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How to Print the ASCII Character Set in Visual Basic


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Here's a different approach I've put together in the

past to get the 'Terminal' font into a .NET control:

public class TerminalBox : TextBox
public class LOGFONT
public const int LF_FACESIZE = 32;
public int lfHeight;
public int lfWidth;
public int lfEscapement;
public int lfOrientation;
public int lfWeight;
public byte lfItalic;
public byte lfUnderline;
public byte lfStrikeOut;
public byte lfCharSet;
public byte lfOutPrecision;
public byte lfClipPrecision;
public byte lfQuality;
public byte lfPitchAndFamily;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = LF_FACESIZE)]
public string lfFaceName;
[DllImport("gdi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern uint CreateFontIndirectA([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)]LOGFONT lplf);
static extern void SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, uint wParam, uint lParam);
protected override void OnCreateControl()
base.OnCreateControl(); LOGFONT lfFont = new LOGFONT();
lfFont.lfHeight = 9;
lfFont.lfCharSet = 1; // DEFAULT_CHARSET
lfFont.lfFaceName = "Terminal";
uint nfoFont = CreateFontIndirectA(lfFont); SendMessage(this.Handle, 0x00000030, nfoFont, 0x00000001); // hWnd, WM_SETFONT, hFont, [redraw=]true

Here is my old code, it require linedraw.ttf.

[DllImport ( "Shell32.DLL" )]

static extern int SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(IntPtr hwndOwner,

int nFolder, out IntPtr ppidl);

[DllImport ( "Shell32.DLL" )]

public static extern Int32 SHGetPathFromIDList(

IntPtr pidl, // Address of an item identifier list that

StringBuilder pszPath);

// Get the font path:

public string GetFontPath()


FileInfo[] cdirfonts=null;

FileInfo[] fontfiles=null;



DirectoryInfo curdi = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory);

cdirfonts = curdi.GetFiles("*.ttf");

foreach(FileInfo fi in cdirfonts)


if (fi.Name.ToLower()=="linedraw.ttf") return fi.FullName;








IntPtr pidl = IntPtr.Zero;

string FontDirectory="";

if( 0 == SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(IntPtr.Zero,

20, out pidl ) ) // 20 = Font Directory


// Then retrieve the path from the IDList.

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( 1000 );

SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, sb );



DirectoryInfo curdi = new DirectoryInfo(FontDirectory);

fontfiles = curdi.GetFiles("*.ttf");

foreach(FileInfo fi in fontfiles)


if (fi.Name.ToLower()=="linedraw.ttf") return fi.FullName;






return "";


// Now seeting the font:

string fontpath = GetFontPath();

if (fontpath!=null&&fontpath!=""&&File.Exists(fontpath))




PrivateFontCollection pfc = new PrivateFontCollection();


FontFamily terminal = pfc.Families[0];

Font fontTerminal = new Font(terminal, 12f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

txt_scroller.Font = fontTerminal;








Your code doesn't seems to work for a label

Any idea why ?


Yep, set "FlatStyle" to "System".

Same for buttons and alike,

since they are all "STATIC" controls..


Works fine now ;) thanks.

Now I have another problem with the Terminal font: Autosize doesn't work properly;

so I should compute the size on my own,

I looked on " INFO: Calculating The Logical Height and Point Size of a Font"

and I'm quite confuse :wacko:


I don't know w/o investigating, and to be honest I would simply

never use such a font, if it's not for a textbox to show NFO chars!

But if you're just doing it out of curiosity, then I guess you

should take a look at following API calls instead:

SIZE size;

IntPtr hDC = GetDC(someForm.Handle);

GetTextExtentPoint(hDC, someString, Len(someString), ref size);

ReleaseDC(someForm.Handle, hDC);

..'size' should contain height and width of the string in pixels

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