UnPackMe (.NET)
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284 topics in this forum
ByUndefined Protector v2
by Leopar36- 1 follower
- 0 replies
View File ByUndefined Protector v2 ByUndefined Protector Anti Debugger Anti Dump Anti Tamper Anti Memory Anti Dll Inject Anti ILDasm Resources Compress String Encrypt ControlFlow Virtualization Renamer Merge Dll Add Task: Unpack Submitter Leopar36 Submitted 03/23/2025 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
ByUndefined Protector
by Leopar36- 1 follower
- 0 replies
View File ByUndefined Protector ByUndefined Protector Anti Debugger Anti Dump Anti Tamper Anti Memory Anti ILDasm Resources Compress String Encrypt ControlFlow Virtualization Submitter Leopar36 Submitted 03/11/2025 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
.NET Reactor v6.9 1 2
by AarJee- 3 followers
- 40 replies
View File .NET Reactor v6.9 File packed with .NetReactor 6.9 -- All options Submitter AarJee Submitted 07/19/2023 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
VMProtect v3.5.1
by whoknows- 1 follower
- 12 replies
View File VMProtect v3.5.1 Hi all, This is a protected with the TRIAL edition... Mutation / Virtualization w/ the built in VMProtect license system. VMProtect Debugger detection - disabled. (apparently some C# lines added) VMProtect Trial limitation : user has to patch the file to run to his machine. There are 2 enter serial dialogs, once you solve the 1st, drives you to 2nd, when a valid serial entered exporting a file... If a valid serial entered on 1st form, is saved to license.diz file. Submitter whoknows Submitted …
ByUndefined Protector + Enigma
by Leopar36- 1 follower
- 4 replies
View File ByUndefined Protector + Enigma ByUndefined Protector + Enigma Anti Debugger Anti Dump Anti Tamper Anti ILDasm Resources Compress String Encrypt ControlFlow Virtualization Purpose: You need to patch or unpack the correct key. Submitter Leopar36 Submitted 01/23/2025 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
Newbe UnPackMe1
by SaggingCoder- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Difficulty : 7 (I think) Language : .NET Platform : Windows OS Version : Windows 7 and up Packer / Protector : eazFuscator 2018.2 Description : Hello, here I am again 👋. After last and first attempt in the KeygenMe-Section, I tried to put more attention on packing my code harder. I've tried to understand and mod the open source obfuscator ConfuserEx but never got the result I was anticipating. (All the unpackers unpacked them with ease no matter what I added/changed 🙄). So I shifted my attention towards the commercial obfuscators and oh boy the pricing on these.... I've tried NetGuard, Babel, NetReactor,.. and so on. On some of these there were still vir…
VirtualGuard v1.0
by virtualguard- 1 follower
- 20 replies
View File VirtualGuard v1.0 This file is protected by the first version of VirtualGuard. VirtualGuard is an obfuscator I develop that I am trying to receive some stress testing on I hope this VM makes people think at least a little bit; It's fairly close to 1:1, however I do believe I do some interesting things with comparisons and branching. Haven't seen it anywhere else. Let the record state this is not a "mod" of any other vm, so if you are interested in seeing some new stuff this is for you. This sample contains some fairly simple branch offset mutations, at first glance it may be a slight "wtf moment" (at least I hope), but …
DNGuard HVM v3.953
by Mohd- 2 followers
- 9 replies
View File DNGuard HVM v3.953 Try to unpack or alternatively provide the secret key, URL, Name and Address Protections used: DNGuard Enterprice HVM 3.953 Good luck. Submitter Mohd Submitted 09/08/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
VMProtect Lite v3.8.7.2001
by whoknows- 1 follower
- 7 replies
View File VMProtect Lite v3.8.7.2001 This methods protected with Ultra setting (mutation+virtualization) and complexity none ( for example if complexity setted 22% the output goes 1mb ). Either unpack it, either provide a valid license file. Submitter whoknows Submitted 08/27/2024 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
dotNet Protector v6.0.7180
by VB56390- 1 follower
- 10 replies
View File dotNet Protector v6.0.7180 Assemblies are obfuscated, then method bodies are replaced by corrupted code; de-compilation and disassembly tools like ILDASM can no more unassemble methods. Components Protection, this feature enables not only exe protection, but dll as well. ASP.Net is supported by dotNet Protector. Added anti-JIT. Submitter VB56390 Submitted 08/24/2024 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
VMProtect v3.5.0.1213 1 2
by whoknows- 11 followers
- 29 replies
View File VMProtect v3.5.0.1213 Try to unpack or alternatively provide a serial. If there is no solution provided by Saturday 11am (GMT+0) I will attach the same without debugger detection. Protections used: Debugger detection (User-mode + Kernel-mode) Ultra (Mutation + Virtualization) Submitter whoknows Submitted 08/06/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
- 1 follower
- 44 replies
View File Simple Calculator (Enigma 7.40 + ILProtector This is a simple calculator.exe. Protected with ILProtector and double layer Enigma 7.40. First layer on DLL, second layer on EXE and added DLL in Enigma Virtualbox. For skilled reversers this will not be a problem unpack this. Submitter azufo Submitted 01/10/2024 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
DNGuard HVM v3.9.6.2
by 0x59- 2 followers
- 5 replies
View File DNGuard HVM v3.9.6.2 This file is protected using DNGuard HVM Protections used : HVM Jit Challenge is to unpack and post details of methods used. Submitter 0x59 Submitted 01/03/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
- 9 replies
Protections: Winlicense Demo (x64) Compiler: .NET If you succed to unpack please make a tutorial. WinlicenseUnpackMe.NET.rar
- 12 replies
View File EAZFuscator .NET 2022.2 Max Preset (BlackHat) - Updated 04/06/22 Update 04-June 2022 Version 2022.2 Unpack Password - BH2022.2 Old 2022.1 Info - This unpackme is protected with latest version of EAZfuscator = https://www.gapotchenko.com/eazfuscator.net/features Password to unpack = EAZ2022 (I made a RAR file with password protection because I was unable to upload the unpackme directly. I was getting error due to false virus alarm) Your job is to unpack the file fully. Partial unpacking won't be accepted. Submitter BlackHat …
AgileNET v6.
by whoknows- 3 followers
- 8 replies
View File AgileNET v6. AgileNET (code virtualization on 1 method only, no other protector features used) Submitter whoknows Submitted 11/12/2023 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
[UnpackMe].NET Reactor 4.9
by rhythm- 1 follower
- 7 replies
This is UnpackMe, protected with .NET Reactor 4.9 All Protection Option. Unpack and Remove Nag MessageBox, please. UnpackMe.rar
198 Protector V2 By Wadu
by Prab- 6 replies
Language : C# Platforms : Windows Packer/obfuscator : 198 Protector V2 ( ConfuserEx Modded ) Description : Hi everyone, hope one of you friends can unpack the target and teach us how to unpack it. Virustotal : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/07638f4335a23fbb62e7c8e471398a8d556ca8ecbdea8395f4d55f76aebe3bce/detection Download : Unpackme.exe
- 10 replies
Language : .NET Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : Anti Dump + IL Protection + Enigma Protector 3.50 Description : You need to unpack and change the Text. "Tuts4you Special Unpack Edition" Screenshot : UnpackMe by Lucifer.exe
NETBuilderInjection + VMP
by DestroyerDarkNess- 1 reply
View File NETBuilderInjection + VMP I took my NETBuilderInjection and turned it into a Protector, but I don't know how secure it is. (For me, it's safe enough.) So I made this little program, The objectives are: [Unpackme] You should unpack it and get the cleanest code possible. [Crackme] In the textbox where the HWID is displayed you must modify the text and write something else in it. [Bypass] You will need to disable "Falcon Anticheat" from the executable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty : Unknown Language Base : .NET Platform : Windows - .NET Framework 4…
Beds Protector 4.5 1 2
by Guest Steve- 1 follower
- 28 replies
Difficulty : medium Language : c# Platform : Windows x32/x64 OS Version : All Packer / Protector : BEDS 4,5 Description : unpack and tell how fast did you unack it and the way if possible Screenshot : ConsoleApp1.rar
DNGuard HVM v3.97
by 0x59- 10 replies
View File DNGuard HVM v3.97 This file is protected using DNGuard HVM 3.97. Protections used : HVM Jit Challenge is to unpack and post details of methods used. Submitter 0x59 Submitted 01/02/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
Themida v2.4.6.30
by despy3- 2 followers
- 10 replies
View File Themida v2.4.6.30 This is a .NET executable with a Goland DLL packed with Themida. Try to unpack the executable, dump the bundled DLL then fix the DLL to make it work. Once completed detail the methods used and how you fixed the DLL. Submitter despy3 Submitted 12/17/2020 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
Eazfuscator v2021.1
by whoknows- 2 followers
- 16 replies
View File Eazfuscator v2021.1 Unpack and/ or provide a valid serial. Archive password : superfrog Submitter whoknows Submitted 07/14/2021 Category UnPackMe (.NET)
ConfuserEx 1.6.0
by cipsi- 2 followers
- 6 replies
View File ConfuserEx 1.6.0 Public key sample protected using ConfuserEx 1.6.0. https://github.com/mkaring/ConfuserEx/releases/tag/v1.6.0 Your challenge is to unpack and decompile the file. Submitter cipsi Submitted 02/04/2023 Category UnPackMe (.NET)