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Defeating HyperUnpackMe2 with an IDA Processor Module

Teddy Rogers

About This File

This article is about breaking modern executable protectors. The target, a crackme known as HyperUnpackMe2, is modern in the sense that it does not follow the standard packer model of yesteryear wherein the contents of the executable in memory, minus the import information, are eventually restored to their original forms.

Modern protectors mutilate the original code section, use virtual machines operating upon polymorphic bytecode languages to slow reverse engineering, and take active measures to frustrate attempts to dump the process. Meanwhile, the complexity of the import protections and the amount of anti-debugging measures has steadily increased.

This article dissects such a protector and offers a static unpacker through the use of an IDA processor module and a custom plugin. The commented IDB files and the processor module source code are included. In addition, an appendix covers IDA processor module construction. In short, this article is an exercise in overkill.

NOTE: all code snippets beginning with "ROM:" come from the disassembled VM code; all other snippets come from the protected binary.

HyperUnpackMe2.zip is provided as an ancillary to this article and includes:

  • codeseg--lightly--commented.idb: IDB of Virtual Machine (VM)
  • dumped.exe: Statically unpacked executable
  • Notepad.idb: IDB of packed executable
  • processor_module_source.zip: Source code for IDA processor module
  • th.w32: IDA processor module

The processor module (th.w32) belongs in %IDADIR%\procs. It requires IDA 5.0, as do both of the IDBs. Although I own IDA 5.0, these IDBs are linked with the pirated 5.0 key. This is due to the fact that IDB files contain the majority of your personal keyfile. Hence, the IDBs will stop working under 5.1, unless you patch out the blacklist code (which is trivial). If you are a legitimate customer of IDA and would like IDBs for a later version, contact me under the information at the bottom of the article.

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