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Problem With Searchandreplace Patcher


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hi guys

i have a SearchAndReplace patcher source in masm32

search a loop algo for patch more patternsequence

can your help me

PATTERNSIZE equ sizeof SearchPattern1

PATTERNSIZE2 equ sizeof SearchPattern2

PATTERNSIZE3 equ sizeof SearchPattern3

SearchPattern1 db ...

SearchMask1 db ...

ReplacePattern1 db ...

ReplaceMask1 db ...

SearchPattern2 db ...

SearchMask2 db ...

ReplacePattern2 db ...

ReplaceMask2 db ...

SearchPattern3 db ...

SearchMask3 db ...

ReplacePattern3 db ...

ReplaceMask3 db ...





PatchFile proc _targetfile:dword

LOCAL local_hFile :DWORD

LOCAL local_hFileMapping:DWORD

LOCAL local_hViewOfFile :DWORD

LOCAL local_retvalue :DWORD

LOCAL local_filesize :DWORD


mov local_retvalue,0




mov local_hFile,eax

invoke CreateFileMapping,eax,0,PAGE_READWRITE,0,0,0

.if eax!=NULL

mov local_hFileMapping,eax

invoke MapViewOfFile,eax,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,0

.if eax!=NULL

mov local_hViewOfFile,eax

invoke GetFileSize,local_hFile,0

mov local_filesize,eax

push 1

push local_filesize


push offset ReplaceMask1

push offset ReplacePattern1

push offset SearchMask1

push offset SearchPattern1

push local_hViewOfFile

call SearchAndReplace

push 1

push local_filesize


push offset ReplaceMask2

push offset ReplacePattern2

push offset SearchMask2

push offset SearchPattern2

push local_hViewOfFile

call SearchAndReplace

push 1

push local_filesize


push offset ReplaceMask3

push offset ReplacePattern3

push offset SearchMask3

push offset SearchPattern3

push local_hViewOfFile

call SearchAndReplace

mov local_retvalue,eax

invoke UnmapViewOfFile,local_hViewOfFile


invoke CloseHandle,local_hFileMapping


invoke CloseHandle,local_hFile



mov eax,local_retvalue


PatchFile endp

thanks in forward


Edited by ragdog
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so I deleted it.
Ok.. got it. I was wrong. sry


lol.. another trashcan post. there'll be lots ^^

Edited by Ufo-Pu55y
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here is my code

Here's a possible solution:

What you need is a structure..

Pattern struct
SizeOfPattern dd ?
SearchPattern db 32 dup(?)
SearchMask db 32 dup(?)
ReplacePattern db 32 dup(?)
ReplaceMask db 32 dup(?)
Pattern ends.data
szFile db "file.exe",0Pat1 Pattern <7, \
{02Ah,045h,0EBh,000h,0C3h,000h,0EFh}, \
{0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0}, \
{02Ah,000h,000h,010h,033h,0C0h,000h}, \
{0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}>
Pat2 Pattern <2, \
{02Ah,045h}, \
{0, 0}, \
{02Ah,000h}, \
{0, 1}>
Pat3 Pattern <2, \
{074h,0ebh}, \
{0, 0}, \
{075h,000h}, \
{0, 1}>
PatEnd db NULL

Then your loop could look like this:

invoke MapViewOfFile,eax,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,0
.if eax!=NULL
mov local_hViewOfFile,eax
invoke GetFileSize,local_hFile,0
mov local_filesize,eax
lea esi, Pat1
mov ActPat,esi
mov al,byte ptr [esi]
.while al != 0
ASSUME esi:ptr Pattern
invoke SearchAndReplace,local_hViewOfFile, \
addr [esi].SearchPattern,addr [esi].SearchMask, \
addr [esi].ReplacePattern,addr [esi].ReplaceMask, \
[esi].SizeOfPattern, local_filesize,1
ASSUME esi:nothing
.if eax==0
jmp quit
add ActPat,sizeof Pattern
mov esi,ActPat
mov al,byte ptr [esi]
mov local_retvalue,eax
invoke UnmapViewOfFile,local_hViewOfFile

And if the number of Search&Replace patterns is unknown at startup

(means.. your app takes it via user input), then you could go like this:

.data?PAT		Pattern	32 dup(<?>)

..and fill this struct array later on with the user's input..

Edited by Ufo-Pu55y
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Here's a possible solution:

What you need is a structure..

Thank Ufo-Pu55y, What and ragdog for the solution.

.if eax==0

invoke StatusProc,hWnd,SADD("...Patching failed!")


invoke StatusProc,hWnd,SADD("...Patching successfull!")


It always gets error "...Patching failed!", actually the file has patched !!!

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to matrix_ this problem is solved :D with this errors

i had found this source with this problem



Edited by ragdog
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According diablo2oo2's search and replace patch engine, the return value in eax is 1

when a file patched.

ReturnValue in eax (1=Success 0=Failed)
mov local_returnvalue,1 ;yes, something was patched

In Ufo-Pu55y's loop code

.if eax==0
jmp quit

How to fix this loop correctly with diablo2oo2's search and replace patch engine. Thank in advance. :wub:

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How to fix this loop correctly with diablo2oo2's search and replace patch engine. Thank in advance. :wub:
Sry, but what's the sense in quitting a multi-patch-loop,

if only one patch was successful ? :huh:

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Thank Ufo-Pu55y for your help :help . One or multi patch pattern still get error "...Patching failed!", actually the file has patched successfully. Debug it in olly: the eax value is always zero with the loop code and the eax value is 1 with normal code (one patch pattern)

Loop code - one patch pattern:

004010F8   .  68 00304000   PUSH DlgMain.00403000				   ; /Arg1 = 00403000 ASCII "file.exe"
004010FD . E8 7A000000 CALL DlgMain.0040117C ; \DlgMain.0040117C
00401102 . 0BC0 OR EAX, EAX ;EAX=00000000--> should be =00000001
00401104 . 75 0F JNZ SHORT DlgMain.00401115
00401106 . 68 8E304000 PUSH DlgMain.0040308E ; ASCII "...Patching failed"
0040110B . FF75 08 PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
0040110E . E8 35000000 CALL DlgMain.00401148
00401113 . EB 0D JMP SHORT DlgMain.00401122
00401115 > 68 A4304000 PUSH DlgMain.004030A4 ; ASCII "...Patching successfull"

Normal code - one patch pattern::

004010FD   .  E8 7A000000   CALL DlgMain.0040117C				   ; \DlgMain.0040117C
00401102 . 0BC0 OR EAX, EAX ;EAX=00000001
00401104 . 75 0F JNZ SHORT DlgMain.00401115
00401106 . 68 25304000 PUSH DlgMain.00403025 ; ASCII "...Patching failed"
0040110B . FF75 08 PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
0040110E . E8 35000000 CALL DlgMain.00401148
00401113 . EB 0D JMP SHORT DlgMain.00401122
00401115 > 68 38304000 PUSH DlgMain.00403038 ; ASCII "...Patching successfull"
Edited by Matrix_
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Ahhh.. now I got what u meant.

Simply add 'inc eax' after the loop,

and u'll get ur "Patching successfull!" ;)

invoke MapViewOfFile,eax,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,0
.if eax!=NULL
mov local_hViewOfFile,eax
invoke GetFileSize,local_hFile,0
mov local_filesize,eax
lea esi, Pat1
mov ActPat,esi
mov al,byte ptr [esi]
.while al != 0
ASSUME esi:ptr Pattern
invoke SearchAndReplace,local_hViewOfFile, \
addr [esi].SearchPattern,addr [esi].SearchMask, \
addr [esi].ReplacePattern,addr [esi].ReplaceMask, \
[esi].SizeOfPattern, local_filesize,1
ASSUME esi:nothing
.if eax==0
jmp quit
add ActPat,sizeof Pattern
mov esi,ActPat
mov al,byte ptr [esi]
INC EAX; <--------------------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mov local_retvalue,eax
invoke UnmapViewOfFile,local_hViewOfFile
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