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Writing a Simply debugger


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I Write a simply debugger in masm32

now have i a problem why crash it the Target If set a Bp by other Address

Test Target if "crackme.upx.exe" from Apox

Set i a BP by 004082AF works it fine

But set i a bp by 004082A8 or other address if my Bp not reached and the target crash it

;004082A6 .^\EB E1 JMP SHORT 00408289
;004082A8 > FF96 54850000 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+8554]
;004082AE > 61 POPAD
;004082AF .- E9 0C90FFFF JMP 004012C0
;004082B4 00 DB 00
mov eax,004082A8h
mov [bpAddress],eax invoke SetBP,eax ;Set a Int3 Breakpoint ;from winhex if INT3 written ?
;and Yes if written
;EBE1(CC)965485 .while TRUE
invoke WaitForDebugEvent,ADDR DBE,INFINITE
.if DBE.u.Exception.pExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
mov pContext.ContextFlags,CONTEXT_CONTROL
invoke GetThreadContext,pProcessInfo.hThread,addr pContext
mov eax,pContext.regEip
.if eax==[bpAddress]
invoke wsprintf,addr hStatus,CTEXT ("Breakpoint %08X"),eax
invoke MessageBox,hWnd,addr hStatus,0,MB_OK
invoke ContinueDebugEvent,DBE.dwProcessId,DBE.dwThreadId,DBG_CONTINUE
.elseif DBE.dwDebugEventCode==EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT
invoke ContinueDebugEvent,DBE.dwProcessId,DBE.dwThreadId,DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED
SetBP proc dwBpAddress:DWORD
dec [dwBpAddress]
invoke ReadProcessMemory, pProcessInfo.hProcess,dwBpxAddress, addr oldbyte, 1, 0
invoke WriteProcessMemory,pProcessInfo.hProcess,dwBpxAddress,addr INT3,1,addr NbByteWr
SetBP endp


Edited by ragdog
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Yes this is it

And a other Mistake with this offset 004082A8h

I have load the target in Olly and have set a BP on it and lol i see this if not used (Reached) by Olly :turned:


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When your code hits the first breakpoint, it will exit out of the loop, never calling ContinueDebugEvent. The 'break' you set in the breakpoint handler actually breaks out of the 'while' loop, not the switch condition testing, by default it will fall through to the bottom of the loop if you don't use the 'break' keyword.

Not saying the following snippet will be perfect for your needs but it may help show what i mean:

LOCAL dwContinueStat:DWORD
LOCAL bContinue:DWORD; Set bContinue to TRUE
mov bContinue,TRUE.while bContinue invoke WaitForDebugEvent,ADDR DBE,INFINITE
.if ZERO?
mov bContinue,FALSE
.endif mov dwContinueStat,DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED ; Default behaviour, mark ALL events as unhandled and then adjust later if necessary .if DBE.dwDebugEventCode==EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT .if DBE.u.Exception.pExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- mov eax,DBE.u.Exception.pExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress ; The address of the exception is passed as part of the exception record .if eax==[bpAddress]
invoke wsprintf,addr hStatus,CTEXT ("Breakpoint %08X"),eax
invoke MessageBox,hWnd,addr hStatus,0,MB_OK
mov dwContinueStat,DBG_CONTINUE ; Set status so process knows breakpoint was handled
.endif ; Fall through to bottom of while loop where it will call ContinueDebugEvent again
.elseif DBE.dwDebugEventCode==EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT
invoke MessageBox,hWnd,CTEXT("Process exited."),0,MB_OK
mov bContinue,FALSE
invoke ContinueDebugEvent, DBE.dwProcessId, DBE.dwThreadId, dwContinueStatus



Edited by ghandi
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