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[UnPackMe] Safengine Shielden


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Hi again,


so I see you still keep posting UnpackMes with new protected SE versions.Very good _or_75 and thank you again of course. :) So I see some little changes in the protection layer so now it used more codeself-checks + a double Re-Re-direction of the EMU dlls.Ok so here my unpacked file again.




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Hi again,


short supplement.So I attached a new unpacked version of this unpackme with all fixed commands. :) So there was tons of them but no problem with using of MultiASM.Only problem I found are 7 VM pieces which are really bad to fix them = entire code routines are VMed in that case. :)

004018D0 call 004013B0 Jmps
004013D3 etc

Great,so now I could all fix except this 7 and now I have also to keep the big SE section.If you can fix them then you can get a very small file later. :)




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Hi again,


just a short info for all who are waiting for a SE Tutorial or a Unpack script.What do you prefer more?Just check out my little preview video if you like. :)



Great job as usual my friend.

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Hi again,


just a short info for all who are waiting for a SE Tutorial or a Unpack script.What do you prefer more?Just check out my little preview video if you like. :)



I bet that many people will watch the video with the mouth open.... and will be eager for more...


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SE Tutorial or a Unpack script.What do you prefer more?


Tutorial! Tutorial! Tutorial!!!

I can write a script with what I learn from a tutorial and I can study (and hopefully defeat) more updated targets like I've done with Arma 9 Copymem II crash, while it's really hard doing things the other way round :)

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because a full script is not written yet.So this will take time of course to translate my MutliCode in the script language.Maybe I create and post first a tutorial about it and later the script. :) I will see.


PS: Keep posting SE UnpackMes so this will help of course to adjust my codes if necessary.



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Please no safengine script.


I don't get it why you are supporting some idiots with your scripts. People, who don't even know how to unpack UPX, register here at tuts4you and want your help to get your Themida/Winlicense scripts working. Maybe you like to do this as a hobby, but I still dont understand why you are helping idiots cracking some software. If you really want to help the RCE scene, don't write scripts, better write some text tutorials and explain the concepts of unpacking. A PDF file is much more valuable than any script, because sooner or later the script will stop working and PDF files with concepts about a protector will last forever.

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Hhmm.Ok I do understand your point but then you shouldn't release tools as Scylla or?Its almost the same so you can turn it as you want but at the end its the same or whats the different in your case?Would you better create a tutorial about manually dumping & fixing instead to use a tool like Scylla which can handle this stuff quickly?I don't think so right.If you don't write a tool as you did with Scylla then somebody else would made it sooner or later.So the problem is that you can "code" and you do also use your coding knowledge to create good tools for all as you did with Scylla and I can use my knowledge to write scripts.All in all its the same and at the end is comming something out what the people can use if they want (tools,scripts,etc).Of course you can say that some idiots using my scripts to unpack this or that but also the same idiots using your tools and other tools too to prevent a manually handling.If I do support them then you too (even if not knowingly).


So I think the problem you have is maybe something else could that be?So I also did hear no scream from you when other people did release scripts / tools etc so why then just in my case?Strange thing or?


Sure a PDF tutorial would also be a great thing but unfortunately are such kind of tutorials really not my thing (writing lot of text parts and creating tons of pics) so this I have done one time and it was really a pain in the butt you know and I also don't have the patience for this (lazy too) etc.But respect to all who have the patience and endurance to make such tutorials.


Anyway but thank you for your opinion Aguila so I always like to hear different viewpoints also if yours is not really convincingly so far.



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There is a big (a really big) difference between releasing a tool for a single step in a long process (scylla is such a tool) or releasing a fully automated tool/script to unpack a very complex protector. Reversers need such tools like scylla, or debuggers! or process dumpers or hide-plugins because it is a "boring" and necessary task in the process of unpacking. Most people know what these things do and they could do it manually, if there is really no other way.


But... some people do it for fun and for the challenge itself (like me) and they understand how things work... and some other people, like the one's, who need help using your scripts, don't do it for fun or for the challenge, they do it probably for profit (like cracking software they dont want to buy). They dont have any desire to learn something. They only want the result, they don't want to understand.


There is another bad thing about scripts: People cannot learn something from your scripts. They are too complex! Without explaination it is useless for other people. So I could unpack themida with your script, but I will never understand what your script is doing or why it works, because reading your script is very difficult. This is why text tutorials are much better. Of course you can include scripts in text tutorials, but not fully automated scripts. Include scripts for specific tasks (because of a lower complexity) like finding the OEP, you know...



But in the end I don't care what you do, this is just my opinion and I am probably not alone with this opinion.

Edited by Aguila
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There is a big (a really big) difference between releasing a tool for a single step in a long process (scylla is such a tool) or releasing a fully automated tool/script


But in the end I don't care what you do, this is just my opinion and I am probably not alone with this opinion.


I am one of the persons who am waiting for LCF-AT ' scripts . But  I do not agree with you  .Since  nothing last forever . If LCF-AT don't write scripts  , then someone else would write it . It might be me :) .Human history shows us that .

We are learning a lot from him . as you said , i also use his scripts  to challenge my targets , not for fun .

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Sure you have right so far with some points but then I should never write any auto-scripts in the future just because there are people who can use it for bad things so is it then my fault?So I just create the tool and the people has to decide whether and for what they want to use it you know.So maybe you do remember on any cracking tutorials which are out there where the author writes at the end "For demo purposes only / Don't crack just buy the soft" etc something like this you know what I mean.Of course at the end there are people who use this tutorial to crack the apps on the same way as shown and other don't and thats the difference but you can't control them or dictate what they have to do or not.So its really not so easy to get all under one hat.


So people who did lern OllyScript can also read and understand written scripts also my scripts.Its the same as would you share your Scylla source and all who know the programer language can also read it like a open book (did you release your source of Scylla?If no would you?Don't know it at the moment).


So my goal is it to write codes and scripts which can handle a entire process of any protection also if its a complex protection so this is my challenge and I think other RCE people has the same challenge and if they passed it then they craete very good tools as the ArmaGeddon Unpacker for exsample.A nice handy tool to get Armadillo protected files with different conditions unpacked.User XY can decide to use this tool to get something unpacked in a few seconds or user XY can also decide to lern how to handle it manually if possible.


The problem is where to set a border (AutoUnpack tool ok AutoUnpack script not) to say this is right and this not etc you know so at last user XY does decide it.


Yeah Aguila and thats great so you have your opinion which I do respect of course and I have my opinion and we can discuss about it without problems like people should do it.



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How does writing scripts teach one about generic unpacking techniques which apply to any target? they don't. Tutorials do.

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Hold your horses....

This is not going to lead to nothing good.

IMHO is every man/women decision what to do with his/her knowledge.

So i think is a matter that is not subject to discuss.

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Wait a minute.


LCF-AT wanted our opinion, and we are giving it.

And now you are saying we are not allowed?

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Opinions are fine, but it seems to me that some people are emphasizing too much the negative sides of releasing scripts for a specific target.

Considering that LCF-AT has been releasing many unpacking scripts so far, it may even sound like a criticism for his past works.


Why not just vote which one you prefer: a script or a tutorial, without trying to defeat the opposing party?

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Wait a minute.


LCF-AT wanted our opinion, and we are giving it.

And now you are saying we are not allowed?

I was not referring at your post.

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The problem is where to set a border (AutoUnpack tool ok AutoUnpack script not) to say this is right and this not etc you know so at last user XY does decide it.

Depends on what one wants to achieve. IMHO, neither is for learning purposes. And that's the main reason people are (should be) here for, don't you agree? We already have more than enough places kids can get their hand on tools and scripts to unpack whatever they cannot handle on their own.


Consequently, no, releasing scripts does not help. Scripts will always only show how to handle one specific edge case of a certain protector feature. How does it help the user understand the general idea of the the applied technique? Simple. It does not. What is more, some source code may be considered self-contained in terms of documentation and well understandable. I argue that OllyScript most certainly is not due to it's extreme assembly-like syntax.


Write tutorials. Explain the feature in a general fashion. Develop general approaches for recurring problems so that your reader can apply them to similar problems. That's what one should aim for, again, IMHO.


On a side note, Aguila's tool does not - no harm intended - solve a complex problem compared to unpacking a protection system. It's merely for automation purposes of an otherwise "simple" but boring task.

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Hello LCF-AT,


There is really a big difference between tutorial and a script. A script in general gets misused. People come here register just to get your script working for their specific targets. IMHO scripts are not a good way for newbies to learn from which are the majority of what i have seen so far. Sure one can debug your script and learn something from it but again that is rarely the case. Problem is people only use your script to unpack a specific target which merely need any knowledge. A tutorial on the other hand will teach people the mechanism of such a packer so people who are just interested in unpacking some targets will get nowhere with a tutorial.


Of course you have your own decision :)

Edited by Lostin
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Hi Lostin and all others,


maybe you're right so far and a tutorial would be more interesting for people who want to know more details how to handle the protection manually also if my tutorial styles are not so good. :) Ok guys so I think this I will do.Little video tutorial + some small different basic scripts.


Ok so thank you again so far guys for your opinions and till later.



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