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Hi every one i am new here first i will say thanks to every one for providing us this platform, now i would like to come to point i am a software engineering students i have too much  interest  in reverse engineering and have  experience  of decompiling of java,c#,delphi and C++ disasmbeling with ollydbg but i have questions.As for i am doing this for fun but now i want my future in it are there exits any  opportunity in it too do a solid job and earn solid money with it and what are those,do i have to keep continue this or choose it as for fun,I want your  advisement and also want from you as you are my gurus to advise me to work on what more,which platform or language.Thanks to all you giving me time but there is one thing you my gurus are unique in IT

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sure, but don't just focus on RE. Also go for hacking etc. That will make it easier to find a job.


But finding a IT security related job is like shooting fish in a barrel.. Fairly easy.

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IMO all the money is in security research and development which uses knowledge of OS allocation schemes and RCE. You can retire off the sale of two exploits of high userbase software.. It's long work, even if you use fuzzing software you can spend months on something and come up with nothing..


If you're American you should know degrees don't go far, they are just prerequisites to enter or stay in a career. You have to socialize into careers in America. Software engineering rarely has entry level openings since early two-thousands, and it's usually high-production low-pay with some of the most boring and repetitive software ideas you'll ever see, after you get through their crazy HR..


Ignore everything but IDA, olly dissasembler engine breaks too easy and it's got too many platform limits.. Almost nobody is going to pay you to just remove licensing on PE(even ISO level), and if they do it's either scammers or low ballers. In my experience people wanted the best shareware protectors removed from MMO bots for a couple hundred bucks, and when you do you drastically saturate your own job market..


Move to Europe or Russia, you'll make more money because that's where all entry level work and most studios and outsourcing are now. US, UK, and most countries with similiar economies are marginalized because their work forces waste too much and suck at core sciences..

Edited by chickenbutt
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high-production low-pay with some of the most boring and repetitive software ideas you'll ever see, after you get through their crazy HR..



US, UK, and most countries with similiar economies are marginalized because their work forces waste too much and suck at core sciences..

Unfortunately, there's a lot of truth in those words. I would mention cryptology or cryptography, RCE only as far as understanding how cracks / security loopholes / viruses / trojans, etc.

can be introduced.

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Unfortunately, there's a lot of truth in those words. I would mention cryptology or cryptography, RCE only as far as understanding how cracks / security loopholes / viruses / trojans, etc.

can be introduced.

I studied pure math for almost three years while I finished up CS graduate studies in America, Europe, and Russia. I've yet to find applied use of it outside of economics and marketing.


If you wanted to find an implementation flaw in a static AES lib for example it'd be 90% compiler design analyses and 10% entry-level mathematics.


There is almost no money in warez and companies have executive policy on undermining anti-trust, so you have security and engieering or someones couch or basement..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi. I'm also new in this field, so also my plans are working this work as reverser, but before i jump in the sea i like to know in which country easily i can find this job as reverser or some sub-field from reverse engineering. Also i like to know what other related fields the company will need from you on beginner lever(if they employee beginner level reverser). number some very important fields and some other things i need to count in my mind before take the next step and search for this work. thanks.

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