Programming and Coding
Programming and coding tips, help and solutions...
1,885 topics in this forum
Delphi Code Generator
by root- 0 replies
I released the initial version of my generator assembly code(porting Nasm codegen to delphi). It 'the first version and it needs a long time to be improved, I hope someone in collaboration to improve the project.
by Modify- 0 replies
StringToHexToString(S2H2S) View File Support AutoIt Version: String To Hex, Hex To String Write Big Size File Very Fast. Submitter GoravGupta Submitted 01/21/2016 Category Source Code
[Help] How to make explorer transparent
by Modify- 0 replies
anyone tell me, how to make explorer transparent use visual basic
[Help] How to change pc time
by Modify- 0 replies
anyone tell me, change pc time and date use language
[Help] convert code to autoit
by Modify- 0 replies
code Imports System.Management Imports System.Security.Cryptography Public Class Encrypt Public Shared Function REn(ByVal Data As Byte(), ByVal Key As String) As Byte() Dim oAesProvider As New RijndaelManaged Dim btSalt() As Byte = New Byte() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Dim oKeyGenerator As New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Key, btSalt) oAesProvider.Key = oKeyGenerator.GetBytes(oAesProvider.Key.Length) oAesProvider.IV = oKeyGenerator.GetBytes(oAesProvider.IV.Length) Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream Dim cs As New CryptoStream(ms, _ oAesProvider.CreateEncryptor(), _ CryptoStreamMode.Write) Try …
Encrypting resource problem
by MindSystem- 1 reply
Hi all, i try to make a simple resource decryption. Resource are decrypted in .cctor And then it calls this method -> But exe is not runable. I can't find where is the error. Please help me
- 2 replies
I have a situation over here and I need some help, well, figure the following: EDX Holds a value of an address, in which that address contains data in a byte array I want to check... But I have something like this: 0167C000 | 66 BB 40 B4 | mov bx,B440 | 0167C004 | 66 39 DA | cmp dx,bx | 0167C007 | 74 08 | je unknown.167C011 | 0167C009 | 90 | nop | 0167C00A | 90 | nop | 0167C00B | 75 0A | jnz unknown.1…
- 0 replies
How can transfer unmanaged ImageBase to managed export parameter?
A few personal projects
by saneki- 7 replies
Hello, I'm new here I guess. I was originally planning on just posting a keygenme solution, but for some reason I'm not allowed/able to reply to threads in that section. Maybe if I make a few posts elsewhere it will let me post? If so, I guess I'll start by sharing a few of my projects (related to reverse engineering, of course): eazdevirt - a devirtualizer for Eazfuscator.NET. Not guaranteed to work on recent releases unfortunately (at least not yet). pyinst_tools - a toolkit for working with and modifying executables generated with PyInstaller. Pretty much ExtremeCoder's pyinstxtractor with some extra stuff. dnlib-examples - some extra examples for dnlib …
- 8 replies
Hello, for the last few days I have been trying to figure out how to use diablo2oo2's dUP2 SNR patch engine in a scripting language called autoit, the way you call Dll's from autoit is as follows DllCall ( "dll", "return type", "function" [, type1, param1 [, type n, param n]] )I don't understand ASM very well, and since the examples are only in ASM, I'm having quite a difficult time translating it to autoit, and I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to call it, Thanks.
- 3 replies
There is possibility to implement in the C#? I want encrypt message in C# then decryption message C++ side by Crypto++
by ragdog- 1 reply
Hello I playing on a little Vs cpp project and use Miracl library but after i compile my project use it the MSVCRxxxx.dll fgetc,fgetc,free,fputc,calloc ,__iob_func etc Is it prossible to build a static library without this and what is the settings for it? I have use the commandline build ms32doit.bat all works fine but my project crash in "miracl * mip = mirsys(100, 10);" Ntdll error Regards, raggy
Similar Crypto++ Encoder method in C#
by Perplex- 1 reply
Is there similar Crypto++ Encoder method in C# ? This method What does it do?
- 8 replies
I have a library developed by VC++ I want load and call to export the library by unmanaged code such as C# without detecting by AntiVirus and Firewall and without extract the library to hard disk.
The BETTER language for multithreaded programming?
by hotpockets- 6 replies
So I'm fairly familiar with multiple languages, my programming foundation is pretty strong. I wrote a program using Java (just because it was the quickest language to make a mock up for me at least) and it's creating 5 threads. Each thread is shared with 1 HttpClient (Apache) which sends/receives JSON commands, and my computer begins to get really slow if I run too many threads. I'm looking for efficiency and speed. There was a really good article about Java vs C# on Google, and I've been sold on C#. I need the language to be compatiable with both mac/windows (it's all console, no gui). And yes, my computer is up to par, it's very powerful. Which languages would be b…
SnR Patch Delphi Source
by Ali.Dbg- 0 replies
View File SnR Patch Delphi Source SnR Patch Delphi Source by Ali.Dbg Submitter Ali.Dbg Submitted 12/30/2015 Category Source Code
How To Click Another button with delphi
by permana- 3 replies
Hi again I'm Newbie In delphi7 . And i want to ask to all member how to click another button application in delphi ? i want click button remember with delphi , and view mmy attacment
What is the difference between the SSCLI2 corinfo header and the CoreCLR corinfo header ?
by Perplex- 2 replies
What is the difference between the SSCLI2 corinfo header and the CoreCLR corinfo header ?
Limit thread execution time
by Pancake- 3 replies
Hello. Im coding small server with c++11 which is running on linux, everything works as fine as it should, but i got security question. It is multithreaded server, so every new client has new thread which exits at connection exit. Connection takes jsut few seconds, to check if the key is registered in the database. But the problem is, what if someone wants to fornication me up and opens many connections which lead to creation of so many threads that server will crash? I did not find any solution to limit the time of std::thread execution time, to kill it after 5 seconds if it not exited. Do you have any suggestions? Greetz Hmm actually i think i found std::future and…
Set an operand to MessageBox.Show()?
by MindSystem- 2 replies
Hi, i want to set an operand to MessageBox.Show("test"); But when i debug, using this code : method.Body.Instructions.Insert(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, "test")); object a = MessageBox.Show(method.Body.Instructions[0].Operand.ToString()); method.Body.Instructions.Insert(1, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Nop)); method.Body.Instructions.OpCode = OpCodes.Call; method.Body.Instructions.Operand = a; (Yeah the code is strange haha) So, when i debug using this code, it shows messagebox unlimited...; My Question is : how to set…
- 6 replies
I want to access a site (third party, I do not have any server side access) via Httpwebrequest in c#. All works well but I want to access the site most at a certain time of the day, for 4-5 minutes. But this time the server flooded by user requests and server responds very slowly. The time is almost fixed, that is when I want to get contents from it.And it gets inaccessible for that time due to loads of user hits. Is there any technique, that can maximize my chance to get response from that site when it even gets busy? I search a lot but found nothing. If you could help me, I would be grateful. Thanks guys. I'am Adding request and response header for your f…
IDA Pro plugin wizard for VS2013
by zadow- 5 replies
Hope its the right place to post this I have converted the old version anyone would like to try it outinstallthen new project >> VC ++ >> IDA PRO pluginYou proberly have to add idasdk dir under project proberties and vc++ general IDA.PRO.PLUGIN.WIZARD.VS2013.rar
ConfuserEx RefProxy Question
by noob.exe- 2 replies
Hi, I have a question, when i resolve the refproxy (strong) of confuserex, and I want to replace the delegate call with the real MemberRef how do i know if I need to use call/callvirt/newobj? Is that somehow encoded in the signature or so? Or how can i find out what OpCode to use? ~yq8
How to build a lib from a dll?
by LCF-AT- 21 replies
Hello again, at the moment I try to find out how to build libs from dll files.I found some infos on internet how to do it but I don't get it work and I don't know why and what the problem is.Infos about building a lib I found on that source... ...I did these steps and got a lib file of my xy dll and did add it into my asm include lib code but if I try to use any export API then I always get a unresolved external error of the APIs I wanna use. The question what I do wrong if I did anything wrong and how to fix it.So its the …
dnlib - OptionalCustomModifiers
by noob.exe- 1 reply
Yo guys, I already asked this on BS but unluckily nobody found a solution there eitehr, so i decided to ask on tuts4you What I am trying to do is basically, converting this System.Reflection based code into dnlib-only based code. int num2 = fieldFromHandle.GetOptionalCustomModifiers()[0].MetadataToken; So, how can I do what this code does with dnlib ?? I already looked through the dnlib src but I couldn't find much. The user "n0th!ng" suggested me to check out CModOptSig() in dnlib, - which I did, but I couldn't come up with a proper solution either, since I dont entirely understand this line.. (I know it grabs the MDToken of a class, bu…