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Edit and Delete no longer an option?


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I've noticed that deleting ones own post is not allowed anymore, only 'hiding' it from view with an optional commentary dialog and just today i've tried to edit a post to add to it rather than making a new one and i cannot edit the post.

Is this a bug or are we no longer allowed to delete or edit our own posts (edit was there immediately after post but isn't now so is this timed?)



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I think there is some kind of time limit. You can edit posts that you just created, but just like EXETools older posts have to stay as they are (which isn't really useful when you want to update your tool thread or something)

Guess Ted knows more,

Mr. eXoDia

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There never used to be, just like you used to be able to delete your own posts, unlike now where you can only 'hide' it from public view.



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Yeah I noticed this the other day also. I hope it goes back to the way it was before.

*edit* yep its fixed

Thank you

Edited by redblkjck
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LOL .... lets hear from Ted ....

Today I noticed that an attachment did not attach ...and I could not edit the post

I hope ted fixes that

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Should be fixed now guys...


Thank you very much, dear. Now post and topics editablegood3.gif

Edited by Diver
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