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[InlineMe] VMProtect IsValidImageCRC()

Go to solution Solved by MistHill,

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On 9/17/2022 at 3:30 AM, abbas said:

could you please explain how you found this?

you can find these asm code at its vm_hash handler.

  • 1 year later...
On 4/2/2015 at 5:22 AM, SunBeam said:

[ Solutions so far: JohnWho, What ] (read whole thread)

Hello folks.

Decided I would post this here as well, as we're lacking some exercise on these kinds of targets.

Purpose: open up the test target, click OK on the message box.


Use any tool you want to alter a byte in application's active memory (e.g.: "MZ" string at ImageBase) and another message will appear.


Goal: make the 'bad' message never pop-up, but not through patching the all-too-clear JUMP. Inline VMProtect's CRC check method so the CALL always returns 1. Again, not through MOV EAX,1|RETN :) (P.S.: imagine you don't know where this function is in a well-obfuscated target).

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sngpjiclmdgu3m2/Lic_MessageBox_2.rar/file

Password: sunbeam


Lic_MessageBox_2.rar 62.42 kB · 18 downloads

When we modifies these underlined memory sections. the CRC check doesn't work.

00500000            00001000  User                 lic_messagebox.vmp.exe                                                                  IMG    -R---        ERWC-
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