thisistest Posted December 13, 2008 Posted December 13, 2008 004856C6 |. 84C0 test al,al004856C8 0F84 EA000000 je CrackMe2.004857B8004856CE |. 8D4D F4 lea ecx,[local.3]004856D1 |. 8B15 088D4800 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[488D08]004856D7 |. 8B83 18030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+318]004856DD |. E8 D2FCFFFF call CrackMe2.004853B4004856E2 |. 8B45 F4 mov eax,[local.3]004856E5 |. 8D55 F8 lea edx,[local.2]004856E8 |. E8 132CF8FF call CrackMe2.00408300004856ED |. 8B45 F8 mov eax,[local.2]004856F0 |. 50 push eax004856F1 |. 8D55 F0 lea edx,[local.4]004856F4 |. 8B83 04030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+304]004856FA |. E8 0D3DFBFF call CrackMe2.0043940C004856FF |. 8B55 F0 mov edx,[local.4]00485702 |. 58 pop eax00485703 |. E8 FCEBF7FF call CrackMe2.0040430400485708 |. 0F85 AA000000 jnz CrackMe2.004857B80048570E |. 8D55 E8 lea edx,[local.6]00485711 |. 8B83 04030000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+304]00485717 |. E8 F03CFBFF call CrackMe2.0043940C0048571C |. 8B45 E8 mov eax,[local.6]0048571F |. 8D55 EC lea edx,[local.5]00485722 |. E8 E9EFFFFF call CrackMe2.0048471000485727 |. 8B45 EC mov eax,[local.5]0048572A |. 50 push eax0048572B |. 8D55 E4 lea edx,[local.7]0048572E |. 8B83 FC020000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+2FC]00485734 |. E8 D33CFBFF call CrackMe2.0043940C00485739 |. 8D45 E4 lea eax,[local.7]0048573C |. 50 push eax0048573D |. 8D55 E0 lea edx,[local.8]00485740 |. 8B83 F8020000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+2F8]00485746 |. E8 C13CFBFF call CrackMe2.0043940C0048574B |. 8B55 E0 mov edx,[local.8]0048574E |. 58 pop eax0048574F |. E8 6CEAF7FF call CrackMe2.004041C000485754 |. 8B55 E4 mov edx,[local.7]00485757 |. 58 pop eax00485758 |. E8 A7EBF7FF call CrackMe2.004043040048575D |. 75 59 jnz short CrackMe2.004857B80048575F |. 6A 40 push 4000485761 |. 8D55 DC lea edx,[local.9]00485764 |. B8 6C584800 mov eax,CrackMe2.0048586C ; ASCII "CCE1CABE"00485769 |. E8 DEF8FFFF call CrackMe2.0048504C0048576E |. 8B45 DC mov eax,[local.9]00485771 |. E8 42ECF7FF call CrackMe2.004043B800485776 |. 50 push eax00485777 |. 8D55 D8 lea edx,[local.10]0048577A |. B8 80584800 mov eax,CrackMe2.00485880 ; ASCII "D7A2B2E1B3C9B9A6A3A1CAB9D3C3CADAC8A8D3DAA3BA"0048577F |. E8 C8F8FFFF call CrackMe2.0048504C00485784 |. 8D45 D8 lea eax,[local.10]00485787 |. 50 push eax00485788 |. 8D55 D4 lea edx,[local.11]0048578B |. 8B83 FC020000 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[ebx+2FC]00485791 |. E8 763CFBFF call CrackMe2.0043940C00485796 |. 8B55 D4 mov edx,[local.11]00485799 |. 58 pop eax0048579A |. E8 21EAF7FF call CrackMe2.004041C00048579F |. 8B45 D8 mov eax,[local.10]004857A2 |. E8 11ECF7FF call CrackMe2.004043B8004857A7 |. 8BD0 mov edx,eax004857A9 |. A1 0C744800 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[48740C]004857AE |. 8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]004857B0 |. 59 pop ecx004857B1 |. E8 3237FDFF call CrackMe2.00458EE8004857B6 |. EB 3C jmp short CrackMe2.004857F4004857B8 |> 6A 10 push 1000458F2D |. 3B45 E8 cmp eax,[local.6]00458F30 |. 74 60 je short CrackMe2.00458F9200458F30 |. /74 60 je short CrackMe2.00458F9200458F32 |. |C745 BC 28000>mov [local.17],2800458F39 |. |8D45 BC lea eax,[local.17]00458F3C |. |50 push eax00458F3D |. |8B45 EC mov eax,[local.5]00458F40 |. |50 push eax00458F41 |. |A1 88724800 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[487288]00458F46 |. |8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]00458F48 |. |FFD0 call eax00458F4A |. |8D45 AC lea eax,[local.21]00458F4D |. |50 push eax ; /pRect00458F4E |. |8B45 FC mov eax,[local.1] ; |00458F51 |. |8B40 30 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+30] ; |00458F54 |. |50 push eax ; |hWnd00458F55 |. |E8 E6DBFAFF call <jmp.&user32.GetWindowRect> ; \GetWindowRect00458F30 |. /74 60 je short CrackMe2.00458F9200458F32 |. |C745 BC 28000>mov [local.17],2800458F39 |. |8D45 BC lea eax,[local.17]00458F3C |. |50 push eax00458F3D |. |8B45 EC mov eax,[local.5]00458F40 |. |50 push eax00458F41 |. |A1 88724800 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[487288]00458F46 |. |8B00 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax]00458F48 |. |FFD0 call eax00458F4A |. |8D45 AC lea eax,[local.21]00458F4D |. |50 push eax ; /pRect00458F4E |. |8B45 FC mov eax,[local.1] ; |00458F51 |. |8B40 30 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+30] ; |00458F54 |. |50 push eax ; |hWnd00458F55 |. |E8 E6DBFAFF call <jmp.&user32.GetWindowRect> ; \GetWindowRect00458F5A |. |6A 1D push 1D00458F5C |. |6A 00 push 000458F5E |. |6A 00 push 000458F60 |. |8B4D CC mov ecx,[local.13]00458F63 |. |8B55 C4 mov edx,[local.15]00458F66 |. |2BCA sub ecx,edx00458F68 |. |D1F9 sar ecx,100458F6A |. |79 03 jns short CrackMe2.00458F6F00458F6C |. |83D1 00 adc ecx,000458F6F |> |03CA add ecx,edx00458F71 |. |51 push ecx00458F72 |. |8B55 C8 mov edx,[local.14]00458F75 |. |8B45 C0 mov eax,[local.16]00458F78 |. |2BD0 sub edx,eax00458F7A |. |D1FA sar edx,100458F7C |79 03 jns short CrackMe2.00458F8100458F7E |. |83D2 00 adc edx,000458F81 |> |03D0 add edx,eax ; |00458F83 |. |52 push edx ; |X00458F84 |. |6A 00 push 0 ; |InsertAfter = HWND_TOP00458F86 |. |8B45 FC mov eax,[local.1] ; |00458F89 |. |8B40 30 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+30] ; |00458F8C |. |50 push eax ; |hWnd00458F8D |. |E8 CEDDFAFF call <jmp.&user32.SetWindowPos> ; \SetWindowPos00458F92 |> \33C0 xor eax,eax00458F94 |. E8 236DFFFF call CrackMe2.0044FCBC00458F99 |. 8945 F0 mov [local.4],eax00458F9C |. E8 376CFFFF call CrackMe2.0044FBD800458FA1 |. 8945 E4 mov [local.7],eax00458FA4 |. 8B45 FC mov eax,[local.1]00458FA7 |. E8 C8EEFFFF call CrackMe2.00457E7400458FAC |. 84C0 test al,al00458FAE |. 74 06 je short CrackMe2.00458FB600458FB0 |. 81CB 00001000 or ebx,10000000458FB6 |> 33C9 xor ecx,ecx00458FB8 |. 55 push ebp00458FB9 |. 68 3D904500 push CrackMe2.0045903D00458FBE |. 64:FF31 push dword ptr fs:[ecx]00458FC1 |. 64:8921 mov dword ptr fs:[ecx],esp00458FC4 |. 53 push ebx ; /Style00458FC5 |. 57 push edi ; |Title00458FC6 |. 56 push esi ; |Text00458FC7 |. 8B45 FC mov eax,[local.1] ; |00458FCA |. 8B40 30 mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+30] ; |00458FCD |. 50 push eax ; |hOwner00458FCE |. E8 55DCFAFF call <jmp.&user32.MessageBoxA> ; \MessageBoxACrackMe2.rar
Teddy Rogers Posted December 14, 2008 Posted December 14, 2008 The [crackme] tag has been added to your topic title.Please remember to follow and adhere to the topic title format - thankyou![This is an automated reply]
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