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Book On Cryptography And Digital Security


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I dont know is this the right area for this, if not please replace it.

Comptuter security & cryptography

Publisher: Wiley-Interscience

Language: English

ISBN: 0471947830

Paperback: 544 pages

Data: January 29, 2007

Format: PDF

Download format: .rar (8MB)

Description:This book updates readers with all the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to understand and implement data security systems. It presents a wide range of topics for a thorough understanding of the factors that affect the efficiency of secrecy, authentication, and digital signature schema. Most importantly, readers gain hands-on experience in cryptanalysis and learn how to create effective cryptographic systems.

The author contributed to the design and analysis of the Data Encryption Standard (DES), a widely used symmetric-key encryption algorithm. His recommendations are based on firsthand experience of what does and does not work.



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