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Nc Keygenme #1


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To make functioned the keygen me was to you register you with like name: NC (= the 1st editbox contains NC) This keygenMe is not for newbies

Enjoy your solution in ste.knu@laposte.net

You have the right to make a keygen and to send it:)

Loki Edit : Removed links as per original author's request (crackme was written for a challenge site). This crackme and others are found here: http://www.newbiecontest.org/

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To make functioned the keygen me was to you register you with like name: NC (= the 1st editbox contains NC) This keygenMe is not for newbies

Enjoy your solution in ste.knu@laposte.net

You have the right to make a keygen and to send it:)

Loki Edit : Removed links as per original author's request.

You pack this with enough things?

Edited by Loki
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  • 1 month later...

@CRIME: has this been solved yet?

Is it normal not to be able to enter anything into those textboxes?

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hehe...Very nice challenge :)

Loki Edit : Removed solution as per original author's request. (crackme written for a challenge site)

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  • 2 weeks later...


This is an old keygenme I made for a french contest. (NC = newbie contest).

Please, could you delete this topic ? The contest is already active.

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Hey SeVeN, are you the SeVeN from FFF? (as opposed to the fake one on ICU?)

Can you post a link to this 'contest'? If so, I'll remove attachments and solutions for you :)

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Thx Loki :)

I'm not allowed to use the messenger feature on the board, so I have to ask you another thing here, sorry.

I saw all messages posted by CRIME, and crackmes he posted are from this challenge (except one from dynasty).







Can you delete these topics ? (and can you send me the CRIME's email, to check if he cheated on NC with another nick ?)

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Ha! Cheeky!! Thought some of the ones he posted were a bit clever. Give me a few minutes :)

I can't PM you until you're a full member and I cannot get access to his reg details, only Ted and the admins can.

I can tell you though that all posts have come from IP (if he didn't want that posted, he should have thought more carefully about cheating)

EDIT : all topics deleted :)

Edited by Loki
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