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[unpackme] Obsidium

Teddy Rogers

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Teddy Rogers

If anyone has finished with this unpackme and they want a little bit more fun here is another unpackme. It is the same version ( with maximum protection features enabled but this one contains an encrypted overlay with "controlled access". You can download the unpackme from here:



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easy way! ;) copy from TEMP folder in app foder

ffplay.exe ,SDL.dll ,pthreadGC2.dll, file.dat & command ffplay.exe file.dat :) )

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May someone help me with my IAT script?

I already have a script for fixing Delphi IATs but this is C++ so a new one was needed.

This is the script:

var iat
var iatend
var apiaddress
var oep
var iatbasemov oep,eip
mov iat, 00460818 // edit iat begin here
mov iatend, 00460F2C // edit iat end here
mov iatbase, 003D0000 // edit iat section here
add iatbase, 00100000
bphws 0047c931, "x" // edit api holding place here (search for: 6A 01 50 6A 00 FF 76 04 FF 37 FF 53 54, enter the CALL, search for: 8B 04 90 03 C3 8B 55 F8 3B C2, use address: MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-8])start:
mov apiaddress, [iat]
cmp apiaddress, iatbase
ja next
mov eip, apiaddress
mov [iat], eax
jmp nextnext:
add iat,4
cmp iat, iatend
je end
jmp startend:
mov eip,oep

Should be clear, only thing I wanted to explain is this:

add iatbase, 00100000

There are some emulated APIs which addresses are way higher than those of the redirected ones.

I leave some out with increasing the redirection

Edited by Sonny27
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May someone help me with my IAT script?

I already have a script for fixing Delphi IATs but this is C++ so a new one was needed.

This is the script:

var iat
var iatend
var apiaddress
var oep
var iatbasemov oep,eip
mov iat, 00460818 // edit iat begin here
mov iatend, 00460F2C // edit iat end here
mov iatbase, 003D0000 // edit iat section here
add iatbase, 00100000
bphws 0047c931, "x" // edit api holding place here (search for: 6A 01 50 6A 00 FF 76 04 FF 37 FF 53 54, enter the CALL, search for: 8B 04 90 03 C3 8B 55 F8 3B C2, use address: MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-8])start:
mov apiaddress, [iat]
cmp apiaddress, iatbase
ja next
mov eip, apiaddress
mov [iat], eax
jmp nextnext:
add iat,4
cmp iat, iatend
je end
jmp startend:
mov eip,oep

Should be clear, only thing I wanted to explain is this:

add iatbase, 00100000

There are some emulated APIs which addresses are way higher than those of the redirected ones.

I leave some out with increasing the redirection

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