CodeExplorer Posted Wednesday at 03:58 PM Posted Wednesday at 03:58 PM Calling getEHinfo x64: crushes [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] public delegate void getEHinfo(IntPtr self, IntPtr ftn, uint EHnumber, out CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE clause); public static IntPtr getEHinfoaddress; public static bool ShouldResolve = false; public static int targetIndex; public static IntPtr Compiler; public static IntPtr iftn; public static int EhCounti; public static unsafe void ResolveEH(int idx, IntPtr comp, int EHCount, IntPtr ftn) { //IntPtr selfEH1 = GetEHInfo(comp, false); IntPtr getEHinfoaddress = GetEHInfo(comp, false); //MessageBox.Show(getEHinfoaddress.ToString("X8")); string installedFr = GetFramework4Version(); if (IntPtr.Size==8) { //getEHinfoaddress = X64CallingConvention(getEHinfoaddress); } else { if (installedFr.StartsWith("4.5")||installedFr.StartsWith("4.7")||installedFr.StartsWith("4.8")) getEHinfoaddress = ConvertCallingConvention(getEHinfoaddress, CallingConvention.ThisCall, CallingConvention.StdCall); } //ICorJitInfo* comp_ptr = (ICorJitInfo*)(comp); //IntPtr getEHinfoaddress1 = ICorStaticInfo.ICorMethodInfo(ICorDynamicInfo.ICorStaticInfo(ICorJitInfo.ICorDynamicInfo(comp_ptr)))->vfptr->getEHinfo; //MessageBox.Show(getEHinfoaddress.ToString("X8")+"-"+getEHinfoaddress1.ToString("X8")); getEHinfo getEHinfo = null; getEHinfo = (getEHinfo)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(getEHinfoaddress, typeof(getEHinfo)); //IntPtr selfEH = (IntPtr)ICorStaticInfo.ICorMethodInfo(ICorDynamicInfo.ICorStaticInfo(ICorJitInfo.ICorDynamicInfo(comp_ptr))); IntPtr selfEH = IntPtr.Zero; if (installedFr.StartsWith("4.7")||installedFr.StartsWith("4.8")) selfEH = comp; else selfEH = GetEHInfo(comp, true); //MessageBox.Show("a"+selfEH.ToString("X8")+"-"+ftn.ToString("X8")); List<CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE> ehcs = new List<CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE>(); for (uint i = 0; i < EHCount; i++) { CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE clause = new CORINFO_EH_CLAUSE(); getEHinfo(selfEH, ftn, i, out clause); ehcs.Add(clause); } MI.moduledata.TryCatch[idx] = GetExceptionBytes(ehcs, true); MessageBox.Show("OK"); } // public unsafe static IntPtr GetEHInfo(IntPtr pICorJitInfo, bool ReturnEHThis) { // CLR47: // 8BBB 48190000 | mov edi, [ebx+0x1948] | // 8D5424 3C | lea edx, [esp+0x3C] | // 52 | push edx | // 51 | push ecx | // FFB3 54190000 | push [ebx+0x1954] | // 8B07 | mov eax, [edi] | // 8B70 20 | mov esi, [eax+0x20] | // 8BCE | mov ecx, esi | // FF15 8C112D6F | call [<__guard_check_icall_fptr>] | // 8BCF | mov ecx, edi | // FFD6 | call esi | // CLR40: // 8B86 D81B0000 | mov eax, [esi+0x1BD8] | eax是pICorJitInfo // 8B48 04 | mov ecx, [eax+0x4] | // 8B49 04 | mov ecx, [ecx+0x4] | // 8D55 E4 | lea edx, [ebp-0x1C] | // 52 | push edx | // FF75 E0 | push [ebp-0x20] | // 8D4401 04 | lea eax, [ecx+eax+0x4] | // FFB6 E41B0000 | push [esi+0x1BE4] | // 8B08 | mov ecx, [eax] | // 50 | push eax | // FF51 28 | call [ecx+0x28] | [ecx+0x28]是getEHinfo vtordisp的函数指针 /* 060C230A 8B4C24 24 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x24] 060C230E 8B5424 28 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0x28] 060C2312 8BC1 MOV EAX,ECX 060C2314 8B48 04 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+0x4] 060C2317 8B49 04 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+0x4] 060C231A 8D4408 04 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+ECX+0x4] 060C231E 8B08 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] 060C2320 8B51 28 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+0x28] ; clr.79212570 B9 30 A8 18 00 8B C1 8B 48 04 8B 49 04 8D 44 08 04 8B 08 8B 51 28 */ // ECX= 791AFF10 // DS:[791AFF38]=79212570 (clr.79212570) IntPtr pGetEHInfo = IntPtr.Zero; if (Environment.Version.Major<4) { MessageBox.Show("Not supported yet!"); } else { string installedFr = GetFramework4Version(); if (installedFr.StartsWith("4.5")||installedFr.StartsWith("4.7")||installedFr.StartsWith("4.8")) { uint edi1; uint eax1; if (IntPtr.Size==4) { edi1 = (uint)pICorJitInfo.ToInt32(); eax1 = *(uint*)edi1; if (ReturnEHThis) { return (IntPtr)eax1; // clr!CEEJitInfo::`vftable' } pGetEHInfo = (IntPtr)(*(uint**)(eax1 + 0x20)); // clr!CEEJitInfo::GetEHInfo return pGetEHInfo; } else { ulong ledi1 = (ulong)pICorJitInfo.ToInt64(); //MessageBox.Show("cool"+ledi1.ToString("X8")); ulong leax1 = *(ulong*)ledi1; if (ReturnEHThis) { IntPtr retvalue = (IntPtr)(*(ulong*)(ledi1)); // clr!CEEJitInfo::`vftable' //MessageBox.Show("Offset"+retvalue.ToString("X8")); return retvalue; } pGetEHInfo = (IntPtr)(*(ulong**)(leax1 + (ulong)(0x20/4*IntPtr.Size))); // clr!CEEJitInfo::GetEHInfo //MessageBox.Show("cool"+pGetEHInfo.ToString("X8")); return pGetEHInfo; // //MessageBox.Show("cool"+eax1.ToString("X8")); } } uint eax; uint ecx; eax = (uint)pICorJitInfo; //MessageBox.Show("cool-"+eax.ToString("X8")); ecx = *(uint*)(eax + 0x4); // Stack DS:[0018A834]=791AF450 (clr.791AF450) ecx = *(uint*)(ecx + 0x4); // DS:[791AF454]=00000030 eax = ecx + eax + 0x4; // 030+pICorJitInfo+04 if (ReturnEHThis) { return (IntPtr)(eax); } ecx = *(uint*)eax; // Stack DS:[0018A864]=791AFF10 (clr.791AFF10) //MessageBox.Show(((uint)pICorJitInfo).ToString("X8")+"-"+ecx.ToString("X8")); if (installedFr.StartsWith("4.0")) { pGetEHInfo = (IntPtr)(*(void**)(ecx + 0x28)); // DS:[791AFF38]=79212570 (clr.79212570) return pGetEHInfo; } /*if (installedFr.StartsWith("4.8")) { pGetEHInfo = (IntPtr)(*(void**)(ecx + 0x20)); return pGetEHInfo; } */ } //uint valuem = *(uint*)(ecx + 0x28); //if //pGetEHInfo = *(void**)(ecx + 0x20); //pGetEHInfo = (void*)0; return pGetEHInfo; } So I know what getEHinfo address is: getEHinfo = (getEHinfoFunc*)ICorJitInfo[8]; if you take in consideration that each element is a qword; SelfEH also has valid value; but it crushes from what I could tell it tries to read something from Methodhandle - ftn and will result in any memory access violation. Does anyone know how to solve the problem or does anyone know any x64 jitter? 1
CodeExplorer Posted Thursday at 11:11 AM Author Posted Thursday at 11:11 AM clr!CEEJitInfo::getEHinfo: 00007ffd`ba03b150 4053 push rbx 00007ffd`ba03b152 56 push rsi 00007ffd`ba03b153 57 push rdi 00007ffd`ba03b154 4156 push r14 00007ffd`ba03b156 4157 push r15 00007ffd`ba03b158 4881ec80000000 sub rsp,80h 00007ffd`ba03b15f 48c7442448feffffff mov qword ptr [rsp+48h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh 00007ffd`ba03b168 488b0591be9400 mov rax,qword ptr [clr!_security_cookie (00007ffd`ba987000)] 00007ffd`ba03b16f 4833c4 xor rax,rsp 00007ffd`ba03b172 4889442478 mov qword ptr [rsp+78h],rax 00007ffd`ba03b177 498bf1 mov rsi,r9 00007ffd`ba03b17a 458bf0 mov r14d,r8d 00007ffd`ba03b17d 488bfa mov rdi,rdx 00007ffd`ba03b180 4c8bf9 mov r15,rcx 00007ffd`ba03b183 488b5928 mov rbx,qword ptr [rcx+28h] 00007ffd`ba03b187 488b4310 mov rax,qword ptr [rbx+10h] 00007ffd`ba03b18b 4889442430 mov qword ptr [rsp+30h],rax 00007ffd`ba03b190 803da9be940000 cmp byte ptr [clr!g_StackProbingEnabled (00007ffd`ba987040)],0 00007ffd`ba03b197 0f8543983300 jne clr!CEEJitInfo::getEHinfo+0x339890 (00007ffd`ba3749e0) 00007ffd`ba03b19d 488b4310 mov rax,qword ptr [rbx+10h] 00007ffd`ba03b1a1 4889442428 mov qword ptr [rsp+28h],rax 00007ffd`ba03b1a6 833df3db940000 cmp dword ptr [clr!g_fJitPerfOn (00007ffd`ba988da0)],0 00007ffd`ba03b1ad 0f8552983300 jne clr!CEEJitInfo::getEHinfo+0x3398b5 (00007ffd`ba374a05) 00007ffd`ba03b1b3 8a4706 mov al,byte ptr [rdi+6] 00007ffd`ba03b1b6 2407 and al,7 00007ffd`ba03b1b8 3c07 cmp al,7 00007ffd`ba03b1ba 0f843f491100 je clr!CEEJitInfo::getEHinfo+0x131 (00007ffd`ba14faff) 00007ffd`ba03b1c0 498b4758 mov rax,qword ptr [r15+58h] 00007ffd`ba03b1c4 488b5028 mov rdx,qword ptr [rax+28h] 00007ffd`ba03b1c8 4b8d0c76 lea rcx,[r14+r14*2] 00007ffd`ba03b1cc f60240 test byte ptr [rdx],40h ds:00000000`00000000=?? rdx register is 0 so it crushes does anyone knows what 40h stands for or what the above code tries to do?
CodeExplorer Posted Thursday at 01:15 PM Author Posted Thursday at 01:15 PM (edited) I've made real progress: ulong ledi1 = (ulong)selfEH.ToInt64(); // ulong leax1 = *(ulong*)(ledi1+0x58); ulong valueZero = *(ulong*)(leax1+0x28); ulong Pointer = leax1+0x28; MessageBox.Show(valueZero.ToString("X8")); When valueZero is zero method has no exception handers; So I've found add that EHCount from info->EHcount from CORINFO_METHOD_INFO_Fr4_x64 has invalid value; mainly the function was called for methods with no Exception Handlers. Edited Thursday at 01:20 PM by CodeExplorer 3 1
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