1 file
Intro source for TAC#5 E-zine
By bi0n3xt
; ; -------------------------------------- ; TACo5 Zine Intro - win32asm + OpenGL ; -------------------------------------- ; ; coded in a hurry so the code is pretty lame but works anyway :] ; probably i left some usual dev. garbage inside this code so... U've been warned :) ; hope U may learn something usefull from here anyway... have fun as i had :) ; ; there was a version running on a thread but i've kicked this stuff out to make it clearer ; all resources included, player stuff kicked away, check the PATHS to make it work (in: make+asm+inc) ; \opengl_inc & \opengl_lib <-- put it into relevant directories ; UPX -9 name.exe <-- to downsize the executable (big textures!) ; ; thx to NeHe and Sculp for their gr8 tutorials which got me started with OpenGL stuff and ; to all gr8 #opengl dudez who had lotsa patience to answer all my stupid questions :) ; thx to smola^xt for all your help and support m8 :) ; ; F1 - some details switched on/off ; F12 - fullscreen/movable window mode switch ; ; pure win32asm code by: ; SACHY/QUARTEX+DCS+XTREEME ; (turbofr0g@gmx.net || turbofr0g@beanus.org) ; ; late Feb.2oo2 ; (tabspace: EQU 4, m8 :) ;
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