Programming and Coding
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1,886 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi guys, another question today. So I did delete few files accidentally by using the Window function DeleteFIle in my app (just some text files to delete) and if that happens the files are gone and not find in trashcan etc. So my question is how to get them back (so simple as possible)? I tried using Recuva app I found quickly on internet what was showing some files I could not find in trashcan but not all I did delete. Is there any other function instead of using DeleteFile what does delete the files I want BUT just moving them into trashcan only like Windows itself does? greetz
Getting Table Lenght with dnlib ???
by CodeExplorer- 1 follower
- 1 reply
How to get Tables length with dnlib?? Fallowing tables: 0x1B000000 TypeSpec 0x01000000 TypeRef 0x02000000 TypeDef 0x0A000000 MemberRef 0x04000000 Field 0x06000000 Method 0x2B000000 MethodTyPar 0x70000000 String 0x11000000 StandAloneSig
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I need to show the printed serial number of an external usb hard drive using c# . I have found many sources in "github" but the returned serial number is not correct. the only program that gave me the correct serial number is "CrystalDiskInfo" which is open source but written in c ++ which I do not understand. Here is an example with "CrystalDiskInfo" with the correct result: Thanks for help
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi. I have problems with restoring local variable from byte array, when I get variables Signature and I try to convert them to LocalSig I get and exception because can't convert MethodSig to LocalSig. Any help would be great. { using (BinaryReader binaryReader4 = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(this.DataStructure.LEH))) { binaryReader4.BaseStream.Position = (long)hInt; MethodBodySize1 = binaryReader4.ReadInt32() >> 8; // 104 short LocalsSize2 = binaryReader4.ReadI…
OpenThread Visual C++ 6 definition ???
by CodeExplorer- 1 follower
- 4 replies
OpenThread Visual C++ 6 definition ??? I can't find OpenThread in "Visual C++ 6" defined except on "Microsoft SDK\include\WinBase.h" but I don't how to use it, I've noticed it contains: #if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501
How to play video from URL? (MASM) 1 2
by LCF-AT- 2 followers
- 25 replies
Hi guys, I would like to create a video player in my main dialog window (somewhere placed on it) and playing any direct video URL into that player so simple as possible. Something like an internet HTML 5 player or something. The question is how to do that? On MSDN you can find some mfplay documentation using MFPCreateMediaPlayer function. So I got the mfplay.dll (32bit) using Loadlibrary / GetProcAddress function to load dll & function MFPCreateMediaPlayer and was trying to execute this function with basic parameters and any on HDD video path or direct video URL from internet like this one. In both cases I get an error code back 0x80070002 (FILE_NOT_FOUND) (The s…
- 2 replies
With this library, you can set up function hooking easily and write less code. It supports both Inline hooking & IAT hooking on both 32-bit & 64-bit. Eg. To hook/un-hook a function with the Inline Hooking technique, you only need to write codes as the following #include "cpp-hooking/hooking.h" // Define the hooking function int WINAPI hkMessageBoxW(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpText, LPCWSTR lpCaption, UINT uType) { lpText = L"INL Hooked"; return INLHookingManager::instance().invoke<int>(MessageBoxW, hWnd, lpText, lpCaption, uType); } // Perform hooking INLHookingManager::instance().hook(MessageBoxW, hkMessageBoxW); // Perform un-hooking INLHookin…
How to automate patching file with DnSpy
by Handunken22- 3 followers
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! I am patching a file by DnSPY, so here is what I did: 1. Open file with DnSpy 2. Search for the function I want to patch 3. Patch the function by changing the first IL opcode to "ret" 4. Enable the "Keep old maxstack" checkbox 5. Save the new file But the problem is that, this software usually has a new update, and everytime it updates, I have to re-patch again which is time-consuming. So do you guys know any library/method that can help me automate this process? Any help will be appreciated.
- 4 replies
I am tryjng to build a crate (new to me), and getting these errors: Spoiler Errors: | 80 | let node = get_raw_operation(&self.function, next_idx); | ----------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `&HighLevelILFunction`, found `&Ref<HighLevelILFunction>` | | | arguments to this function are incorrect | = note: expected reference `&hlil::function::HighLevelILFunction` found reference `&rc::Ref<hlil::function::HighLevelILFunction>` note: function defined here --> C:\Users\St…
netbeans 12+ "Java SE" plugin not activated
by CodeExplorer- 2 followers
- 4 replies
netbeans download link: "Java SE" plugin not activated I've used Tools / Plugins / Installed and select "Java SE" and Activate after that on "Java SE" both "Activate" and "Deactivate" buttons are disabled and DOESN'T state as Active. Can someone give more information about this problem or how to fix it. here is how looks like:
r0ger's GDI-ripping support thread
by r0ger- 4 followers
- 13 replies
Hi all. In this thread, i will be posting different questions regarding the GDI-ripping of the effects i will be posting here, in case if i am struggling with some odd code found in IDA pro which may sometimes lead either to a GDI leak, or a glitch, or even to a crash. now what effect i want to rip is the bitmap sinewave effect from one of FFF's keygens : AutoFTP.Premium.4.6_KEYGEN-FFF what i am struggling is that i have the fstp lying around in the WM_TIMER which lead to error A2070: invalid instruction operands. if i insert "dword ptr" in the back of its value from the fstp function, leads to a crash. loc_40C57F: ; CO…
Mega Code Archive
by Reverser195- 2 followers
- 1 reply
This is address from web site contain mega code archive for all language. use and enjoy Mega Code Archive :
- 1 follower
- 40 replies
Hi guys, so I got a little problem again with those UNICODE / SYMBOL chars in text / buffer I want to format to readable text and print that on a static control. So first I got some text issues showing me some strange symbol chars instead of text like this below... "Youâ€" is "You’ve" ...and I was then using the MultiByteToWideChar function with CodePage CP_UTF8 to change my ANSI text buffer to UNICODE. After that the text was displaying correctly using SetDlgItemTextW function. FIne so far I thought. Then I found another problem with a other symbol like this... Q&A is Q&A ...and I tried to use the same function as above but in this case I got…
An open source tool for analyzing vmp
by fjqisba- 2 followers
- 11 replies
Hi, everybody! I am developing an ida plugin which can be used to analyze vmp3.5 x86. If you are interested in vmp, Then you can view the source code of the project to learn it. Suggestions and PRs are welcome.
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
target assembly like this: namespace A{ class Program { static void Main() { ...} } } new assembly: namespace B{ class Program { static void M( ) { ...} } } 2 assembly in the same path, now i want to call method M( ) in target method main( ), If there was an example on how to add a reference or any ideas, it would be helpful. Thanks.
by extonoxt- 2 followers
- 2 replies
Hello All, I am trying to add two methods in de4dot.blocks.cflow.InstructionEmulator. private void Emulate_Stelem_I4(Instruction instr) { Value value = this.valueStack.Pop(); bool flag = value.IsInt32(); if (flag) { Int32Value int32Value = (Int32Value)this.valueStack.Pop(); List<Value> list = this.valueStack.Pop(); list[int32Value.Value] = (Int32Value)value; } else { this.valueStack.Pop(); this.valueStack.Pop(); } private void Emulate_Ldelem_I4(Instruction instr) { Int32Value int32Value = (Int32Value)this.valueStack.Pop(); List<V…
How to handle UNICODE chars?
by LCF-AT- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Hi guys, don't remember anymore whether I did ask about it in past already (can not find post) so I need to ask now about it. A while ago I did already notice that I got trouble with filenames which using specific chars like symbols in the name. Mostly you can see that on youtube title names of any video using funny symbols etc, The problem is that I was just using normal ASCII functions in my MASM codes and I can not handle those symbol chars etc you know. Now I would like to fix that but how? Example: How to get the entire correctly filename (with symbols) on WM_DROPFILES message / edit controls etc? How to read those strange filename and how to handle them? …
repaire code for another format
by hamid19395- 2 followers
- 13 replies
hi i have a dll code in delphi language to extract .mp4 and .m4v format. but it doesn't work for .mkv format and when i want to inject the code , i'll get an error. anyone's can help me to solve that and make compile again? the code is written by somebody else : @GautamGreat click to download
Help me please for this code on java
by idkpower1- 2 followers
- 0 replies
Help me please for this code on java what i do her i new with java please anyone can help me? thank you all
- 1 reply
Sometimes, you need to manipulate low-level functionality (C APIs, etc) from high-level languages (Python). Eg. Force the low-level side calls directly to your own Python override functions. This repo will help you do that. [x] Windows [x] Linux [x] MacOS [x] iOS [x] Android To hook & unhook a function, you only need to write codes as the following import ctypes from PyHooking import PyHooking, load_external_shared_library, arch, bits # define the hook function mylib = load_external_shared_library(f"Examples/mylib_{arch}_{bits}") @PyHooking.CPrototype(ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_char_p)) def hk_print_message(message): message = f"Invo…
Resolve forwarded import???
by CodeExplorer- 3 followers
- 16 replies
How to resolve forwarded import programmatically? I need general concept. They are some forwarded imports: [4274]=773D3660 ntdll.dll NtdllDefWindowProc_A user32.DefWindowProcA ->ntdll.dll NtdllDefWindowProc_A I need to get it back ntdll.dll NtdllDefWindowProc_A -> user32.DefWindowProcA Scylla does a quite great job on this, I've looked at source code but I can't understand it.
by Guruhardoi7- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello everyone Hello everyone, I was try to compile titanhide I got some error. First I try compile by visual studio 2013 as @mrexodia write in his readme. It got failed by error not compotaible supported. I try - Property to change comptable mode w7 - change REGEDIT -Try service method also all faild Now I move to next For develp driver for old windows need EWDK so I try to install it again I got error devenv.exe is missing on it . It going fear full now. Now I move to install lasted version of visual Studio 2022+sdk+wdk. First I intall visual Studio 2022 with these all -. net 8.0 runtime -net fram…
by Guruhardoi7- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello everyone I was check there are limited examples are available on internet to develop plugin for ollydbg so I resources and found plugin source code in ASM C++ DELPHI etc hope this will help someone good for new members (noob)like me(😋). Enjoy.
Request the source code of the PE-Inject project
by Nakashi_omara- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Years ago, site had put a project called PE-Inject as Open Source for Delphi 7, and now site DelphiBasics has that project, but it is not complete, and I am looking for the complete and original version of this project. Please send if this project or a similar project has code or DLL file injection into the Exe file (I don't mean injecting the code into the running processes, but creating a new section in the exe file and injecting the DLL file or code into this section) There is new and then OEP change etc.) Thanks
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello i've been reading up on some APIs and I came accross this api. I was trying to code a small debugger from it that attaches itself to a process but it seems a bit difficult to implement. Found some examples but they are not coded in delphi. Can anyone show a delphi example on how to use to attach to process? (DebugActiveProcess)