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Implementing LZMA


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Hi :)

I was trying to code my own packer, and after finishing most of the imports processing, I was going to move over to compressing the sections.

LZMA provides a pretty good compression so I chose it over aplib, also because aplib only works on x86 from what it says on their website.

Anyway, I downloaded the LZMA SDK and it's a complete mess.

There is no documentation whatsoever, just 4 folders, one for each programming language. There is only some decompression code for ANSI C, and the C++ code is totally messed up, 4 subfolders, all with the most meaningless names.

I dont have a single clue which files to copy and what functions to call.

Has anyone ever dealt with this stuff ? I could use the dll for packing, but I don't want to ship the dll with it, and I'd have to keep a dll for each platform. But I still need the decompression code for the packer stub.

Could anyone point me in the right direction ?

Posted (edited)

I've attached LZMA decompression function (from RLPack 1.21). I hope it's what you're looking for ;)


Edited by Armaked0n
Posted (edited)

Here is a packer called SimplePack which uses LZMA and has source code too:

Edited by GaBoR

Thanks, but I was looking for how to include it in C++. Should have mentioned that in the text, doh ^^

Heh, I knew the name was familiar, this stuff was ripped from Packman.

I took another look and hell yeah, it comes with C++ source :sorc:

Thanks :worthy:


As far as I see, LzmaEncoder is the class you are looking for and Code method is to be called when you want to compress something. There are also few steps before this.

I stopped using anything but C# since a long time, so I'll point you to an example there. You should look for LzmaAlone (or Lzma_Alone for other languages) project if you want to see some exampes.

In LzmaAlone.cs file, following code is one that does most of the job. You also need to set some properties before, open streams etc.

				Compression.LZMA.Encoder encoder = new Compression.LZMA.Encoder();
encoder.SetCoderProperties(propIDs, properties);
Int64 fileSize;
if (eos || stdInMode)
fileSize = -1;
fileSize = inStream.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
outStream.WriteByte((Byte)(fileSize >> (8 * i)));
if (trainStream != null)
CDoubleStream doubleStream = new CDoubleStream();
doubleStream.s1 = trainStream;
doubleStream.s2 = inStream;
doubleStream.fileIndex = 0;
inStream = doubleStream;
long trainFileSize = trainStream.Length;
doubleStream.skipSize = 0;
if (trainFileSize > dictionary)
doubleStream.skipSize = trainFileSize - dictionary;
trainStream.Seek(doubleStream.skipSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);
encoder.SetTrainSize((uint)(trainFileSize - doubleStream.skipSize));
encoder.Code(inStream, outStream, -1, -1, null);
  • 2 years later...

this is a bump and a half, but I figured I should post here.

Is there a version of this LZMA depacker that preserves the stack?

the ASM version of aplib works flawlessly though...


Check out 7zips page that has an LZMA SDK:


Thanks, but I meant the ASM version of depacking LZMA :).

Posted (edited)

Couldn't you place a PUSHAD/POPAD pair at the epilogue/prologue of the function to preserve the registers? The decompress function uses EBP to reference its parameters and placing the PUSHAD after the locals are allocated on the stack means that any EBP indexing will remain accurate. When the function completes, POPAD restores all registers before the return value is placed in EAX, then the stack is cleaned up with LEAVE and RET 0C.

You could also use individual pushes to save only EDX, EBX, ESI EDI but PUSHAD uses one byte and doesn't present any performance loss when used here. I don't have a clue what the clock cycles are when comparing PUSHAD to PUSH, maybe the speed a function which was called a lot (such as in the case of factorizing numbers or in an imaging library when blending) could be increased with streamlining two x two PUSHes but for this function PUSHAD is suitable imho.



; Author: Brandon LaCombe

; Date: February 3, 2006

; License: Public Domain

; The C prototype for this function is:

; DWORD STDCALL Decompress(PVOID pvDest, PVOID pvSource, PVOID pvWorkMem);


push ebp

mov ebp,esp

sub esp,30h ; <- Allocating local variable space

pushad ; <- Save our registers onto the stack

xor eax,eax

inc eax

mov edi,[ebp+10h] ; <- Function accessing parameter (pvWorkMem)

mov [ebp-14h],eax ; <- Function zeroing local variable

mov [ebp-1Ch],eax ; <- Etc...

mov [ebp-18h],eax

mov [ebp-28h],eax

mov eax,400h

xor edx,edx

mov ecx,30736h

rep stosd

mov eax,[ebp+0Ch]

push 5

mov [ebp-8],eax

mov [ebp-10h],edx

mov [ebp-1],dl

mov [ebp-0Ch],edx

mov [ebp+0Ch],edx

or eax,0FFFFFFFFh

pop ecx


mov esi,[ebp-8]

mov edx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx esi,byte ptr[esi]

shl edx,8

or edx,esi

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

dec ecx

mov [ebp+0Ch],edx

jnz @loc_401041


mov esi,[ebp-10h]

mov ecx,[ebp-0Ch]

mov edx,[ebp+10h]

and esi,3

shl ecx,4

add ecx,esi

cmp eax,1000000h

lea edi,[edx+ecx*4]

jnb @loc_40108A

mov edx,[ebp-8]

mov ecx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx edx,byte ptr[edx]

shl ecx,8

or ecx,edx

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],ecx


mov ecx,[edi]

mov ebx,eax

shr ebx,0Bh

imul ebx,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],ebx

jnb @loc_401207

mov esi,800h

sub esi,ecx

shr esi,5

add esi,ecx

movzx ecx,byte ptr[ebp-1]

imul ecx,0C00h

xor edx,edx

mov [edi],esi

mov esi,[ebp+10h]

inc edx

cmp dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],7

lea ecx,[ecx+esi+1CD8h]

mov eax,ebx

mov [ebp-20h],ecx

jl @loc_401170

mov ecx,[ebp-10h]

sub ecx,[ebp-14h]

mov esi,[ebp+8]

movzx ecx,byte ptr[ecx+esi]

mov [ebp-24h],ecx


shl dword ptr[ebp-24h],1

mov esi,[ebp-24h]

mov edi,[ebp-20h]

and esi,100h

cmp eax,1000000h

lea ecx,[esi+edx]

lea ecx,[edi+ecx*4+400h]

mov [ebp-2Ch],ecx

jnb @loc_40111B

mov ebx,[ebp-8]

mov edi,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx ebx,byte ptr[ebx]

shl edi,8

or edi,ebx

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],edi


mov ecx,[ecx]

mov edi,eax

shr edi,0Bh

imul edi,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],edi

jnb @loc_401149

mov eax,edi

mov edi,800h

sub edi,ecx

shr edi,5

add edi,ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-2Ch]

add edx,edx

test esi,esi

mov [ecx],edi

jnz @loc_4011C9

jmp @loc_401162


sub [ebp+0Ch],edi

sub eax,edi

mov edi,ecx

shr edi,5

sub ecx,edi

test esi,esi

mov edi,[ebp-2Ch]

mov [edi],ecx

lea edx,[edx+edx+1]

jz @loc_4011C9


cmp edx,100h

jl @loc_4010E1

jmp @loc_4011D1


cmp eax,1000000h

mov ecx,[ebp-20h]

lea edi,[ecx+edx*4]

jnb @loc_401194

mov esi,[ebp-8]

mov ecx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx esi,byte ptr[esi]

shl ecx,8

or ecx,esi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],ecx


mov ecx,[edi]

mov esi,eax

shr esi,0Bh

imul esi,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],esi

jnb @loc_4011B7

mov eax,esi

mov esi,800h

sub esi,ecx

shr esi,5

add esi,ecx

mov [edi],esi

add edx,edx

jmp @loc_4011C9


sub [ebp+0Ch],esi

sub eax,esi

mov esi,ecx

shr esi,5

sub ecx,esi

mov [edi],ecx

lea edx,[edx+edx+1]


cmp edx,100h

jl @loc_401170


mov esi,[ebp-10h]

mov ecx,[ebp+8]

inc dword ptr[ebp-10h]

cmp dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],4

mov [ebp-1],dl

mov [esi+ecx],dl

jge @loc_4011EF

and dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],0

jmp @loc_401058


cmp dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],0Ah

jge @loc_4011FE

sub dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],3

jmp @loc_401058


sub dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],6

jmp @loc_401058


sub [ebp+0Ch],ebx

mov edx,ecx

shr edx,5

sub ecx,edx

mov edx,[ebp-0Ch]

sub eax,ebx

cmp eax,1000000h

mov [edi],ecx

mov ecx,[ebp+10h]

lea edx,[ecx+edx*4+300h]

jnb @loc_401240

mov edi,[ebp-8]

mov ecx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx edi,byte ptr[edi]

shl ecx,8

or ecx,edi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],ecx


mov ecx,[edx]

mov edi,eax

shr edi,0Bh

imul edi,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],edi

jnb @loc_401292

mov eax,edi

mov edi,800h

sub edi,ecx

shr edi,5

add edi,ecx

cmp dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],7

mov ecx,[ebp-18h]

mov [ebp-28h],ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-1Ch]

mov [ebp-18h],ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-14h]

mov [edx],edi

mov [ebp-1Ch],ecx

jge @loc_40127D

and dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],0

jmp @loc_401284


mov dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],3


mov ecx,[ebp+10h]

add ecx,0CC8h

jmp @loc_40147B


sub [ebp+0Ch],edi

sub eax,edi

mov edi,ecx

shr edi,5

sub ecx,edi

cmp eax,1000000h

mov [edx],ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-0Ch]

mov edx,[ebp+10h]

lea edi,[edx+ecx*4+330h]

jnb @loc_4012CB

mov edx,[ebp-8]

mov ecx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx edx,byte ptr[edx]

shl ecx,8

or ecx,edx

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],ecx


mov ecx,[edi]

mov edx,eax

shr edx,0Bh

imul edx,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],edx

jnb @loc_40137F

mov ebx,800h

sub ebx,ecx

shr ebx,5

add ebx,ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-0Ch]

add ecx,0Fh

shl ecx,4

mov [edi],ebx

mov edi,[ebp+10h]

add ecx,esi

cmp edx,1000000h

mov eax,edx

lea edi,[edi+ecx*4]

jnb @loc_401320

mov ecx,[ebp+0Ch]

shl edx,8

mov eax,edx

mov edx,[ebp-8]

movzx edx,byte ptr[edx]

shl ecx,8

or ecx,edx

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],ecx


mov ecx,[edi]

mov edx,eax

shr edx,0Bh

imul edx,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],edx

jnb @loc_40136C

mov esi,[ebp-10h]

mov eax,edx

mov edx,800h

sub edx,ecx

shr edx,5

add edx,ecx

xor ecx,ecx

cmp dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],7

mov [edi],edx

mov edx,[ebp+8]

setnl cl

lea ecx,[ecx+ecx+9]

mov [ebp-0Ch],ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-10h]

sub ecx,[ebp-14h]

inc dword ptr[ebp-10h]

mov cl,[ecx+edx]

mov [ebp-1],cl

mov [esi+edx],cl

jmp @loc_401058


sub [ebp+0Ch],edx

sub eax,edx

mov edx,ecx

shr edx,5

sub ecx,edx

mov [edi],ecx

jmp @loc_40145F


sub [ebp+0Ch],edx

sub eax,edx

mov edx,ecx

shr edx,5

sub ecx,edx

cmp eax,1000000h

mov edx,[ebp+10h]

mov [edi],ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-0Ch]

lea edx,[edx+ecx*4+360h]

jnb @loc_4013B8

mov edi,[ebp-8]

mov ecx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx edi,byte ptr[edi]

shl ecx,8

or ecx,edi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],ecx


mov ecx,[edx]

mov edi,eax

shr edi,0Bh

imul edi,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],edi

jnb @loc_4013DC

mov eax,edi

mov edi,800h

sub edi,ecx

shr edi,5

add edi,ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-1Ch]

mov [edx],edi

jmp @loc_401456


sub [ebp+0Ch],edi

sub eax,edi

mov edi,ecx

shr edi,5

sub ecx,edi

cmp eax,1000000h

mov [edx],ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-0Ch]

mov edx,[ebp+10h]

lea edx,[edx+ecx*4+390h]

jnb @loc_401415

mov edi,[ebp-8]

mov ecx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx edi,byte ptr[edi]

shl ecx,8

or ecx,edi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],ecx


mov ecx,[edx]

mov edi,eax

shr edi,0Bh

imul edi,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],edi

jnb @loc_401439

mov eax,edi

mov edi,800h

sub edi,ecx

shr edi,5

add edi,ecx

mov ecx,[ebp-18h]

mov [edx],edi

jmp @loc_401450


sub [ebp+0Ch],edi

sub eax,edi

mov edi,ecx

shr edi,5

sub ecx,edi

mov [edx],ecx

mov edx,[ebp-18h]

mov ecx,[ebp-28h]

mov [ebp-28h],edx


mov edx,[ebp-1Ch]

mov [ebp-18h],edx


mov edx,[ebp-14h]

mov [ebp-1Ch],edx

mov [ebp-14h],ecx


xor ecx,ecx

cmp dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],7

setnl cl

dec ecx

and ecx,0FFFFFFFDh

add ecx,0Bh

mov [ebp-0Ch],ecx

mov ecx,[ebp+10h]

add ecx,14D0h


cmp eax,1000000h

jnb @loc_401499

mov edi,[ebp-8]

mov edx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx edi,byte ptr[edi]

shl edx,8

or edx,edi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],edx


mov edx,[ecx]

mov edi,eax

shr edi,0Bh

imul edi,edx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],edi

jnb @loc_4014C5

mov eax,edi

mov edi,800h

sub edi,edx

shr edi,5

add edi,edx

shl esi,5

and dword ptr[ebp-24h],0

mov [ecx],edi

lea ecx,[esi+ecx+8]

jmp @loc_401523


sub [ebp+0Ch],edi

sub eax,edi

mov edi,edx

shr edi,5

sub edx,edi

cmp eax,1000000h

mov [ecx],edx

jnb @loc_4014F1

mov edi,[ebp-8]

mov edx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx edi,byte ptr[edi]

shl edx,8

or edx,edi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],edx


mov edx,[ecx+4]

mov edi,eax

shr edi,0Bh

imul edi,edx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],edi

jnb @loc_40152C

mov eax,edi

mov edi,800h

sub edi,edx

shr edi,5

add edi,edx

shl esi,5

mov [ecx+4],edi

lea ecx,[esi+ecx+208h]

mov dword ptr[ebp-24h],8


mov dword ptr[ebp-20h],3

jmp @loc_40154F


sub [ebp+0Ch],edi

mov esi,edx

shr esi,5

sub edx,esi

sub eax,edi

mov [ecx+4],edx

add ecx,408h

mov dword ptr[ebp-24h],10h

mov dword ptr[ebp-20h],8


mov edx,[ebp-20h]

xor ebx,ebx

mov [ebp-2Ch],edx

inc ebx


cmp eax,1000000h

jnb @loc_401576

mov esi,[ebp-8]

mov edx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx esi,byte ptr[esi]

shl edx,8

or edx,esi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],edx


mov edx,[ecx+ebx*4]

mov esi,eax

shr esi,0Bh

imul esi,edx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],esi

jnb @loc_40159B

mov eax,esi

mov esi,800h

sub esi,edx

shr esi,5

add esi,edx

mov [ecx+ebx*4],esi

add ebx,ebx

jmp @loc_4015AE


sub [ebp+0Ch],esi

sub eax,esi

mov esi,edx

shr esi,5

sub edx,esi

mov [ecx+ebx*4],edx

lea ebx,[ebx+ebx+1]


dec dword ptr[ebp-2Ch]

jnz @loc_401558

mov ecx,[ebp-20h]

xor edx,edx

inc edx

mov esi,edx

shl esi,cl

mov ecx,[ebp-24h]

sub ecx,esi

add ebx,ecx

cmp dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],4

mov [ebp-30h],ebx

jge @loc_401765

add dword ptr[ebp-0Ch],7

cmp ebx,4

jge @loc_4015DE

mov ecx,ebx

jmp @loc_4015E1


push 3

pop ecx


mov esi,[ebp+10h]

shl ecx,8

lea edi,[ecx+esi+6C0h]

mov dword ptr[ebp-2Ch],6


cmp eax,1000000h

jnb @loc_401613

mov esi,[ebp-8]

mov ecx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx esi,byte ptr[esi]

shl ecx,8

or ecx,esi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],ecx


mov ecx,[edi+edx*4]

mov esi,eax

shr esi,0Bh

imul esi,ecx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],esi

jnb @loc_401638

mov eax,esi

mov esi,800h

sub esi,ecx

shr esi,5

add esi,ecx

mov [edi+edx*4],esi

add edx,edx

jmp @loc_40164B


sub [ebp+0Ch],esi

sub eax,esi

mov esi,ecx

shr esi,5

sub ecx,esi

mov [edi+edx*4],ecx

lea edx,[edx+edx+1]


dec dword ptr[ebp-2Ch]

jnz @loc_4015F5

sub edx,40h

cmp edx,4

mov edi,edx

jl @loc_401736

mov ecx,edx

sar ecx,1

and edi,1

dec ecx

or edi,2

cmp edx,0Eh

mov [ebp-14h],ecx

jge @loc_401683

shl edi,cl

mov ecx,edi

sub ecx,edx

mov edx,[ebp+10h]

lea ebx,[edx+ecx*4+0ABCh]

jmp @loc_4016C9


sub ecx,4


cmp eax,1000000h

jnb @loc_4016A4

mov esi,[ebp-8]

mov edx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx esi,byte ptr[esi]

shl edx,8

or edx,esi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],edx


shr eax,1

add edi,edi

cmp [ebp+0Ch],eax

jb @loc_4016B3

sub [ebp+0Ch],eax

or edi,1


dec ecx

jnz @loc_401686

mov ebx,[ebp+10h]

add ebx,0C88h

shl edi,4

mov dword ptr[ebp-14h],4


xor ecx,ecx

inc ecx

mov [ebp-20h],ebx

mov [ebp-24h],ecx


cmp eax,1000000h

jnb @loc_4016F0

mov esi,[ebp-8]

mov edx,[ebp+0Ch]

movzx esi,byte ptr[esi]

shl edx,8

or edx,esi

shl eax,8

inc dword ptr[ebp-8]

mov [ebp+0Ch],edx


mov edx,[ebx+ecx*4]

mov esi,eax

shr esi,0Bh

imul esi,edx

cmp [ebp+0Ch],esi

jnb @loc_401715

mov eax,esi

mov esi,800h

sub esi,edx

shr esi,5

add esi,edx

mov [ebx+ecx*4],esi

add ecx,ecx

jmp @loc_40172E


sub [ebp+0Ch],esi

mov ebx,[ebp-20h]

sub eax,esi

mov esi,edx

shr esi,5

sub edx,esi

or edi,[ebp-24h]

mov [ebx+ecx*4],edx

lea ecx,[ecx+ecx+1]


shl dword ptr[ebp-24h],1

dec dword ptr[ebp-14h]

jnz @loc_4016D2


inc edi

mov [ebp-14h],edi

jz @loc_40176A

mov ebx,[ebp-30h]


mov ecx,[ebp-10h]

inc ebx

sub ecx,edi

inc ebx

add ecx,[ebp+8]


mov dl,[ecx]

mov esi,[ebp-10h]

mov edi,[ebp+8]

dec ebx

inc dword ptr[ebp-10h]

inc ecx

test ebx,ebx

mov [ebp-1],dl

mov [esi+edi],dl

jnz @loc_401749

jmp @loc_401058


mov edi,[ebp-14h]

jmp @loc_40173F



mov eax,[ebp-10h]


retn 0Ch

Edited by ghandi
  • Like 1


forgot that, thanx!

I'll let you know how it goes.


Thanks Ghandi.

The code had a overhead of around 1902 bytes.

Not bad for something offering quite significant savings over aplib. :)


Nice to know it worked, glad i could help :D.

If i recall correctly, doesn't LZMA compression efficiency increase (up to a threshold limit) in accordance to the size of files/chunks increasing? I think that is why some compression tools offer the choice of both but I'm not sure.



Posted (edited)

Yep you are correct, the compression efficiency seems to be related to the size of the data. Under a certain limit, its worth just using libraries like JCALG and aplib, since the overhead of the LZMA depacker is too much. Plus, it seems those algorithms get good rates anyway on small sets of data, and the difference then with LZMA is only a few KB. o.o

From my experiments with aplib in my packer, more often than not, aplib works really well with small targets like crackmes, and some of my keygen/patch templates. LZMA worked really well on my bigger stuff like my GBA emulator, plus some other emulators/apps I tried (which are around 800KB-10MB in size). Multimedia stuff it seems compresses great, which is nice. I'm considering adding some detection for such size exes/dlls, and then compression could be chosen optimally on the fly. Of course, overrides would be added in that case, too.

I suppose implementing a code preprocessor ala how kkrunchy does compression could help with code compression even more, especially with LZ based compressors like aplib. smile.png I'm interested to research how other algorithms go, too, like PAQ or even more LZ variants like LZH...

Edited by mudlord

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