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[Keygenme] Keygenme 11

Go to solution Solved by DE!,

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  • 1 month later...

you're welcome ;).. I was just wondering if you used a custom algo to encrypt the regnames? Can't really identify it so that why the "DoEncrypt" and "CalculateCRC" look a bit mooshie :)

Thanks for the challenge!

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  • 4 months later...

I know it waaaaaaaay to late to submit this now :D

Enjoyed every line coding this keygen. Another precious hour has spent by me. :)

Solution is keygen with source compiled with Delphi 7 included.

Thanks alot for the challenge. :)

P.S : "1 + 2 - 3". Thats just superb... :D:)

Solution For ChOoKi kgm11.rar

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The name "GrindStone" somehow sounds familiar smartass.gif

Good to see you here and big thanks for your solution clap.gif




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Oh I tried this KGM long time ago, couldn't identify the hash at that time, so I started ripping/coding it in MASM.

That took time though, so never finished it. Now I took another look and could identify the hash. I'm not surprised of the hash.

Anyway, here's my solution. I included the source and the notes I took during reversing. You can take it as a kind of a tut. biggrin.png

Thanks for the challenge mate! Nice and easy one. smile.png


Edited by Saduff
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  • 1 month later...

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