Programming and Coding
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1,885 topics in this forum
Miracl ECDSA Issue
by ghandi- 5 replies
Hi all, While playing with the Miracl large integer package and using the example code as a base, i made 3 ECDSA functions: 1. Keypair generation. 2. Data signing. 3. Signature verification. Using the 'cinstr' function i am able to load parameters from ascii strings to bignum variables and it works just fine, all 3 functions are operational and correct. Using the 'big_to_bytes' function i am able to get the octet string which represents the bignums in use and i can load them back to bignum variables using 'bytes_to_big' and following along in OllyDbg i can see that all of the values are correct and exactly the same as if i had loaded them from strings. However, when it re…
by hmi222- 14 replies
Hi. A sample for tiny Speech under 1k. A static lib will follow! Speech1K.rar
- 3 replies
I subclassed a label(static text) control to avoid text flicking, and dealed with WM_SETTEXT of label's message, however, the bitblt function didn't work. Thank you. Attachment is the c++ source. //label's subclass wndProc char szBuf[512]={0}; HDC hdc, hdcMem; if(message == WM_SETTEXT) { strcpy(szBuf, (char *)lParam); lParam = 0; hdc = GetDC(hLabel); hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); SetTextColor(hdcMem, RGB(255,0,0)); TextOut(hdcMem, 0, 0, szBuf, strlen(szBuf)); BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, 300, 300, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(hdcMem); ReleaseDC(hLabel, hdc); return 0; }
Prefetch Cleaner asm source
by HSN.C3r- 4 replies
Hi to all. Prefetch Cleaner This software will clean Prefetch directory of windows xp in order to speed up your windows. I wrote this program with pure assembly. Here is the source code + application: Password of archive: ASA-2012
Specular space 3d delphi
by gpuload- 4 replies
Hello everyone, how do I create this effect? When I click on the About button, check a form with specular space. I do not know exactly what it's called the effect, but I think it uses OpenGL. Thanks! P. S. Sorry for my bad English.
- 0 replies
ATL webbrowser had no response to <ENTER> and <TAB> key. Solved by using HOOK: WH_GETMESSAGE reference link: /> Thanks.
Kol dll with MCK form
by s0me0ne- 2 replies
is anyone familiar with kol? basically im try to inject a dll & show the form, but ive no idea what im doing with it (only just started using it) This a VCL version that works but i cant seem to figure out how to do it with KOL. why dont i just use the vcl version, because 1.xx mb is a joke & the VCL bloat gets bigger with every new release, hence the KOL replacement. uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Forms, Source in 'Trainer.pas' {Form1}; {$R *.res} procedure CreateForm; begin Application.ShowMainForm := True; with TForm1.Create(Application) do ShowModal; end; procedure DllMain(Reason: DWORD); var a: DWORD; begin if (Reason = DLL_PROCESS_ATT…
Download Delphi All Lite Editions 2012
by Ali.Dbg- 3 replies
Download Delphi All Lite Editions 2012 ________________________________________ Borland Delphi 7 Lite Tiny - Edition v7.3.4.3 Size: 16 Mb Downlod ________________________________________ Borland Delphi 7 Lite Mini - Edition v7.3.4.3 Size: 23 Mb Downlod ________________________________________ Borland Delphi 7 Lite Full - Edition v7.3.4.3 Size: 76 Mb Downlod ________________________________________ Embarcadero Delphi XE v15 Lite - Edition v4.0 Size: 170 Mb Downlod ________________________________________ Embarcadero Delphi XE v16 Lite - Edition v5.0 Size: 362 Mb Downlod ________________________________________
- 2 replies
I created a simple oval png and used it as the frame window of my application. I noticed that some patch used pnglib and UpdateLayeredWindow to realize regioned and transparent window. Any buddy could fix my code? Thanks a lot. Here's the main code: //UpdateLayeredWindow using Visual Studio 2003 above //or VC6 with upgraded SDK, tools->options->directories //set include path of newer SDK case WM_CREATE: PNG_Init(&g_pnginfo); PNG_LoadResource(&g_pnginfo, g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_PNG_FRAME)); PNG_Decode(&g_pnginfo); g_bmpHandle = PNG_CreateBitmap(&g_pnginfo, hwnd, PNG_OUTF_AUTO, false); PremultipliedAlpha(g_bmpHandle); return 0; case WM_PAINT: hdc…
by wunder- 22 replies
Hi there I have down loaded this example here but I do not remember were ....does any body know how to do the buttons in masm like the person did here ... I have looked at all of Ufo-Pu55y's sources but I can not get any to work with this button...not sure of the logic behind the spacing in the images there Win
MASM32 SDK Version 11
by Ufo-Pu55y- 1 reply
I just noticed this accidentally and they already released it in january 2012(?), but I guess it's still worth getting mentioned? Download:
- 5 replies
I'd like to retrieve all the windows having same class name "tooltips_class32" I used the win32 API function: hwndFound = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, "tooltips_class32", NULL); However, I could get only one window. Question is how to get all windows having the same class name. Another question is how to get the tooltip text? Using GetWindowText API, right? Thank you!
Memory Sizes
by Bit_Hacker- 2 replies
I wrote a small program to explain the type sizes to myself. But while reading a few reverse engineering books I have became confused. Inside one of the chapters I ran into this statement: << The word is understood not only as 2 bytes, but also as the size of operands by default; in 32 bit mode, the word equals 4 bytes. >> like repe movsd (repeat equal) (movsd is a dword) which is 2 words. which apparently according to the text would be 8 bytes. but in my program a dword is 4 bytes... ( Please someone straighten me out... lol ) Can someone explain this to me? #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { cout &l…
WinASM Error! Please Help
by 27ashwinkumar- 1 reply
Whenever i compile a project in WinASM studio.i get an error."failed to create....blahblah" on the bottom of my screen.when i execute it says "executing failed" Someone please help.
C# AES Encryption (Large Files)
by N1tro- 5 replies
Hi guys. Can someone explain why AES encryption with work large files lose or adding some bytes. Original size must be : 17,9 MB (18 819 479 bytes) I get : 17,9 MB (18 819 488 bytes) here code public static void DataEncrypt(string fileIn, string fileOut) { FileStream FILE_In = new FileStream(fileIn, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileStream FILE_Out = new FileStream(fileOut, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);byte[] TEST_KEY = new byte[] {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10}; byte[] TEST_IV = new byte[] {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10};R…
[need-help] Win32 Api for enum all open Port?
by pattisahusiwa- 5 replies
Hi All. I need some Win32 Api functions for enum all open port (TCP, UDP, etc) that can be implemented on XP, 7, or below. is there any function that i can be used for?
Memory Allocation
by TBBW- 5 replies
Hi all, the program I'm working on allocates a block of memory of 0x66000 bytes. (Using Olly it is displayed on the Memory Map Tab) Every time I start this program it is 0x66000 bytes. Only the Base adres differs. I want to find this block of memory (if Olly can do it, It is possible) Using C# how should I do this? regards, ger
The Great Demoscene Sourcecode Giveaway
by Ufo-Pu55y- 5 replies
Something happened that usually never happens: Demo hardcore coders sharing their code. Kudos to that move />
MSVS 2010 Issue
by TBBW- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi all, maybe the dummest quest of the day.... but msvs 2010 does not compile the '/', '*' and '%' operators.... (well it does compile, but the answers are not there.) I had the same issue using excell changed '/' to '-' problem solved. regards, ger
[Help] Vb 2010 - Transparant Textbox / Text over text
by DeadAndGone- 2 replies
HiI got a nice keygentemplate and need transparant textboxes. I already have that but the text from the textboxes is strange... Look at the pic. Maybe someone does know how to get normal text there?
Rsa keys
by Accede- 11 replies
I generate some rsa keys with lockbox(c++ builder xe2) now if i whant us this keys i get an error invalid integer value: Her the keys i whant us: Puplic exponent E=EB0C Modulus N=75E7D3A2D3BC5366050B13B0D149479E8997EA705ABFE096528E9967DA0D763DCDC8B814F12BC005F08838350889832C67AFBEBCE3ECA772B8EA04F81C215A45FDC80CC29294F7E1474B656B8741AB6B8CDDB52274EF230E283F7DC4C570D855 Private exponent D=C3C37306BB25C9FFE62EE26B9393FF1986612B9A5256C5EF1A7BFEED58C3CDAB482F12DBAF751AB72C60737C3B0E0B421210A80DCF431B88ACD946A32AC7F90980E73BC6A7607E12F6133AF2D48048393C3E0AD89E0A150A3C86AB618E929B46 The keys looks like littel endian to me but i am not sure. This is the code i us to gen the rsa …
Access Violation Error
by Dr.XJ- 3 replies
Hello everyone I have an EXE file packed by ASPACK. I want to write to a memory byte in real-time using asm code "mov byte ptr ds:[xxxxxxxx],xx" but when I do so, I get access violation error. I checked the EXE with some PE editors, code section flags was set to read/write/execute. so this won't gonna help me. what I need to do is, changing memory access in real time by using asm codes or any other way. when I load the EXE in olly and set memory mapping to full access, there will be no access violation error. I'll be pleased if anyone help me. thanks in advence
uFMOD & C++ (Visual) 1 2
by mynes- 35 replies
Hey Hey, I'm using Visual C++ 9.0 Express Edition, i'm trying to add a XM to a program the example file supplied with uFMOD are getting me no where, i'm pretty n00b at C++, but any kind of help would be great
Corkami PE Corpus...
by Teddy Rogers- 7 replies
Corkami PE Corpus [media] Download Link: Ted.
by dexter4life- 4 replies
Writing a program that recurses depends heavily on the stack; Is this a true fact? Example of a program is the legendary Towers of hanoi. //------------ //dexter #include<iostream> //the c++ standard library for stream input output #include<cstdio> //the c standard library for standard input output #include<cstdlib> //for the exit function using namespace std; class arr //arr class that holds each stag { public: int a[100],b[100],c[100]; int topa,topb,topc; }hanoi; int move=1; //counts the no. of moves int main() { void tower(int ,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *); //function prototype void show(int); //function prototype int i; …