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A Resource Monitor for NT 4.0


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A Resource Monitor for NT 4.0

Compared to Windows 3.1, NT offers programmers many improvements over its 16-bit predecessor. For example, NT does away with many of the memory and resource limitations imposed by Windows 3.1. One particular Achilles’ heel for Windows 3.1 was the system-wide 64K memory limit for GDI objects, such as brushes and fonts. With such a low limit, it was relatively easy for Windows 3.1 to run out of space for GDI objects. NT 4.0 offers some improvement in this area, but there are still system-wide limits that you might find surprising. The same is true for USER objects, such as windows and menus. The bottom line is that efficient resource usage is still an important goal for Win32 programmers. In this article, I’ll present win32mon, a NT 4.0 utility that uses several undocumented kernel-mode services to report the number of GDI and USER objects in use by a particular process, or all processes system-wide.


Edited by CodeRipper
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