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How to walk through resource directory?


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what how to kill?Just entering zero?Dosent work too.Still get WND error at CreateDialogIndirectParam function.Maybe the struct is wrong I found on internet...but  seems to be modded.

	dlgVer					WORD		?
	signature				WORD		?
	helpID					DWORD		?
	exStyle					DWORD		?
	style					DWORD		?
	cDlgItems				WORD		?
	x					WORD		?
	y					WORD		?
	lx					WORD		?
	ly					WORD		?
; ####################################################
; The following are adapted for use
; They will point to null terminated Unicode Strings
	pmenu					DWORD		?	; Name
	pmenuord				DWORD		?	; Ordinal
	pwindowClass			        DWORD		?	; Name
	pwindowClassord			        DWORD		?	; Ordinal
	ptitle					DWORD		?	; Name
; ####################################################
	pointsize				WORD		?
	weight					WORD		?
	bItalic					WORD		?
; ####################################################
; The following is adapted for use
; It will point to null terminated Unicode String
	pfont					DWORD		?	; Font Name
; ####################################################

Now I tried to rewrite the struct to this...is right so?In windows.inc file I only can find WCHAR = word.sz_Or_Ord isnt present but should be word too.No typdef of sz_Or_Ord inside.

  dlgVer          WORD  ?
  signature       WORD  ?
  helpID          DWORD ?
  exStyle         DWORD ?
  style           DWORD ?
  cDlgItems       WORD  ?
  x               WORD  ?
  y               WORD  ?
  lx              WORD  ?
  ly              WORD  ?
  menu            WORD  ?
  windowClass     WORD  ?
  titles          WCHAR ?
  pointsize       WORD  ?
  weight          WORD  ?
  italic          BYTE  ?
  charset         BYTE  ?
  typeface        WCHAR ?

CreateDialogIndirectParam still fails.Below the file with the dialog I wanna call.Its the first one in Dialog resources.Maybe anyone can test it anyhow and show how to fill the WNDCLASSEX correctly with some datas of DLGTEMPLATEEX and calling CreateDialogIndirectParam with success.


Thank you

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what line?If I dont use classname then its not working = WND error as I told before.If I use classname then I get ERROR_INVALID_MENU_HANDLE from CreateDialogIndirectParam.

This is what I get calling GetClassInfoExW/A if I load the file itself in Olly.

$ ==>    01710000 <cbSize>          00000000
$+4      01710004 <style>           00000000
$+8      01710008 <lpfnWndProc>     FFFF045F
$+C      0171000C <cbClsExtra>      00000000
$+10     01710010 <cbWndExtra>      0000001E
$+14     01710014 <hInstance>       00400000  EzProces.00400000
$+18     01710018 <hIcon>           02AB0233
$+1C     0171001C <hCursor>         00010003
$+20     01710020 <hbrBackground>   00000010
$+24     01710024 <lpszMenuName>    000003E8
$+28     01710028 <lpszClassName>   01720000  UNICODE "EZPROCESS"
$+2C     0171002C <hIconSm>         02AB0233

$ ==>    01710000 <cbSize>          00000000
$+4      01710004 <style>           00000000
$+8      01710008 <lpfnWndProc>     00403537  EzProces.00403537
$+C      0171000C <cbClsExtra>      00000000
$+10     01710010 <cbWndExtra>      0000001E
$+14     01710014 <hInstance>       00400000  EzProces.00400000
$+18     01710018 <hIcon>           02AB0233
$+1C     0171001C <hCursor>         00010003
$+20     01710020 <hbrBackground>   00000010
$+24     01710024 <lpszMenuName>    000003E8
$+28     01710028 <lpszClassName>   01720000  ASCII "EZPROCESS"
$+2C     0171002C <hIconSm>         02AB0233

If check my file I see this before calling RegisterClassExW/A

$ ==>    01103034 <cbSize>           00000030
$+4      01103038 <style>            00000000
$+8      0110303C <lpfnWndProc>      0110127D  bones.0110127D
$+C      01103040 <cbClsExtra>       00000000
$+10     01103044 <cbWndExtra>       0000001E
$+14     01103048 <hInstance>        00310001
$+18     0110304C <hIcon>            00000000
$+1C     01103050 <hCursor>          00000000
$+20     01103054 <hbrBackground>    00000000
$+24     01103058 <lpszMenuName>     000003E8
$+28     0110305C <lpszClassName>    0039CE86  UNICODE "EZPROCESS"
$+2C     01103060 <hIconSm>          00000000

Function succeed but then at CreateDialogIndirectParamW/A it fails...I cant show the struct like above so the OllyStruct Plugin has no DLGTEMPLATE and DLGTEMPLATEEX struct I could select there....

$ ==>    >FFFF0001
$+4      >00000000
$+8      >00000309
$+C      >10CF08C0
$+10     >000A0005
$+14     >01F4000A
$+18     >FFFF0133
$+1C     >004503E8
$+20     >0050005A
$+24     >004F0052
$+28     >00450043
$+2C     >00530053
$+30     >00450000
$+34     >0050007A
$+38     >006F0072
$+3C     >00650063
$+40     >00730073
$+44     >00080000
$+48     >01000000
$+4C     >00610054
$+50     >006F0068
$+54     >0061006D
$+58     >00000000
$+5C     >00000000

001BFB0C   011011DF  /CALL to CreateDialogIndirectParamW from bones.011011DA
001BFB10   00310001  |hInst = 00310001
001BFB14   0039CE68  |pTemplate = 0039CE68
001BFB18   001907D8  |hOwner = 001907D8 ('Form1',class='#32770')
001BFB1C   0110127D  |pDlgProc = bones.0110127D
001BFB20   00000001  \lParam = 0x1

0110127D    55                      PUSH EBP
0110127E    8BEC                    MOV EBP,ESP
01101280    83C4 E0                 ADD ESP,-0x20
01101283    817D 0C 10010000        CMP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+0xC],0x110
0110128A    75 02                   JNZ SHORT 0110128E                            
0110128C    EB 39                   JMP SHORT 011012C7                            
0110128E    837D 0C 10              CMP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+0xC],0x10
01101292    75 2A                   JNZ SHORT 011012BE                            
01101294    FF35 28301001           PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[0x1103028]
0110129A    E8 51000000             CALL 011012F0                                  ; <JMP.&kernel32.GlobalUnlock>
0110129F    FF35 28301001           PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[0x1103028]
011012A5    E8 3A000000             CALL 011012E4                                  ; <JMP.&kernel32.GlobalFree>
011012AA    FF75 08                 PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+0x8]
011012AD    E8 62000000             CALL 01101314                                  ; <JMP.&user32.DestroyWindow>
011012B2    6A 00                   PUSH 0x0
011012B4    FF75 08                 PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+0x8]
011012B7    E8 64000000             CALL 01101320                                  ; <JMP.&user32.EndDialog>
011012BC    EB 09                   JMP SHORT 011012C7                          
011012BE    B8 00000000             MOV EAX,0x0
011012C3    C9                      LEAVE
011012C4    C2 1000                 RETN 0x10
011012C7    C9                      LEAVE
011012C8    C2 1000                 RETN 0x10

PS: What about the DLGTEMPLATEEX struct paramters sz_Or_Ord / types.Is that word or dword?Its word right?But anyhow it dosent work for windowClass member which points more forward not directly at classname start etc.


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Type: sz_Or_Ord

A variable-length array of 16-bit elements that identifies a menu resource for the dialog box. If the first element of this array is 0x0000, the dialog box has no menu and the array has no other elements. If the first element is 0xFFFF, the array has one additional element that specifies the ordinal value of a menu resource in an executable file. If the first element has any other value, the system treats the array as a null-terminated Unicode string that specifies the name of a menu resource in an executable file.


Type: sz_Or_Ord

A variable-length array of 16-bit elements that identifies the window class of the dialog box. If the first element of the array is 0x0000, the system uses the predefined dialog box class for the dialog box and the array has no other elements. If the first element is 0xFFFF, the array has one additional element that specifies the ordinal value of a predefined system window class. If the first element has any other value, the system treats the array as a null-terminated Unicode string that specifies the name of a registered window class.



I think they would be dwords in the structure as they need to point to something in memory, an array. (Not sure if they are different in 64bit? qwords?) Anyhow they point to an array of words, if the array is starts with word 0000h then no menu. If it starts with word FFFFh then next word in array would be oridinal value. If its any other value, its seen as a zero terminated unicode string and is read until it hits the terminator 00h,00h for menu name resource or class name.

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Hi again,

ok listen,can you or anyone translate this DLGTEMPLATEEX struct to MASM?Seems that the 2 members titles[titleLen] and typeface[stringLen] are dynamic about the lenght.Not sure how to write that in a MASM struct.

The stollystruct plugin for OllyDBG has a StollyStructs.ini file where all structs are stored.Now I tried to add the DLGTEMPLATEEX strct manually like this at the bottom...


The WCHAR,2 is wrong / must be anything else etc into.Now if I test it in Olly =..

Address    Name                              Type      Value         Hex Dump
003ACE68   dlgVer                            WORD      0001
003ACE6A   signature                         WORD      FFFF
003ACE6C   helpID                            DWORD     00000000
003ACE70   exStyle                           DWORD     00000309
003ACE74   style                             DWORD     10CF08C0
003ACE78   cDlgItems                         WORD      0005
003ACE7A   x                                 WORD      000A
003ACE7C   y                                 WORD      000A
003ACE7E   lx                                WORD      01F4
003ACE80   ly                                WORD      0133
003ACE82   menu                              DWORD     03E8FFFF
003ACE86   windowClass                       DWORD     005A0045
003ACE8A   titles[titleLen]                  WCHAR     0050
003ACE8C   pointsize                         WORD      0052
003ACE8E   weight                            WORD      004F
003ACE90   italic                            BYTE      43
003ACE91   charset                           BYTE      00
003ACE92   typeface[stringLen]               WCHAR     0045

Problem should start at member "menu" which could be a DWORD = 2 words 0000 or FFFF + ID word next or a null-terminated Unicode string with a unkniown lenght.Above you can see at member menu I have FFFF = ID come next word = 03E8.Ok so far so in this case the lenght keeps 4 bytes where I can test next member of windowClass.But what is if member used a null-terminated Unicode string?You know what I mean right.Problem is that at this locations are no pointer addresses are used.Anyhow is that pretty stupid.How to use a struct in this case where the lenght can be dynamic?

Ok I made a short WinASM project what loads EzProcess.exe and access resource of the one dialog.Maybe anyone could trace that in Olly or check my source to find the problem reason.If you load my bones.exe in Olly then just set eip over EXIT call.Its just raw code for testing so I come not forward anymore now.


Thank you

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Might be useful: http://www.asmcommunity.net/forums/topic/?id=25463

looks like the unicode strings are in place and are not pointers to the strings, and same with the menu and class (based on that above post/link) but are in place 16bit values, or in place unicode - which means the entire structure changes depending on the content.

Edited by fearless
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yes thats the problem they are in place.I tried to make something like this...

  dlgVer          WORD  ?
  signature       WORD  ?
  helpID          DWORD ?
  exStyle         DWORD ?
  style           DWORD ?
  cDlgItems       WORD  ?
  x               WORD  ?
  y               WORD  ?
  lx              WORD  ?
  ly              WORD  ?
  menu            WORD  ?
  menustring      BYTE  ANYSIZE_ARRAY dup(?)
  menuID          WORD  ?
  windowClass     WORD  ?
  windowClassString BYTE  ANYSIZE_ARRAY dup(?)
  windowClassOrd  WORD  ?
  titles          WORD  ?
  titlesstring    BYTE  ANYSIZE_ARRAY dup(?)
  pointsize       WORD  ?
  weight          WORD  ?
  italic          BYTE  ?
  charset         BYTE  ?
  typeface        BYTE  ANYSIZE_ARRAY dup(?)

Not sure whether its good or not or whether its getting anyhow better.Problems I get in code....

            .if     DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.menu[esi] == 0FFFFh
                    movzx eax,DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.menuID[esi]
            .elseif DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.menu[esi] == 0h
                    xor eax,eax
                    lea eax,DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.menustring[esi]
                    push eax
                    invoke lstrlenW,eax
                    imul eax,2
                    add eax,2
                    add esi,eax
                    pop eax
            mov WNDCLASSEX.lpszMenuName[ebx],eax
            .if     DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.windowClass[esi] == 0h ; nothing
                    xor eax,eax
            .elseif DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.windowClass[esi] == 0FFFFh
                    movzx eax,DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.windowClassOrd[esi]
                    lea eax,DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.windowClassString[esi]
                    push eax
                    invoke lstrlenW,eax
                    imul eax,2
                    add eax,2
                    add esi,eax
                    pop eax 
                    sub esi,4; ?   <----       
            mov WNDCLASSEX.lpszClassName[ebx],eax
            .if     DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.titles[esi] == 0h ; no titel
                    xor eax,eax
                    lea eax,DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.titlesstring[esi]
                    push eax
                    invoke lstrlenW,eax
                    imul eax,2
                    add eax,2
                    add esi,eax
                    pop eax    
                    sub esi,2; ?   <----               
            lea eax,DLGTEMPLATEEX_2.typeface[esi]

Seems I do calc anyhow wrong to come exact to next member I wanna check.I had to sub some bytes from esi.Anyhow its total stupid.Is there no better solution out there?

PS: What about my file now?Could you check why its getting the Menu Handle error on CreateDialogIndirectParamW?


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