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DEF decryptor.


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after SPEC decrytor, here is DEF decryptor.

Cryptor from Bart was nice to study, because it uses available section table space.

This cryptor uses a single xor encryption, based on section size.

Tested with DEF v1.0...

As usual, source code in masm are also included for interested ones...

I am currently working on NFO and PEX from Bart...

See you soon ...

Laurent aka BIGBOSS from COPs

PS: Hello Teddy, I wan't to make a "post it" with all my sources. How can I do (don't see any post-it creation with "New Topic"). Can you help me ??? Thanx



Edited by bigboss-62
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PS: Hello Teddy, I wan't to make a "post it" with all my sources. How can I do (don't see any post-it creation with "New Topic"). Can you help me ??? Thanx

Not sure what you mean by "post-it", please could you explain?


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PS: Hello Teddy, I wan't to make a "post it" with all my sources. How can I do (don't see any post-it creation with "New Topic"). Can you help me ??? Thanx

Not sure what you mean by "post-it", please could you explain?


Ok, sorry Ted. Here is explanation of "post-it". In Invision Power Board, it's to "Pin" my topic. How can I do ???

heh i did it in 2002, damn it was so long ago :)

You're right Bart ! A very long time ago...

Hey Bart... Where is your previous web site (with FSG, DEF, NFO, ...) which was previously on woodmann.com/bart ?

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