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Scada Internet Exposure 2013-11

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Scada Internet Exposure 2013-11


We found that half a million ICS and SCADA devices are exposed in public databases, at risk of attack. About 20'000 are present in Switzerland and Italy alone. Switzerland is more exposed that Italy in proportion, with 2'742 exposed devices on a total of 884'607, compared to 17'074 of Italy on a total of 6'299'498.


Welcome to the first release of ScadaExposure, an observatory on international reachability of ICS and SCADA devices. The 2013-11 release is focused on answering the following questions:

  • Are ICS and SCADA devices correctly deployed and disconnected from public networks?

  • How many devices are exposed in Switzerland?

  • How many devices are exposed in Italy?

  • How does Switzerland compares to Italy and vice-versa?

  • What is the possible impact?








  • Like 1

:rule:  Nice.. Working in this... allah

خوستيسيا ديبينا اسيا لوس غوبيارنوس كوروبتوس ج بيكتيماس اِنوسينتيس تامبيان كي سي كريين سيكاريوس الا ليس تيندرا سو كاستيغو اِسبيرادنوس..... موريتاس نو سي سالباران دي اِستا



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