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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

should work.....;)



keygen.zipFetching info...


 private void Generate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textBox2.Text = "";
            Random random = new Random(smethod_0(this.textBox1).GetHashCode());
            Struct0 struct2;
            Struct0 struct3;
            struct2.double_0 = smethod_1(random) * 50.0;
            struct2.double_1 = smethod_1(random) * 50.0;
            struct2.double_2 = smethod_1(random) * 50.0;
            struct3.double_0 = (smethod_1(random) * 50.0) + 100.0;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[] { 82, 69, 87, 82, 76, 89, 66, 89, 89, 66, 57, 48, 80, 90 };
            struct3.double_1 = (smethod_1(random) * 50.0) + 100.0;
            struct3.double_2 = (smethod_1(random) * 50.0) + 100.0;
            double num = (smethod_1(random) * 50.0) + 10.0;
            Struct0 struct4;
            Struct0 struct5;
            Struct0 struct6;
            struct4.double_0 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct4.double_1 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct4.double_2 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct5.double_0 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct5.double_1 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct5.double_2 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            textBox2.Text = struct4.double_0.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct4.double_1.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct4.double_2.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct5.double_0.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct5.double_1.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct5.double_2.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + random.Next(10);
            if (smethod_2((string)smethod_0(this.textBox2), @"(\d+\,\d+|\d+)").Count != 7)
                goto start;

        double num8 = ((struct5.double_0 * struct5.double_0) + (struct5.double_1 * struct5.double_1)) / 2.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                num8 = (num8 + (((struct5.double_0 * struct5.double_0) + (struct5.double_1 * struct5.double_1)) / num8)) / 2.0;
            struct6.double_0 = (struct5.double_1 * Convert.ToDouble((string)smethod_4((Capture)smethod_3((MatchCollection)smethod_2((string)smethod_0(this.textBox2), @"(\d+\,\d+|\d+)"), 3)))) / num8;
            double num6 = (struct5.double_0 * struct5.double_0) + (struct5.double_1 * struct5.double_1);
            double num5 = num6 / 2.0;
            for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                num5 = (num5 + (num6 / num5)) / 2.0;
            struct6.double_1 = ((-1.0 * struct5.double_0) * Convert.ToDouble((string)smethod_4((Capture)smethod_3((MatchCollection)smethod_2((string)smethod_0(this.textBox2), @"(\d+\,\d+|\d+)"), 3)))) / num5;
            struct6.double_2 = 0.0;
            for (int k = 0; k != 314; k++)
                Struct0 struct16;
                Struct0 struct18;
                Struct0 struct21;
                Struct0 struct24;
                Struct0 struct27;
                double num10 = (smethod_1(random) * 3.14159265358979) * 2.0;
                Struct0 struct9 = struct6;
                Struct0 struct10 = struct5;
                double num11 = struct9.double_0;
                double num12 = struct9.double_1;
                double num13 = struct9.double_2;
                long num2 = 1L;
                long num4 = 1L;
                while (num4 <= smethod_5(random, 1, 3))
                    num2 *= k;
                    num4 += 1L;
                struct9.double_0 = ((num11 * (smethod_6(num10) + ((struct10.double_0 * struct10.double_0) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))))) + (num12 * (((struct10.double_0 * struct10.double_1) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) - (struct10.double_2 * smethod_7(num10))))) + (num13 * (((struct10.double_0 * struct10.double_2) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) + (struct10.double_1 * smethod_7(num10))));
                struct9.double_1 = ((num11 * (((struct10.double_0 * struct10.double_1) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) + (struct10.double_2 * smethod_7(num10)))) + (num12 * (smethod_6(num10) + ((struct10.double_1 * struct10.double_1) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10)))))) + (num13 * (((struct10.double_1 * struct10.double_2) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) - (struct10.double_0 * smethod_7(num10))));
                struct9.double_2 = ((num11 * (((struct10.double_2 * struct10.double_0) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) - (struct10.double_1 * smethod_7(num10)))) + (num12 * (((struct10.double_2 * struct10.double_1) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) + (struct10.double_0 * smethod_7(num10))))) + (num13 * (smethod_6(num10) + ((struct10.double_2 * struct10.double_2) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10)))));
                struct6 = struct9;
                Struct0 struct13 = struct3;
                Struct0 struct14 = struct6;
                Struct0 struct15 = struct4;
                buffer[3] = (byte)num13;
                struct16.double_0 = struct14.double_0 + struct15.double_0;
                num2 += (long)num13;
                struct16.double_1 = struct14.double_1 + struct15.double_1;
                struct16.double_2 = struct14.double_2 + struct15.double_2;
                Struct0 struct17 = struct16;
                double num14 = ((((struct17.double_0 - struct13.double_0) * (struct17.double_0 - struct13.double_0)) + ((struct17.double_1 - struct13.double_1) * (struct17.double_1 - struct13.double_1))) + ((struct17.double_2 - struct13.double_2) * (struct17.double_2 - struct13.double_2))) / 2.0;
                PointF tf = new PointF((float)struct16.double_0, (float)struct3.double_0);
                double x = tf.X;
                tf = new PointF((float)struct16.double_0, (float)struct3.double_0);
                double y = tf.Y;
                for (int m = 0; m < 100; m++)
                    num14 = (num14 + (((((struct17.double_0 - struct13.double_0) * (struct17.double_0 - struct13.double_0)) + ((struct17.double_1 - struct13.double_1) * (struct17.double_1 - struct13.double_1))) + ((struct17.double_2 - struct13.double_2) * (struct17.double_2 - struct13.double_2))) / num14)) / 2.0;
                double num15 = num14;
                if(num15 >= (num - 1E-08))
                    goto start;
                Struct0 struct11 = struct6;
                Struct0 struct12 = struct4;
                while (num4 <= smethod_5(random, 1, 3))
                    num2 *= k;
                    num4 += 1L;
                struct18.double_0 = struct11.double_0 + struct12.double_0;
                struct18.double_1 = struct11.double_1 + struct12.double_1;
                struct18.double_2 = struct11.double_2 + struct12.double_2;
                Struct0 struct19 = struct18;
                Struct0 struct20 = struct3;
                struct21.double_0 = struct19.double_0 - struct20.double_0;
                struct21.double_1 = struct19.double_1 - struct20.double_1;
                struct21.double_2 = struct19.double_2 - struct20.double_2;
                Struct0 struct7 = struct21;
                Struct0 struct22 = struct6;
                Struct0 struct23 = struct4;
                struct24.double_0 = struct22.double_0 + struct23.double_0;
                struct24.double_1 = struct22.double_1 + struct23.double_1;
                struct24.double_2 = struct22.double_2 + struct23.double_2;
                Struct0 struct25 = struct24;
                Struct0 struct26 = struct2;
                struct27.double_0 = struct25.double_0 - struct26.double_0;
                struct27.double_1 = struct25.double_1 - struct26.double_1;
                struct27.double_2 = struct25.double_2 - struct26.double_2;
                Struct0 struct8 = struct27;
                if (((num15 <= (num - 1E-08)) || (num15 >= (num + 1E-08))) || ((((((struct7.double_0 * struct8.double_0) + (struct7.double_1 * struct8.double_1)) + (struct7.double_2 * struct8.double_2)) <= -1E-08) || ((((struct7.double_0 * struct8.double_0) + (struct7.double_1 * struct8.double_1)) + (struct7.double_2 * struct8.double_2)) >= 1E-08)) ? !buffer[4].Equals(buffer[3]) : false))
                    goto start;


Edited by CYRAX
  • Like 2
  On 12/1/2016 at 4:26 PM, CYRAX said:

should work.....;)



keygen.zipFetching info...


 private void Generate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            textBox2.Text = "";
            Random random = new Random(smethod_0(this.textBox1).GetHashCode());
            Struct0 struct2;
            Struct0 struct3;
            struct2.double_0 = smethod_1(random) * 50.0;
            struct2.double_1 = smethod_1(random) * 50.0;
            struct2.double_2 = smethod_1(random) * 50.0;
            struct3.double_0 = (smethod_1(random) * 50.0) + 100.0;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[] { 82, 69, 87, 82, 76, 89, 66, 89, 89, 66, 57, 48, 80, 90 };
            struct3.double_1 = (smethod_1(random) * 50.0) + 100.0;
            struct3.double_2 = (smethod_1(random) * 50.0) + 100.0;
            double num = (smethod_1(random) * 50.0) + 10.0;
            Struct0 struct4;
            Struct0 struct5;
            Struct0 struct6;
            struct4.double_0 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct4.double_1 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct4.double_2 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct5.double_0 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct5.double_1 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            struct5.double_2 = Convert.ToDouble(random.Next(10));
            textBox2.Text = struct4.double_0.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct4.double_1.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct4.double_2.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct5.double_0.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct5.double_1.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + struct5.double_2.ToString() + IntToLetters(random.Next(10)) + random.Next(10);
            if (smethod_2((string)smethod_0(this.textBox2), @"(\d+\,\d+|\d+)").Count != 7)
                goto start;

        double num8 = ((struct5.double_0 * struct5.double_0) + (struct5.double_1 * struct5.double_1)) / 2.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                num8 = (num8 + (((struct5.double_0 * struct5.double_0) + (struct5.double_1 * struct5.double_1)) / num8)) / 2.0;
            struct6.double_0 = (struct5.double_1 * Convert.ToDouble((string)smethod_4((Capture)smethod_3((MatchCollection)smethod_2((string)smethod_0(this.textBox2), @"(\d+\,\d+|\d+)"), 3)))) / num8;
            double num6 = (struct5.double_0 * struct5.double_0) + (struct5.double_1 * struct5.double_1);
            double num5 = num6 / 2.0;
            for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                num5 = (num5 + (num6 / num5)) / 2.0;
            struct6.double_1 = ((-1.0 * struct5.double_0) * Convert.ToDouble((string)smethod_4((Capture)smethod_3((MatchCollection)smethod_2((string)smethod_0(this.textBox2), @"(\d+\,\d+|\d+)"), 3)))) / num5;
            struct6.double_2 = 0.0;
            for (int k = 0; k != 314; k++)
                Struct0 struct16;
                Struct0 struct18;
                Struct0 struct21;
                Struct0 struct24;
                Struct0 struct27;
                double num10 = (smethod_1(random) * 3.14159265358979) * 2.0;
                Struct0 struct9 = struct6;
                Struct0 struct10 = struct5;
                double num11 = struct9.double_0;
                double num12 = struct9.double_1;
                double num13 = struct9.double_2;
                long num2 = 1L;
                long num4 = 1L;
                while (num4 <= smethod_5(random, 1, 3))
                    num2 *= k;
                    num4 += 1L;
                struct9.double_0 = ((num11 * (smethod_6(num10) + ((struct10.double_0 * struct10.double_0) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))))) + (num12 * (((struct10.double_0 * struct10.double_1) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) - (struct10.double_2 * smethod_7(num10))))) + (num13 * (((struct10.double_0 * struct10.double_2) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) + (struct10.double_1 * smethod_7(num10))));
                struct9.double_1 = ((num11 * (((struct10.double_0 * struct10.double_1) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) + (struct10.double_2 * smethod_7(num10)))) + (num12 * (smethod_6(num10) + ((struct10.double_1 * struct10.double_1) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10)))))) + (num13 * (((struct10.double_1 * struct10.double_2) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) - (struct10.double_0 * smethod_7(num10))));
                struct9.double_2 = ((num11 * (((struct10.double_2 * struct10.double_0) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) - (struct10.double_1 * smethod_7(num10)))) + (num12 * (((struct10.double_2 * struct10.double_1) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10))) + (struct10.double_0 * smethod_7(num10))))) + (num13 * (smethod_6(num10) + ((struct10.double_2 * struct10.double_2) * (1.0 - smethod_6(num10)))));
                struct6 = struct9;
                Struct0 struct13 = struct3;
                Struct0 struct14 = struct6;
                Struct0 struct15 = struct4;
                buffer[3] = (byte)num13;
                struct16.double_0 = struct14.double_0 + struct15.double_0;
                num2 += (long)num13;
                struct16.double_1 = struct14.double_1 + struct15.double_1;
                struct16.double_2 = struct14.double_2 + struct15.double_2;
                Struct0 struct17 = struct16;
                double num14 = ((((struct17.double_0 - struct13.double_0) * (struct17.double_0 - struct13.double_0)) + ((struct17.double_1 - struct13.double_1) * (struct17.double_1 - struct13.double_1))) + ((struct17.double_2 - struct13.double_2) * (struct17.double_2 - struct13.double_2))) / 2.0;
                PointF tf = new PointF((float)struct16.double_0, (float)struct3.double_0);
                double x = tf.X;
                tf = new PointF((float)struct16.double_0, (float)struct3.double_0);
                double y = tf.Y;
                for (int m = 0; m < 100; m++)
                    num14 = (num14 + (((((struct17.double_0 - struct13.double_0) * (struct17.double_0 - struct13.double_0)) + ((struct17.double_1 - struct13.double_1) * (struct17.double_1 - struct13.double_1))) + ((struct17.double_2 - struct13.double_2) * (struct17.double_2 - struct13.double_2))) / num14)) / 2.0;
                double num15 = num14;
                if(num15 >= (num - 1E-08))
                    goto start;
                Struct0 struct11 = struct6;
                Struct0 struct12 = struct4;
                while (num4 <= smethod_5(random, 1, 3))
                    num2 *= k;
                    num4 += 1L;
                struct18.double_0 = struct11.double_0 + struct12.double_0;
                struct18.double_1 = struct11.double_1 + struct12.double_1;
                struct18.double_2 = struct11.double_2 + struct12.double_2;
                Struct0 struct19 = struct18;
                Struct0 struct20 = struct3;
                struct21.double_0 = struct19.double_0 - struct20.double_0;
                struct21.double_1 = struct19.double_1 - struct20.double_1;
                struct21.double_2 = struct19.double_2 - struct20.double_2;
                Struct0 struct7 = struct21;
                Struct0 struct22 = struct6;
                Struct0 struct23 = struct4;
                struct24.double_0 = struct22.double_0 + struct23.double_0;
                struct24.double_1 = struct22.double_1 + struct23.double_1;
                struct24.double_2 = struct22.double_2 + struct23.double_2;
                Struct0 struct25 = struct24;
                Struct0 struct26 = struct2;
                struct27.double_0 = struct25.double_0 - struct26.double_0;
                struct27.double_1 = struct25.double_1 - struct26.double_1;
                struct27.double_2 = struct25.double_2 - struct26.double_2;
                Struct0 struct8 = struct27;
                if (((num15 <= (num - 1E-08)) || (num15 >= (num + 1E-08))) || ((((((struct7.double_0 * struct8.double_0) + (struct7.double_1 * struct8.double_1)) + (struct7.double_2 * struct8.double_2)) <= -1E-08) || ((((struct7.double_0 * struct8.double_0) + (struct7.double_1 * struct8.double_1)) + (struct7.double_2 * struct8.double_2)) >= 1E-08)) ? !buffer[4].Equals(buffer[3]) : false))
                    goto start;




Good job so far, but it doesn't generate valid keys for me :D


This is a valid combination:


"112,692906435164 112,220858614027 107,975433032203 42,3713641767076 0,472435480484647 0,592734736047372 0,652280805682716"

Posted (edited)
  On 12/2/2016 at 10:47 AM, LoLLo90 said:

This is a valid combination:


"112,692906435164 112,220858614027 107,975433032203 42,3713641767076 0,472435480484647 0,592734736047372 0,652280805682716"


tried this out in your provided exe and it does NOT give your message of "Great job" either?

Edited by CYRAX
  On 12/5/2016 at 6:13 AM, CYRAX said:

tried this out in your provided exe and it does NOT give your message of "Great job" either?


Yes it's not givind Great job or good boy message and exiting program with error


Are you sure you are trying the exe without debuggers or something similar? tested on multiple computers and works fine

an other test key:

name: abc123

key: 129,723700797837 148,840008142447 129,571710326697 17,0896550734169 0,561785343813374 0,621541107829552 0,545970584147628

  On 12/7/2016 at 1:01 PM, LoLLo90 said:

Are you sure you are trying the exe without debuggers or something similar? tested on multiple computers and works fine

an other test key:

name: abc123

key: 129,723700797837 148,840008142447 129,571710326697 17,0896550734169 0,561785343813374 0,621541107829552 0,545970584147628


just tried new key and same thing just crash's exe,  no debuggers ect... just windows 10

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