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Visual Studio backup macro


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Visual Studio backup macro

Macro to backup the contents of a solution with a simple click


Have you ever screwed up the code of your project and needed to revert to a past version?

Unfortunatelly, Visual Studio doesn't has a backup option. If you need to do so, you have to manually copy your solution folder to another folder or media.

Tired of doing that, I decided to make a backup macro: my goal was to add a context menu option to Solution Explorer, to automatize the process of copying its files to the destination location.


As described above, this adds an item to the solution context menu(named 'Make backup').

When this option is selected, it cleans the solution's temporary files, then copies it's folder contents to a destination with the following format:

F:\BACKUP\Solution Name\month-day-year hour:minute:second

The F:\BACKUP folder name is hardcoded in the macro and must by changed to your backup destination folder

Using the code

First you have to add the macro code to Visual Studio IDE. This is easy done from the Tools->Macros->Macro IDE menu.

Now, as stated above, you have to change the destination folder, which is hard coded in the macro as an optional parameter. I use F:\BACKUP, which is in an external USB Hard Drive

Then, you need to create the context menu item that calls the macro:

- Open Tools->Customize menu

- Select Commands tab

- Check "Context Menu" radio button, then select "Project and Solution Context Menu | Solution"

- Click on Add Command button

- Select Macros on the menu of the left

- Select the created macro from the menu on the right(Macros.MyMacros.Backup.Make) and click OK

- Now the option is added, but with the name of the macro. I changed it to "Make backup" from the Change Selection button

NOTE: In Visual Studio 2008, things are a little different. To add a macro to a context menu, you have to open the Context Menu toolbar and drag the macro from the list to the toolbar.

And you are done, now you can click in your solution and select the new item in the context menu to automatically make a backup of it.


I hope you find this code as useful as I do.

I´ve tested this macro in Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 and works perfectly in both, I think that it should work in 2005 too.

Source Code

Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports EnvDTE90a
Imports EnvDTE100
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.IOPublic Module Backup
Public Sub Make(Optional ByVal backupdir As String = "F:\BACKUP")
Dim SolutionExplorer As UIHierarchy
Dim Item As UIHierarchyItem
Dim Solution As EnvDTE.SolutionClass
Dim SourceFolder As String, TargetFolder As String
If Not Directory.Exists(backupdir) Then
MsgBox("Cannot access destination folder(" + backupdir + ")", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Backup copy")
Exit Sub
End If SolutionExplorer = DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsext_wk_SProjectWindow).Object()
For Each Item In SolutionExplorer.SelectedItems
Solution = CType(Item.Object, EnvDTE.SolutionClass)
If Solution.SolutionBuild.BuildState = vsBuildState.vsBuildStateInProgress Then
MsgBox("Cannot make backup while building solution", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Backup copy")
Exit Sub
End If
SourceFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Solution.FullName)
TargetFolder = Path.Combine(backupdir, Solution.Properties.Item("Name").Value)
TargetFolder = TargetFolder + "\" + Format(Now, "MM-dd-yy HH_MM_ss")
If Not CopyDir(SourceFolder, TargetFolder) Then
MsgBox("Destination folder already exists. Backup aborted", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Backup copy")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox("Backup done succesfully", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Backup copy")
End Sub Private Function CopyDir(ByVal source As String, ByVal target As String) As Boolean
Dim diSource As DirectoryInfo
Dim diTarget As DirectoryInfo diSource = New DirectoryInfo(source)
diTarget = New DirectoryInfo(target)
Return CopyDir(diSource, diTarget)
End Function
Private Function CopyDir(ByVal source As DirectoryInfo, ByVal target As DirectoryInfo, Optional ByVal AllowCreate As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Dim fi As FileInfo
Dim di As DirectoryInfo, td As DirectoryInfo If AllowCreate Then
If Not Directory.Exists(target.FullName) Then Directory.CreateDirectory(target.FullName)
If Directory.Exists(target.FullName) Then Return False
End If Directory.CreateDirectory(target.FullName)
For Each fi In source.GetFiles()
fi.CopyTo(Path.Combine(target.ToString(), fi.Name), True)
Next For Each di In source.GetDirectories()
td = target.CreateSubdirectory(di.Name)
CopyDir(di, td, True)
Return True
End Function
End Module


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