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Queryassemblyinfo - problem solved


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QueryAssemblyInfo ****s my brain

if I remove the two comment (lines) gacfilepath will have the right path;

if I don't gacfilepath will be null;

Assembly executingasm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

string currentassemblyname = executingasm.Location;

string asmname = executingasm.GetName().ToString();

//int untilat = asmname.IndexOf(", PublicKeyToken=");

//asmname = asmname.Remove(untilat, asmname.Length-untilat);

string gacfilepath = Fusionhelper.QueryAssemblyInfo(asmname);

Any idea guys?

Edited by CodeRipper
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hmm i think when it tries to resolve the assembly and u cut out PKT before it can't find it .. (prolly checks FullName which includes Token Info ..but not 100% anyomre ;)

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Solved! I just removed Culture;

Now works fine

Assembly executingasm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

string currentassemblyname = executingasm.Location;

AssemblyName asmname = executingasm.GetName();

string builded =


", Version="+asmname.Version+

", PublicKeyToken="+BitConverter.ToString(asmname.GetPublicKeyToken()).Replace("-","");

string gacfilepath = Fusionhelper.QueryAssemblyInfo(builded);

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