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How to find which .dll a dialog resource resides in?


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How to locate a resource (dialog, bitmap, etc) in which dll?

e.g. Internet Explorer -> tools -> internet options

where is the "internet options" dialog resource?

I tried process explorer, it could get which exe this dialog belongs to,

sometimes the application loads lots of dll files.

Thank you in advance.

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you have the tool p explorer show you that on the Image tab, the internet options runs "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL C:\Windows\System32\inetcpl.cpl under my win7 x64 so it belongs to shell32.dll

Edited by security2009
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Thank you for your reply.

I used resource hacker to check iexplore.exe's resources.

I found there's no dialog resource.

I know they are in external .dll files.

You could find "internet option" dialog by rundll32 command parameters.

Where's IE's "about Internet Explorer" dialog?

Where's IE's "Organize Favorites" dialog?

Is there an easy way to find where are the interface resources?

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Gday mate!

It's not the most elegant, but yes! I think there is an easy way. I just used a lowly text editor (notepad++) to scan through all of the .cpl & .dll files in windows\system32, looking

for the text "Organize Favorites"

The text is found in C:\windows\system32\xpsp2res.dll

If you want the "internet option" dialog, it's in inetcplc.dll, or something like that, (i forget)

Isn't this the same dialog you get if go Start->Internet(right-click)->Internet Options? I found it by watching explorer.exe, rather than iexplore.exe. I figured that iexplorer.exe

loaded so many more dlls that explorer was going to be the easier option.

As for the About Internet Explorer and the Organize Favorites dialogs, you'll find them in the HTML resources of xpsp2res.dll

The About dialog appears to be the same one that is shared between Microsoft apps.

Best Regards.

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