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Looking for a patcher src


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Hello guys. Maybe same question has been asked before, although i couldnt find any useful thing while searching. I am looking for a SIMPLE search+replace patcher src in C. And I'm not a C coder so please do not offer to code it on my own :)

p.s: do not offer dup SnR engine.

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lol, i was so excited from getting that code, so i didnt noticed, that it doesnt include replace feature lol. i would be greatfull if someone share a full src :P

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BM search by ConZero (mentioned in above thread) seems to support replacing too:


didnt check it out, though.

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Try something like this (you need to change the pattern bytes because I'm a fail coder)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>unsigned int filesize=0;
unsigned int patch_offset=0;
BYTE* file_buffer=0;int main()
DWORD high=0;
HANDLE hFile=CreateFileA("Security.dll", GENERIC_ALL, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
filesize=GetFileSize(hFile, &high);
long allocated=(long)VirtualAlloc(VirtualAlloc(0, filesize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE), filesize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
ReadFile(hFile, (void*)allocated, filesize, &high, 0);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<filesize; i++) //Pattern: 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ?? BB ?? ?? EE FF
puts("Pattern not found, maybe the version is too new/old..\n");
printf("Raw patch offset: %08X\n\n", patch_offset);
system("pause"); //patching:
char patch_data[10]={0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66,0x77,0x88,0x99,0x00};
memcpy((void*)patch_offset+file_buffer, (void*)patch_data, 10); //write a new file here (no time) return 0;

Paste: http://pastebin.com/VrirCh7t


Mr. eXoDia

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@Mr. eXoDia

thanks mate for your source, but i my patterns are too long and i have to patch in many places, so this method isn't really good in this case.

i have done some changes in Ghandi's src (lame inline asm :P and didnt implemented replace mask), and made it working with my target. And some part of my code is translated from dup SnR Engine

here's final src, although i dont think it would be useful: http://pastebin.com/GQgDBqex

thank you guys :)

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I haven't tested this, but would something like this be of any use? IF it works as intended, you should be able to pass a mask using 0x01 as skip flag and 0x00 as patch flag. The 'uReplaceCount' is the amount of times it should patch or pass -1 to patch all occurrences. In the second piece of code, there is a 'uPatchInstance' parameter instead, this will allow patching the Nth instance found or all with -1.

UINT SearchAndReplace(BYTE *lpTargetAddress,BYTE *lpSearchPattern,BYTE *lpSearchMask,UINT cbPatternSize,UINT cbSearchSize, BYTE *lpReplacePattern, BYTE *lpReplaceMask, UINT cbReplaceSize, UINT uReplaceCount)
UINT uResult = 0;
BYTE *pCurrent = NULL;
BYTE *pCurrentSearch = lpTargetAddress;
UINT uBytesRemaining = cbSearchSize;
UINT i = 0;
UINT j = 0;do
pCurrent = (BYTE *)Search(pCurrentSearch, lpSearchPattern, lpSearchMask, cbPatternSize, uBytesRemaining, FALSE);
if (!pCurrent) break; for (i=0; i<cbReplaceSize; i++)
if (lpReplaceMask[i] == 0)
pCurrent[i] = lpReplacePattern[i];
j++; uBytesRemaining = cbSearchSize - (((UINT)pCurrent - (UINT)lpTargetAddress) + 1);
pCurrentSearch = pCurrent + 1;
if (uBytesRemaining < cbPatternSize) break;} while (j < uReplaceCount);return j;
UINT SearchAndReplace(BYTE *lpTargetAddress,BYTE *lpSearchPattern,BYTE *lpSearchMask,UINT cbPatternSize,UINT cbSearchSize, BYTE *lpReplacePattern, BYTE *lpReplaceMask, UINT cbReplaceSize, UINT uPatchInstance)
UINT uResult = 0;
BYTE *pCurrent = NULL;
BYTE *pCurrentSearch = lpTargetAddress;
UINT uBytesRemaining = cbSearchSize;
UINT i = 0;
UINT j = 0;do
pCurrent = (BYTE *)Search(pCurrentSearch, lpSearchPattern, lpSearchMask, cbPatternSize, uBytesRemaining, FALSE);
if (!pCurrent) break;
if (j == uPatchInstance || uPatchInstance == -1)
for (i=0; i<cbReplaceSize; i++)
if (lpReplaceMask[i] == 0)
pCurrent[i] = lpReplacePattern[i];
if (j == uPatchInstance) break; uBytesRemaining = cbSearchSize - (((UINT)pCurrent - (UINT)lpTargetAddress) + 1);
pCurrentSearch = pCurrent + 1;} while (uBytesRemaining >= cbPatternSize);return j;



Edited by ghandi
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thanks for new src, Ghandi :)

Mask is useless for my patcher, since i am patching in data section, not in code. Anyway this could be useful for later, so I'll keep it.

BR, qpt

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