H1TC43R Posted May 28, 2023 Posted May 28, 2023 On 5/24/2023 at 8:11 AM, CodeExplorer said: To be frankly I don't know what's going on in this forum: users just post unpacked files witouth providing any information on how they did it! Yes this is a shame, especially with VMProtect and Themidia I'm looking into these now, as i have a project with at least 8 different protectors and a file size roughly 5.5gb so time consuming and always looking for a better way to do things
ra1n Posted May 28, 2023 Posted May 28, 2023 On 5/24/2023 at 8:11 AM, CodeExplorer said: To be frankly I don't know what's going on in this forum: users just post unpacked files witouth providing any information on how they did it! I find that most of the time the user in question utilised some public tool and have zero knowledge of how it actually works, and thus don't respond to any questions regarding the internals of their solution. Or maybe they're just too "smart" for us noobs and decide to give us the solution with zero context and then vanish, because that really reflects their intellect. 1
RADIOX Posted August 26, 2023 Posted August 26, 2023 I don't know if so easy to do it or I did it wrong Themida.mp4 2
chill_B Posted September 17, 2023 Posted September 17, 2023 On 8/26/2023 at 2:06 AM, RADIOX said: I don't know if so easy to do it or I did it wrong Themida.mp4 What about 64 bit app?
RADIOX Posted September 20, 2023 Posted September 20, 2023 On 9/17/2023 at 4:49 AM, chill_B said: What about 64 bit app? hi not all apps like this this is just a simple sample
lovejoy226 Posted January 25, 2024 Posted January 25, 2024 On 8/26/2023 at 9:06 AM, RADIOX said: I don't know if so easy to do it or I did it wrong Themida.mp4 @RADIOX Can you show the anti debug plugin setting? I can't debug the target cause of being detected of x64dbg. Regards. sean. 1
boot Posted January 11 Posted January 11 oep_va = 0x004032E4 iat_tree: Spoiler $ ==> 00404000 <>76F285D4 gdi32.GetObjectA $+4 00404004 <>76F2CFFD gdi32.CreateFontIndirectA $+8 00404008 <>76F24EB8 gdi32.GetStockObject $+C 0040400C 00000000 $+10 00404010 <>76055846 kernel32.GlobalAlloc $+14 00404014 <>7605194A kernel32.GetFileSize $+18 00404018 <>7605537E kernel32.CreateFileA $+1C 0040401C <>76053E83 kernel32.ReadFile $+20 00404020 <>76051282 kernel32.WriteFile $+24 00404024 <>76050E00 kernel32.GetStartupInfoA $+28 00404028 <>76055510 kernel32.GlobalFree $+2C 0040402C <>76051222 kernel32.GetProcAddress $+30 00404030 <>760513F0 kernel32.CloseHandle $+34 00404034 <>76051245 kernel32.GetModuleHandleA $+38 00404038 <>76055159 kernel32.GetCommandLineA $+3C 0040403C 00000000 $+40 00404040 <>6B88ACED mfc42.#4698 $+44 00404044 <>6B845385 mfc42.#5307 $+48 00404048 <>6B8448F7 mfc42.#5289 $+4C 0040404C <>6B8452EB mfc42.#5714 $+50 00404050 <>6B8751F3 mfc42.#6324 $+54 00404054 <>6B8751F3 mfc42.#6324 $+58 00404058 <>6B8751F3 mfc42.#6324 $+5C 0040405C <>6B834179 mfc42.#6365 $+60 00404060 <>6B82D0E1 mfc42.#3136 $+64 00404064 <>6B82AA21 mfc42.#3262 $+68 00404068 <>6B82D6C9 mfc42.#2985 $+6C 0040406C <>6B82C111 mfc42.#3081 $+70 00404070 <>6B82A7A7 mfc42.#2976 $+74 00404074 <>6B87AC25 mfc42.#3830 $+78 00404078 <>6B83406D mfc42.#5162 $+7C 0040407C <>6B83406D mfc42.#5162 $+80 00404080 <>6B8751F3 mfc42.#6324 $+84 00404084 <>6B8D16B5 mfc42.#5486 $+88 00404088 <>6B87AC4B mfc42.#4622 $+8C 0040408C <>6B83351D mfc42.#4424 $+90 00404090 <>6B8FCF3C mfc42.#3738 $+94 00404094 <>6B832E56 mfc42.#561 $+98 00404098 <>6B83C65B mfc42.#825 $+9C 0040409C <>6B845862 mfc42.#815 $+A0 004040A0 <>6B870D3E mfc42.#641 $+A4 004040A4 <>6B86CBA6 mfc42.#656 $+A8 004040A8 <>6B871522 mfc42.#2514 $+AC 004040AC <>6B83C735 mfc42.#6847 $+B0 004040B0 <>6B871039 mfc42.#4376 $+B4 004040B4 <>6B871019 mfc42.#4853 $+B8 004040B8 <>6B8434B9 mfc42.#6867 $+BC 004040BC <>6B870DC8 mfc42.#6052 $+C0 004040C0 <>6B871046 mfc42.#1775 $+C4 004040C4 <>6B8711E5 mfc42.#5280 $+C8 004040C8 <>6B873D9A mfc42.#4431 $+CC 004040CC <>6B8FE35D mfc42.#3597 $+D0 004040D0 <>6B8751F3 mfc42.#6324 $+D4 004040D4 <>6B83406D mfc42.#5162 $+D8 004040D8 <>6B834179 mfc42.#6365 $+DC 004040DC <>6B8336B7 mfc42.#4407 $+E0 004040E0 <>6B83C735 mfc42.#6847 $+E4 004040E4 <>6B83330B mfc42.#2385 $+E8 004040E8 <>6B833763 mfc42.#5163 $+EC 004040EC <>6B8443EF mfc42.#4079 $+F0 004040F0 <>6B87A712 mfc42.#4353 $+F4 004040F4 <>6B846485 mfc42.#5290 $+F8 004040F8 <>6B83C49A mfc42.#3798 $+FC 004040FC <>6B847663 mfc42.#4837 $+100 00404100 <>6B83A92F mfc42.#4441 $+104 00404104 <>6B85EBD5 mfc42.#2648 $+108 00404108 <>6B85EBC9 mfc42.#2055 $+10C 0040410C <>6B85FAFD mfc42.#6376 $+110 00404110 <>6B8751F3 mfc42.#6324 $+114 00404114 <>6B85E47C mfc42.#5065 $+118 00404118 <>6B83EA2A mfc42.#1727 $+11C 0040411C <>6B847506 mfc42.#5261 $+120 00404120 <>6B844B09 mfc42.#2446 $+124 00404124 <>6B840549 mfc42.#2124 $+128 00404128 <>6B83C735 mfc42.#6847 $+12C 0040412C <>6B82B38D mfc42.#3402 $+130 00404130 <>6B85E462 mfc42.#4627 $+134 00404134 <>6B82DF2E mfc42.#3610 $+138 00404138 <>6B83F055 mfc42.#1146 $+13C 0040413C <>6B82B1D0 mfc42.#1168 $+140 00404140 <>6B833286 mfc42.#567 $+144 00404144 <>6B870E2D mfc42.#324 $+148 00404148 <>6B8721A2 mfc42.#2302 $+14C 0040414C <>6B82BEB8 mfc42.#4234 $+150 00404150 <>6B82FF89 mfc42.#823 $+154 00404154 <>6B831776 mfc42.#1575 $+158 00404158 <>6B87A79E mfc42.#3092 $+15C 0040415C <>6B870FAE mfc42.#4710 $+160 00404160 <>6B83335F mfc42.#2379 $+164 00404164 <>6B84AE61 mfc42.#755 $+168 00404168 <>6B847EA1 mfc42.#470 $+16C 0040416C <>6B83B13A mfc42.#800 $+170 00404170 <>6B84630C mfc42.#6199 $+174 00404174 <>6B8755F5 mfc42.#3499 $+178 00404178 <>6B8750C8 mfc42.#2515 $+17C 0040417C <>6B87530B mfc42.#355 $+180 00404180 <>6B87A98F mfc42.#3876 $+184 00404184 <>6B83B258 mfc42.#860 $+188 00404188 <>6B847F56 mfc42.#3873 $+18C 0040418C <>6B85C301 mfc42.#922 $+190 00404190 <>6B83B840 mfc42.#858 $+194 00404194 <>6B85C384 mfc42.#924 $+198 00404198 <>6B841B4A mfc42.#537 $+19C 0040419C <>6B846EB1 mfc42.#2725 $+1A0 004041A0 <>6B88AC3A mfc42.#5302 $+1A4 004041A4 <>6B88A586 mfc42.#5300 $+1A8 004041A8 <>6B83E952 mfc42.#3346 $+1AC 004041AC <>6B88A37C mfc42.#2396 $+1B0 004041B0 <>6B84267F mfc42.#5199 $+1B4 004041B4 <>6B842AEA mfc42.#1089 $+1B8 004041B8 <>6B8482AB mfc42.#3922 $+1BC 004041BC <>6B8444F4 mfc42.#5731 $+1C0 004041C0 <>6B88B0DE mfc42.#2512 $+1C4 004041C4 <>6B83E818 mfc42.#2554 $+1C8 004041C8 <>6B88AF27 mfc42.#4486 $+1CC 004041CC <>6B88ADB2 mfc42.#6375 $+1D0 004041D0 <>6B82C7A8 mfc42.#4274 $+1D4 004041D4 <>6B833659 mfc42.#6374 $+1D8 004041D8 <>6B88BCD0 mfc42.#4673 $+1DC 004041DC 00000000 $+1E0 004041E0 <>76FB27CE msvcrt.__p__fmode $+1E4 004041E4 <>76FB2804 msvcrt.__set_app_type $+1E8 004041E8 <>76FCD770 msvcrt._except_handler3 $+1EC 004041EC <>76FAE1E1 msvcrt._controlfp $+1F0 004041F0 <>76FB27C3 msvcrt.__p__commode $+1F4 004041F4 <>770432EC offset msvcrt._adjust_fdiv $+1F8 004041F8 <>770377AD msvcrt.__setusermatherr 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<>7532AF26 user32.wsprintfA $+25C 0040425C <>75323F54 user32.EnableWindow $+260 00404260 <>7533EEF4 user32.SendMessageA $+264 00404264 <>7531C9AC user32.GetWindowLongA $+268 00404268 <>7533EF4A user32.SetWindowLongA $+26C 0040426C <>75327B22 user32.SetWindowTextA $+270 00404270 <>7768B768 ntdll_1a.NtdllDefWindowProc_A $+274 00404274 <>7531D781 user32.LoadIconA $+278 00404278 <>75327AF4 user32.CallWindowProcA $+27C 0040427C 00000000 unpacked: unpacked_.zip 1
lovejoy226 Posted January 11 Posted January 11 (edited) On 8/26/2023 at 9:06 AM, RADIOX said: I don't know if so easy to do it or I did it wrong Themida.mp4 Use this option when you dump it. Regards. sean. Edited January 11 by New Year - New Mind 1
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