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Tuts 4 You

1 Screenshot

About This File

Well, here comes something different again.

This time we introduce you to the possibilities of using PNGs instead of BMPs.

There's this (quite old) png library I've found - developed by MadWizard.. big thx to him !

No use of regions here. This means opening a door for really 4sskicking skins cool.gif

But there's also an issue, which should be mentioned:

Since it's all used in a layered window, u'll be quite p!ssed, if you try to run it

under Window 98 or beneath. Layered window stuff was added in Windows 2000, so...

Another problem was, that I had to hardcode the text entering,

which means, that u might try to enter a few special characters in vain.. ^^

Thx to EclipTic for pushing all this great work.

Source is in MASM (RadASM project).

Ok, pls report bugs&stuff smile.gif


What's New in Version 09/10/2007 05:54 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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tank you

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