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Import redirection - a basic idea

The_SSJ - retired

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The_SSJ - retired

Hi guys,

This morning (in my time zone :D) I wrote a little txt-file explaining the basic approach to redirect imports of an app. This would be especially useful when u write your own protector or something else...

It is not finished yet - There are many things I plan to do...

You will find it attached in this post.



/Edit: By the way - examples are coded in pseudo-asm...:D

Import redirection by The_SSJ.txt

Edited by The_SSJ
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  • 4 weeks later...

Fairly well job explaining it; I'm actually implementing my own API-redirection technique in a library of mine, except it uses its own GetModuleHandle/GetProcAddress functions for making imports in memory, rather than destroying the IAT, leaving such a large fingerprint behind.

From there, I do checks on the prologue code for some functions that have the usual three instructions: "MOV EDI, EDI"; "PUSH EBP"; "MOV EBP, ESP". If that's altered, you can assume a hook exists, etc.

I think the idea of API redirection is good, and it just takes a little creativity to make it into something great.

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The_SSJ - retired


thanks for the feedback - it almost seemed that nobody cares about knowing the insights of such techniques...^^

I'm currently trying to replicate Obsidiums Import redirection technique - but still there is a lot of work to do...:D

If I succeed, I'll update my text-file (:

Thanks again and happy coding!


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Funny, just came here looking for something on this topic. The method I'm using can always be patched with the ImpRec trap flag function, even a

mov eax, memaddr

jmp eax


push API


is defeated. Looking forward to seeing the ASProtect update, cheers. :)

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The_SSJ - retired

Hm, what u can do to defeat this function would be if u would do somethin like this:

mov ax, first half of API
shl eax, 8
Xor ebx, ebx
mov bx, second half of API
or eax, ebx ; Eax holds now real api, don't know if this would defeat trap flag method
push eax

if this won't work, then stay tuned - I should start with ASProtect Import redirection insights on friday ;)



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Nice! I think that VM and obfuscation will be used more and more to hide API, along with code-splicing (even if it is only the calls/jmps to API).

A polymorphic handler for each API or psuedo-randomized junk code to confuse automated scripts/tools would be more effective imho, but we all know that really, these measures are at best an obstacle for less experienced/determined reversers. Once a person has the method nutted out and it is dissected, it becomes 'cake' (so to speak) and the power of the redirection is lost until the redirection method is revised.



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The_SSJ - retired

Ghandi, it's an honor that u joined this discussion :D

I don't know how far I'll dive into the ASPR-technique, since VM's are not really my favourite subject...^^

I'll definitely show how ASPR steals some instructions from each API and then jumps into the middle of this API (still ImpRec is able to show which API is called there) or implements API functions in it's own packer-code.

Thinking about it, I could sure handle the topic of VM, but then sample-code wouldn't be assembler, but c/c++/c#...

Well, we'll see - first I have to survive my business meeting...^^



/Edit: Obfuscation will be implemented, too, by the way...^^

Edited by The_SSJ
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  • 2 weeks later...
The_SSJ - retired

Here it is finally - import redirection with ASPR...for those wondering why there is no AIP presented there - I decided to make a dedicated section for things like virtualization and code obfuscation (which I didn't start ATM)...

I would have wished to attach the file to my first post, but either I am to stupid to do this or it is not possible (for moderators maybe??)...

Greets and enjoy! Many updates will follow now that I finished university!


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