?

Edited by Tigrou
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could you post any created example executable using madExcept?


So as you already said madExcept does take the exception handling and does show you all datas if a exception get triggered.If now want to debug your file and you do set software breakpoints on any address then it will not stop and you get madExcept to see what does show a exception was triggered at the address where you did set your soft BP right?So in that case the target should get checked / read at this address where you did set your soft BP and in that case it will read a CC byte which is int 3 (80000003 (BREAKPOINT)).So the main question is where you did set your BP?Normaly you shouldn't get any problem if you do set BPs into normal main code commands which will not read by code itself (except files which are using any specific protection).Just check this again.Load your app in debugger and set a BP some commands (1or 2 etc) below and run and check whether it stops.If so then all should be work ok and you maybe really did set your bps on any read location.So on the other hand I don't know any delphi target which was compiled with madExcept which I could check to see how its built-in your target.if you don't want that madExcept get started anymore then check the target inside where it get installed or called and disable it.So the best would be to have any example file to check this so if you do code in delphi then just create any test file.



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I wanted to send you exe link by PM but it says "this user cannot receive new messages anymore" (because PM inbox is full ?)


Is it OK to post link to exe here ? (as temporary link). This is a commercial app.

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Maybe find ecMini.Exception.Create and/or System.RaiseExcept and place a breakpoint there to find the exception handler?


So when the interrupt fires, it will break in the exception handler and you can step the code from there. 

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Hi again,


yes my PM is full do you should post any self created file for checking.But anyway so I did remember the message box of madExcept so the Themida protector does use it too. :) I have check it now with the protector.So the main question is why you want to disable / reomve madExcept so its same as normal execption handling just with the difference that it show you a detailed info box etc.Also the set soft bps shouldn't be a problem with madExcept (don't know the latest version / if so then check the hooks made by madExcept & threads).For testing you can download any Themida protector then run the app in Olly then let break it somewhere (set memory bp) and now just force a exception (change eip opcode to CC byte) and run it again.Now you get madExcept box.If you now check the codesection for changes then you see that the code can hooked on different location in the delphi EC handling routines so I found 12.Now find the routine where it does patch the original code to hooked code and prevent it and at the end you get the result you can see on my pictures below.First is the original run and second the patched / disabled one.





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Thanks all for answers. Here is the exe file : 


https://dropfile.to/emQvB (link available for 24 hours, i will reupload if needed).


This file is from a demo that can be freely and legally downloaded from company website so i think this is totally fine.


Note that you need ScyllaHide plugin to be able to debug it (i use x32dbg), otherwise exe will complain that "A debugger is already attached" and will close after.

I put a breakpoint on ExitProcess() (which is the win32 api called to close the program after it detect debugger ) but I was not able to found where the debugger check is done.

Edited by Tigrou
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your file is protected by WinLicense.If you want to unpack it then use my script.

Themida - Winlicense Ultra Unpacker 1.4
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ QS
Packed Size: 7.070 MB +/- <=> UnPack Size: 17.648 MB +/-
TM WL VM Protection: CISC | Dumped: Intern WL Section NEW Version : - +
Direct VM OEP Address not found! - But is in use! -Rebuild Manually Push & JUMP Values! VM ADDR: Custom
VM ALIGN: F406A014
VM JUMP: 13645A1
UnVirtualizer data: Code Start: 401000
Code Size: 7FC000
VM Start: 135A000
VM Size: 107000
Possible VM Entrys: VM Entrys: 1
VM Reg | Trial: 0 <=> Or API wsprintfA
Code-Replace: 0
Crypt-to-Code: 0
Macro DE - EN: 1A
VM Sleep APIs: 1
XBundler Files: 0
Overlay Dumped: Yes! | Overlay Added: Yes Added to DP File!
IAT START : AFA2E4 | 7C9213B1 | ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
IAT END : AFB13C | 77BB895B | msacm32.acmStreamOpen
API FOUND : 953 and fixed DIRECT APIs to original IAT by user data.

After this you can also debug the main file so I get no detecting trouble with BPs.Just check out my script topic.



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Thanks for help. I am trying to unpack the exe using your unpacker. Everything is correctly installed (WinXP 32 bit OS + KernelMode / HookSSDT etc...).  I watched almost all videos. However i am not able to proceed with unpack.


- from which point should script be executed ? Just after exe is loaded and olly has stopped at entry point, right ? 

- first i choose run unpacker (yes option) then i choose to run the SetEvent AD finder.  after a while msgbox told me "Found SetEvent AD = Used !"

no matter what i choose after either the application start up or i get "script finished" message.


EDIT : if i choose to not run the SetEvent AD finder, the script stops on "call LOG_START" (line 795)


In videos I saw that first you edit the exe header ("No mutliprocessor system " and "Bytes reserved high") is this needed for unpack ? or is this just to demonstrate the possibility to restore CRC using the script ?

Edited by Tigrou
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I was finally able to dump it !


What i did not know was that at some point I needed to right click and choose "resume" on the script window.


I get similar log as you so i think it just went fine.


I am totally unsure how your script works but it seems an incredible amount of work. Thanks again. Now I can enjoy happy debugging.


PS : who is that lady smoking a cigar ?

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Hi again,


so your statement is almost incomprehensibly already.So I don't really think that you watched almost all videos and if so then without to use the forward slider don't you!All your question get answered in the videos.So you wanna get some hints?Ok I give you some hints.Go back to my script topic and read the entire first post I made.Now download the tutorial sets starting with the set 1.0 till 1.4.In all sets you can find different videos I made who does answer questions and demonstrate how to setup and unpack protected example targets.Mostly UnpackMes which you also can find in my sets too.Now it would be a good idea to test your acquired knowledge (about it) with any same UnpackMe files you have seen in my videos or don't you think so?Now try it again and I am sure you follow my hints then you also get your little target unpacked very soon.




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I checked your target and used Themida - WinLicense unpacking script v1.4 by LFC-AT and it works fine. 


I'm using Windows 7 32bit. First I choose YES (Unpack) > NO (SetEvent).


Here is the log

Log data
Address Message
Themida - Winlicense Ultra Unpacker 1.4
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 01670A0F Breakpoint at 01670A0F
01670A10 Breakpoint at 01670A10
01680054 Breakpoint at 01680054 OS=x86 32-Bit
01680056 Breakpoint at 01680056
016A0021 Breakpoint at 016A0021
016A0028 Breakpoint at 016A0028 7.070 MB +/- 17.648 MB +/- Your target is a >>> Executable <<< file!
PE HEADER: 400000 | 1000
CODESECTION: 401000 | 7FC000
PE HEADER till CODESECTION Distance: 1000 || Value of 1000 = Normal!
Your Target seems to be a normal file! Unpacking of NET targets is diffrent!
Dump running process with WinHex and then fix the whole PE and NET struct! 016B064B Breakpoint at 016B064B Overlay found & dumped to disk! Disasembling Syntax: MASM (Microsoft) <=> OK Show default segments: Enabled
Always show size of memory operands: Enabled
Extra space between arguments: Disabled StrongOD Found!
HidePEB=1 Enabled = OK
KernelMode=1 Enabled = OK
KillPEBug=1 Enabled = OK
SkipExpection=0 Disabled = Enable this!
DriverName=IcarusDc DRX=1 Enabled = OK ---------------------------------------------- 0074B1DC Breakpoint at QS.0074B1DC
0074B1DE Breakpoint at QS.0074B1DE Windows 7 or higher found!
Newer SetEvent & Kernel32 ADs Redirecting in Realtime is disabled by user!
Kernel Ex Table Start: 755356FC
016F003F Breakpoint at 016F003F PE DUMPSEC: VA 2400000 - VS 3C000
PE ANTISEC: VA 2401000
PE OEPMAKE: VA 2401600
PE I-Table: VA 2403000
VP - STORE: VA 2402F00
and or...
API JUMP-T: VA 2403000
016F003F Breakpoint at 016F003F RISC VM Store Section VA is: 2440000 - VS 200000
016F0041 Breakpoint at 016F0041
014610C9 Privileged instruction
0135BFE6 Privileged instruction
0135C390 Privileged instruction
0135D4DC Privileged instruction
0135DA26 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.0135DA26 Found WL Intern Export API Access at: 135DEDF Use this address to get all intern access WL APIs!
0139B756 Privileged instruction
0139B854 Privileged instruction
0139B19F Privileged instruction
0139EA98 Privileged instruction
0139EFBF Privileged instruction
0139EB67 Privileged instruction
013A009B Privileged instruction
0139FB65 Privileged instruction
013A89D4 Privileged instruction
013A8090 Illegal instruction
013AA2E8 Privileged instruction
74D60000 Module C:\Windows\system32\SspiCli.dll
013AD12F Privileged instruction
013ACEA9 Privileged instruction
013B0741 Privileged instruction
013B0CE5 Privileged instruction
013BB030 Privileged instruction
013BAE09 Privileged instruction
013BC3FE Privileged instruction
013BF54B Privileged instruction
013BF05F Privileged instruction
754CC4EA Hardware breakpoint 2 at kernel32.VirtualAlloc ---------- Loaded File Infos ---------- Target Base: 400000 Kernel32 Base: 75480000 Kernel32 SORD: 754801F8 | C5000
Kernel32 SORD: 75480200 User32 Base: 76B40000
Advapi32 Base: 76AA0000
--------------------------------------- WL Section: 135A000 | 107000 WL Align: F406A014 | EBP Pointer Value
XBundler Prepair Sign not found!
CISC VM is located in the Themida - Winlicense section 135A000 | 107000.
VMWare Address: 135D6CC | 0
VMWare Checks are not Used & Disabled by Script!
Auto XBundler Checker & Dumper is enabled!
If XBunlder Files are found in auto-modus then they will dumped by script!
If the auto XBunlder Dumper does fail etc then disable it next time!
Anti Access Stop on Code Section was Set! Moddern MJM Scan Chosen! Normal IAT Patch Scan Was Written!
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000CAC created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000870 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000734 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000544 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000798 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000A88 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000BB4 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000BDC created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000BE0 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000878 created
013DABCF Privileged instruction
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000274 created
013DADD1 Privileged instruction
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000984 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 000007B4 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000A94 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000F54 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000310 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 000003C8 created
026C0306 Breakpoint at 026C0306
0135AF7F New thread with ID 000002AC created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000FA0 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000538 created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 000008FC created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000E7C created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000E9C created
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000B00 created
013DC1C8 Privileged instruction
013DC62D Privileged instruction
013DE14B Privileged instruction
013DE853 Privileged instruction
013DEB8C Privileged instruction
013E17AA Privileged instruction
013E1B4B Privileged instruction
013E149C Privileged instruction
013E25B1 Privileged instruction
013E212C Privileged instruction
013E22FE Privileged instruction
013E4B24 Privileged instruction
013E480D Privileged instruction
013E524D Privileged instruction
013E55A1 Privileged instruction
013EAE80 Privileged instruction
013EAF58 Privileged instruction
013EFA17 Privileged instruction
013F68F1 Privileged instruction
013F643A Privileged instruction
013FA9BF Privileged instruction
013FA61B Privileged instruction
013FA712 Privileged instruction
013FCFE4 Privileged instruction
013FD1D9 Privileged instruction
013FD2B4 Privileged instruction
01400C6F Privileged instruction
01401525 Privileged instruction
01401A8B Privileged instruction
026B0033 Hardware breakpoint 1 at 026B0033
76EE2EBC Hardware breakpoint 3 at ntdll.76EE2EBC Heap Prot was redirected!
71010000 Module C:\Windows\system32\winmm.dll
5C110000 Module C:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll
644F0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\GLU32.dll
5C020000 Module C:\Windows\system32\DDRAW.dll
718D0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
752E0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\SETUPAPI.dll
751D0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\CFGMGR32.dll
750A0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\DEVOBJ.dll
73710000 Module C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll
6E2A0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\olepro32.dll
75E20000 Module C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll
75BE0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\comdlg32.dll
71550000 Module C:\Windows\system32\wsock32.dll
75290000 Module C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
76FD0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll
6E700000 Module C:\Windows\system32\winspool.drv
5BF90000 Module C:\Windows\system32\hhctrl.ocx
644D0000 Module C:\Windows\system32\AVICAP32.dll
5BF60000 Module C:\Windows\system32\MSVFW32.dll
01405E52 Privileged instruction
014061AF Privileged instruction
0140665F Privileged instruction
01406EDD Privileged instruction
01406FFC Privileged instruction
01409BB7 Privileged instruction
0140E4C0 Privileged instruction
0140EF7D Privileged instruction
0140F489 Privileged instruction
0140F774 Privileged instruction
014117CA Privileged instruction
01412D0E Privileged instruction
014123A9 Privileged instruction
0141264A Privileged instruction
01415068 Privileged instruction
01414E4A Privileged instruction
01415C3D Privileged instruction
014161C7 Privileged instruction
01416E98 Privileged instruction
01417E1E Privileged instruction
01417B10 Privileged instruction
01418935 Privileged instruction
014189A2 Privileged instruction
014197AA Privileged instruction
01419540 Privileged instruction
01419061 Privileged instruction
0141A0B3 Privileged instruction
0141A0F2 Privileged instruction
01419DE6 Privileged instruction
0141DDDB Privileged instruction
0141D684 Privileged instruction
0141DB18 Privileged instruction
0141E757 Privileged instruction
01420EDC Privileged instruction
01420E34 Privileged instruction
014239FB Privileged instruction
01424186 Privileged instruction
01424436 Privileged instruction
01424449 Privileged instruction
01424468 Hardware breakpoint 2 at QS.01424468
00401000 Problems when disabling memory breakpoint:
00401000 Access to memory changed from RE to RWE (original RWECopy)
0074B000 Access to memory changed from RE to RWE (original RWE)
01424474 Privileged instruction
014244AD Memory breakpoint when writing to [009DF710]
01424DFF Privileged instruction
014264D5 Privileged instruction
0142684C Privileged instruction
0142DC9A Privileged instruction
0142E63F Privileged instruction
0142EFBD Privileged instruction
0142F73B Privileged instruction
0142FAF7 Privileged instruction
0142F8F3 Privileged instruction
0142FF8E Memory breakpoint when writing to [009DF710]
0142FFBC Memory breakpoint when writing to [00401000] 142FFBC - REP MOVS BYTE PTR ES:[EDI],BYTE PTR DS:[ESI]
0142FFBE Breakpoint at QS.0142FFBE
0143008C Privileged instruction
0143010A Privileged instruction
01436769 Privileged instruction
0135AF7F New thread with ID 00000F5C created
0143ACFB Privileged instruction
0143B922 Privileged instruction
0143BB77 Privileged instruction
0143BC26 Privileged instruction
0143E943 Privileged instruction
0143E753 Privileged instruction
0143E2E9 Privileged instruction
026C02AF Breakpoint at 026C02AF First Found 4 Magic Jumps!
MJ_1: 01443114
MJ_2: 01443150
MJ_3: 0144316D
MJ_4: 0144319C
------------------------------ Modern TM WL Version Found!
-------- IAT RD DATA --------- 13B8492 - CMP R32, 10000 14424D7 - Prevent Crasher 1443114 - Prevent IAT RD
1443150 - Prevent IAT RD
144316D - Prevent IAT RD
144319C - Prevent IAT RD
Special Pointers Located!
01443114 Hardware breakpoint 2 at QS.01443114
6D080000 Module C:\Windows\system32\msacm32.dll ----- First API In EAX -----
API ADDR: 7553F7B2 | MODULE NAME: kernel32 | API NAME: DeleteCriticalSection
---------------------------- MJs and Nopper was patched!
0139561D Breakpoint at QS.0139561D
01441C5B Hardware breakpoint 2 at QS.01441C5B Special IAT Patch was written!
014460CB Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.014460CB It can be that the VM OEP can not found yet at this moment!
In some cases the WL code is not created at this late point!
So if the created VM OEP data will fail then use the real OEP!
Or find the VM OEP manually!
Come close at the end and find VM On/Off switch!
Do Input 1 / Output 0 steps via HWBP write!
Test on CISC first - MemBPWrite Code = REP DW [EDI],[ESI]
Now set HWBP on GetProcessHeap and return = close at the end!
VM OEP = Align + Pre Push (TIGER & FISH VM Only) VM + Push + JMP Handler!
For newer version you need to use Align to EBP before entering the VM!
Find that later created commands at OEP in WL section...
MOV R32,R32 | ADD R32,R32 | JMP R32
Break on the founds and trace forward till Handler start and check push values!
Check out my video to see a exsample about it! 1.) Older VM SIGN FOUND!
048C0193 Breakpoint at 048C0193
Possible VM OEP STOP FOUND AT: 13645A1
Possible VM OEP STOP FOUND AT: 138E72E
Possible VM OEP STOP FOUND AT: 1378978
01449EA4 Privileged instruction
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
0144AE0A Privileged instruction
0144ACAD Privileged instruction
0144B164 Privileged instruction
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
026B0033 Hardware breakpoint 1 at 026B0033
76EE2EBC Hardware breakpoint 2 at ntdll.76EE2EBC Heap One was redirected!
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
026B0033 Hardware breakpoint 1 at 026B0033
76EE2EBC Hardware breakpoint 2 at ntdll.76EE2EBC Heap Two was redirected!
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
013645A1 Breakpoint at QS.013645A1
0091D990 Memory breakpoint when executing [0091D990] FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374
04760149 Breakpoint at 04760149
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
04760174 Breakpoint at 04760174 Problem!Logged API was not found in Code!
Search Section: 00401000
Search End : 00BFCFF0 API_TOP: 048E0010
API_ADDR: 6D0842B6 FOUND_API_COUNTS: 00000374 API_TOP_NAME: ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection
API_END_NAME: msacm32.acmStreamOpen
0476017B Breakpoint at 0476017B 00AFA2E4
Found IAT start and end! Newer Second SAD Found at: 135BACA! Found SAD TOP at: 135B81A - 12FF64
Fixed SAD TOP at: 135B81A - 2401000 - 7E4EF6CD
Found and Redirected 1 First SAD's! ---------- NEW INFO ---------- NEW VM OEP SCAN VM OEP Push is: D3EC6F9
VM OEP Jump is: 13645A1 ------------------------------
No VM OEP Routines to rebuiled! 04780180 Breakpoint at 04780180 ----- SLEEP APIS ----- ----- Found 1 -------- VM Sleep API Fixed at: 13ADBB0 ---------------------- 048C0194 Breakpoint at 048C0194 Direct VM OEP Address not found! - But is in use! - Rebuild Manually Push & JUMP Values!
VM ADDR: Custom
VM JUMP : 13645A1
New Created OEP is: VA 2401600
048C018D Breakpoint at 048C018D
048C018D Breakpoint at 048C018D
048C0190 Breakpoint at 048C0190 -------- VM Plugin Data -------- Code Start: 401000
00401000 Code Size: 7FC000
007FC000 VM Start: 135A000
0135A000 VM Size: 107000
00107000 --------------------------------
1 | Possible VM ENTRY FOUND AT: 91DBC9
048C018D Breakpoint at 048C018D
048C0190 Breakpoint at 048C0190
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754BBDAF Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
754E79C9 Access violation in KERNEL32 ignored on request
048C01E8 Breakpoint at 048C01E8 ---------- SDK API LIST ---------- ---------------------------------- 048C01A8 Breakpoint at 048C01A8
048C01AA Breakpoint at 048C01AA
048C01B0 Breakpoint at 048C01B0
048C0173 Breakpoint at 048C0173 Found no JMP to wsprintfA APIs x2! CRYPT-to-CODE will not fixed!
Check Code Integrity Macro Found at: 0144C7B9
Check Code Integrity Macro Found at: 0144C911
Check Code Integrity Macro Found at: 0144CA72 Patch Check Code Integrity Macro Manually!
048C0197 Breakpoint at 048C0197
1 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 814922 - 14549D4
2 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 814A59 - 14549D4
3 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 866C25 - 14549D4
4 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 866D94 - 14549D4
5 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 86708C - 14549D4
6 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 86749F - 14549D4
7 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 867830 - 14549D4
8 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 867C6F - 14549D4
9 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 8680B4 - 14549D4
A | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 868122 - 14549D4
B | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 868466 - 14549D4
C | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 868D54 - 14549D4
D | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 91DABE - 14549D4
048C0199 Breakpoint at 048C0199
E | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 814909 - 14549D4
F | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 814A40 - 14549D4
10 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 866C0C - 14549D4
11 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 866D5A - 14549D4
12 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 866F54 - 14549D4
13 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 86742F - 14549D4
14 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 8677C5 - 14549D4
15 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 867C04 - 14549D4
16 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 868092 - 14549D4
17 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 8680FC - 14549D4
18 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 86843C - 14549D4
19 | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 868D2E - 14549D4
1A | CALL 014549D4 VM NEW MACRO DE - EN FOUND AT: 91DAA0 - 14549D4
0091DAA5 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.0091DAA5
00868D33 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00868D33
00868441 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00868441
00868101 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00868101
00868097 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00868097
00867C09 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00867C09
008677CA Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.008677CA
00867434 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00867434
00866F59 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00866F59
00866D5F Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00866D5F
00866C11 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00866C11
00814A45 Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.00814A45
0081490E Hardware breakpoint 1 at QS.0081490E
048C0197 Breakpoint at 048C0197
048C0199 Breakpoint at 048C0199
05480080 Breakpoint at 05480080
048C0129 Breakpoint at 048C0129
048C018D Breakpoint at 048C018D
048C018D Breakpoint at 048C018D
048C0190 Breakpoint at 048C0190 Start of list --(2)-- of all VM ENTRYs after Macro etc fixing
1 | Possible VM ENTRY FOUND AT: 91DBC9
0091DBC9 ---------- IAT DATA ---------- IAT START: AFA2E4 | 76EE9AC5 | ntdll.RtlDeleteCriticalSection IAT END : AFB13C | 6D0842B6 | msacm32.acmStreamOpen IAT SIZE : E5C IAT APIs : 884 | Dec ------------------------------
Start of new direct IAT fixing!
Better search and fix pattern used!
Only fixing direct APIs of real entered IAT start til End by user! 054C0020 Breakpoint at 054C0020
054C0039 Breakpoint at 054C0039
054C0039 Breakpoint at 054C0039
054C0031 Breakpoint at 054C0031
054C0031 Breakpoint at 054C0031
054C002E Breakpoint at 054C002E
054C0033 Breakpoint at 054C0033
054C0035 Breakpoint at 054C0035
054C0035 Breakpoint at 054C0035
054C0035 Breakpoint at 054C0035
054C0041 Breakpoint at 054C0041
054C0035 Breakpoint at 054C0035
054C0035 Breakpoint at 054C0035
054C003E Breakpoint at 054C003E
054C002F Breakpoint at 054C002F
054C0031 Breakpoint at 054C0031
054C0036 Breakpoint at 054C0036
054C003C Breakpoint at 054C003C
054C0041 Breakpoint at 054C0041
054C0041 Breakpoint at 054C0041
054C0029 Breakpoint at 054C0029
054C0029 Breakpoint at 054C0029
054C0039 Breakpoint at 054C0039 New IAT Patching way was executed!
API FOUND : 953 and fixed DIRECT APIs to original IAT by user data. 048C0142 Breakpoint at 048C0142
1 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 40F013
2 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 41ADCF
3 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 42B015
4 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 42B120
5 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 432CE2
6 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 43B822
7 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 4409E6
8 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 444311
9 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 450A2A
A | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 450D9D
B | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 4C052A
C | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 4DF2C8
D | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 4E1622
E | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 4F46AD
F | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 4FAA89
10 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 506D41
11 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 51BAEF
12 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 51BCE6
13 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 52EABE
14 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 531914
15 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 532005
16 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 5551F9
17 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 555811
18 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 55CE73
19 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 583C07
1A | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 5C3BFC
1B | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 5F0246
1C | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 615B4A
1D | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 62FAA0
1E | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 6AE7B4
1F | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 6B116E
20 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 6BD590
21 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 6D6AFC
22 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 6D87E1
23 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 6E7FC2
24 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 6F20E5
25 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 6FE937
26 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 704B69
27 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 770F5A
28 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 8D31D3
29 | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 8D51B3
2A | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 8D529C
2B | Found possible custom TM WL calls at: 8D539A
054E0001 Breakpoint at 054E0001
054E0015 Breakpoint at 054E0015
TLS CallBackPointer was Killed! Delphi Sign found!TLS Access Patched at: 407B69
TLS was removed from target!
Codesection was set to writeable by script before dumping! IATStore-Section is already set to writeable!
054F0047 Breakpoint at 054F0047 The old original Import Table was deleted! SetEvent: 135C89B - 754CBE6C SetEvent: 135C89B - 2402200 * 2402214 - 90909090 SetEvent ASD was redirected! LoadLib: 135BB3A - 2402210 * 2402226 - #FF15F0124875595985C00F84# LoadLibraryA ASD was redirected! FreeLibrary ASD was redirected >1< time! eax: 05500000 | ASCII "C:\Users\ADM\Documents\Engima370\Themida - Winlicense Ultra Unpacker 1.4 - Tutorial\ARImpRec.dll"
ecx: 754CDD15 | kernel32.LoadLibraryA
eax: 40000000 | ASCII "MZP"
40000000 Module C:\Users\ADM\Documents\Engima370\Themida - Winlicense Ultra Unpacker 1.4 - Tutorial\ARImpRec.dll ecx: 05500000 | ASCII "TryGetImportedFunction@24"
eax: 40000000 | ASCII "MZP"
edi: 754CCD44 | kernel32.GetProcAddress
eax: 4001F894 | ARImpRec.TryGetImportedFunction@24 esi: 00AFA2E4
edi: 05630000
ecx: 00000E5C ---------- Pre Calculated Table datas ---------- I_TABLE Start VA: 2403000 - Size: 8C00 P_TABLE Start VA: 240BC00 - Size: 3800 S_TABLE Start VA: 240F400 - Size: OpenEnd ------------------------------------------------ ---------- ITA ----------
Import Table Address RVA: F59320
Import Table Size : 474
056502C4 Breakpoint at 056502C4 --------- ITA NEW --------
Import Table Address RVA: 2003000
Import Table Size : 4510
------------------------- VP STORE: 2402F00 - 754C2CDD - kernel32.VirtualProtect
056502C4 Breakpoint at 056502C4 PE ADS + IAT: VA 2400000 | RVA 2000000 | 1582E Raw
056502C4 Breakpoint at 056502C4
056502D8 Breakpoint at 056502D8 PE was dumped to disk!
PE_ADS - 2400000 - 1582E eax: 056A0000 | ASCII "C:\Users\ADM\Documents\Engima370\3_20IMPUS - enigma370\Protected\ALL THEMIDA\QS.exe"
eax: 056A004E | ASCII "QS.exe"
eax: 056A0054 | ASCII "msvcrt.dll"
edi: 754CDD15 | kernel32.LoadLibraryA
eax: 75CB0000 malloc: 75CB9CEE | msvcrt.malloc
free: 75CB9894 | msvcrt.free
ldiv: 75CBF908 | msvcrt.ldiv OEP_RVA: 02001600
056C018F Breakpoint at 056C018F CodeStart VA: 401000
CODE-SECTION-TOP 2 RAWSIZE: 103000 FREE 00 BYTES of SEXTION TOP till CODE-SECTION-TOP 2: 11B004 Hex >|< Dec 1159172 FREE 00 BYTES in CODESECTION: 1.159 MegaBytes!
056C019F Breakpoint at 056C019F ------------ New PE Data to Optimize ------------
New Codesection VS: 6F9000
New Codesection RS: 5DE000
New Nextsection VA: 6FA000
New Nextsection RO: 6FA000
New Nextsection VS: 85EEF6
New Nextsection RS: 85EEF8
Enter the new datas in your dumped file!
Use the LordPE Tool!
Enable Validate PE & Relign / Normal!
Now lets rebuild the dump!
056F038F Breakpoint at 056F038F Dumping was successfully by the script!
C:\Users\ADM\Documents\Engima370\3_20IMPUS - enigma370\Protected\ALL THEMIDA\PE_ADS
057004B5 Breakpoint at 057004B5 SEC_HANDLE: 000001CC
05700809 Breakpoint at 05700809
Section was successfully added to dumped file!
PE Rebuild was successfully! esi: 000001CC
edi: 754CE918 | kernel32.CloseHandle
eax: 00000001 eax: 06870000 | ASCII "C:\Users\ADM\Documents\Engima370\3_20IMPUS - enigma370\Protected\ALL THEMIDA\PE_ADS"
edi: 754C4492 | kernel32.DeleteFileA
eax: 00000001 esi: 05630000
edi: 00AFA2E4
ecx: 00000E5C
016B0740 Breakpoint at 016B0740 Overlay was added successfully to DP dumped file! Target OEP or Sub Routine Top First Execution On CodeSection VA: 91D990 Script Finished - See Olly LOG for more infos! Thank you and bye bye Show Disabled!



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