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I also tried x64dbg, everything works fine. Please give me exact instructions and the program you are using. I used ShareX to record this gif

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watch disabled by default, activate impossible from changes (snapshot_2016-08-30_11-05.7z).
Watchdog submenu does not work.

Edited by sstrato
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  • 2 weeks later...

Search constant in the CPU window does not work.

Possible solution change order of parameters in line CPUDisassembly.cpp:


DbgCmdExec(QString("findref %1, %2, 0, %3").arg(addrText).arg(constText).arg(refFindType).toUtf8().constData());

change for:

DbgCmdExec(QString("findref %1, %2, 0, %3").arg(constText).arg(addrText).arg(refFindType).toUtf8().constData());


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  • 2 weeks later...

The above bugs are solved thanks.
The following is not annoying, but the text strings that contain rare characters do not line up correctly when using the command search.tex-des.png

Edited by sstrato
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  • 3 weeks later...

No menu is displayed RBP, EBP.


possible changes in cpustack.cpp solution:


mMenuBuilder->addAction(makeAction(DIcon("cbp.png"), ArchValue(tr("Follow E&BP"), tr("Follow R&BP")), SLOT(gotoBpSlot())), [this](QMenu*)
        return DbgMemIsValidReadPtr(DbgValFromString("cbp"));


mMenuBuilder->addAction(makeAction(DIcon("cbp.png"), ArchValue(tr("Follow E&BP"), tr("Follow R&BP")), SLOT(gotoBpSlot())));


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@sstrato I found and fixed a bug in editing the FPU registers with little/big endian. The other bug with the non-refreshed disassembly should now also be fixed. There were lots of performance improvements but some state would carry over to the next debug session and because the first disassemble was at the same address as before the restart it would not update. Thanks!

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Dear mrexodia, I've a strange issue with the jump taken/not taken arrows when it is stated to jump it doent, and vis versa.

I'll explain with this GIF image as well as my ini file:




Edited by samoray
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mrexodia,

Here is a feature request if interesting for you.

For me, it's quite handy the "Virtual:" editbox in a Memory panel in Windbg. For example, you just type "eax" into that editbox and the memory content is always refreshed when EAX changes. Of course, if EAX points to an invalid address, no memory is displayed.

You can place there other expressions (like a fix memory address, of regs arithmetics like "eip + 1", etc) and the memory content is updated while tracing.

I was thinking that in the x64dbg "Dump" panel, apart from your "Command" edit box, you could also add another edit box with "Virtual:".

If something is not clear, let me know and I will send you more information.



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