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De obfuscate a call?


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I was wondering if anyone could help me with deobfuscating calls removing useless stuff.

I am getting confused with conditional jumps.

I currently have my program step through the call line by line but when it gets to a conditional jump I am not sure what to do. I have tried recursion but that ends in messing up on loops.

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It depends on the obfuscation method itself ...

Can't give a generic method :wacko:

Edited by Sadistic-X
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It depends on the obfuscation method itself ...

Can't give a generic method :wacko:

Dotfuscator (.net).

it turns most ifs into switches. I got down resolving the switches but the conditional jumps have me stuck.

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Well I have tried many variations of this

(I use cecil http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html)

		Instruction[] TraceUntilRet(MethodDefinition m, Instruction cur)
List<Instruction> ret = new List<Instruction>();
while (cur != null)
if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Endfinally || cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Endfilter)
cur = cur.Next;
else if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Leave)
cur.OpCode = OpCodes.Br;
else if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Leave_S)
cur.OpCode = OpCodes.Br_S;
else if (cur.Operand is Instruction)
Instruction br = (Instruction)cur.Operand;
if (br.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldloc && br.Next.OpCode == OpCodes.Switch)
if (cur.Previous != null)
if (cur.Previous.Previous != null)
ret.RemoveAt(ret.Count - 1);
ret.RemoveAt(ret.Count - 1);
int num = (int)cur.Previous.Previous.Operand;
cur = ((Instruction[])br.Next.Operand)[num];
if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Br || cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Br_S)
cur = br;
Instruction[] IF = TraceIntoIf(m, cur, br.Offset);
for (int x = 0; x < IF.Length; x++)
if (IF.Length > 0)
cur = br;
else if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Ret)
cur = cur.Next;
} return ret.ToArray();
List<int> Trace = new List<int>();
Instruction[] TraceIntoIf(MethodDefinition m, Instruction cur, int dest) //infi loop (need to have it detect while (something.True())
List<Instruction> ret = new List<Instruction>();
Instruction ori = cur;
cur = cur.Next;
while (cur.Offset != dest)
if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Endfinally || cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Endfilter)
cur = cur.Next;
else if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Leave)
cur.OpCode = OpCodes.Br;
else if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Leave_S)
cur.OpCode = OpCodes.Br_S;
else if (cur.Operand is Instruction)
Instruction br = (Instruction)cur.Operand;
if (br.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldloc && br.Next.OpCode == OpCodes.Switch)
if (cur.Previous != null)
if (cur.Previous.Previous != null)
ret.RemoveAt(ret.Count - 1);
ret.RemoveAt(ret.Count - 1);
int num = (int)cur.Previous.Previous.Operand;
cur = ((Instruction[])br.Next.Operand)[num];
if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Br || cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Br_S)
cur = br;
Instruction[] IF = TraceIntoIf(m, cur, br.Offset);
for (int x = 0; x < IF.Length; x++)
if (IF.Length > 0)
cur = br;
else if (cur.OpCode == OpCodes.Ret)
cur = cur.Next;
return ret.ToArray();
Edited by high6
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